Search: For - nuclear security

49 results found

Integrating AI in nuclear security: Challenges and ethical considerations
Jan 15, 2025

Integrating AI in nuclear security: Challenges and ethical considerations

As AI enters the field of nuclear security, global discussion forums that produce ethical and regulatory frameworks for the use of AI are necessary

पश्चिम आशियातील आण्विक तणावावर ट्रम्प 2.0 चा प्रभाव
Jan 15, 2025

पश्चिम आशियातील आण्विक तणावावर ट्रम्प 2.0 चा प्रभाव

भूतकाळात, ट्रम्प यांचे परराष्ट्र धोरण पश्चिम आशियातील स�

Improving nuclear security: The risk of counterfeits
Dec 24, 2024

Improving nuclear security: The risk of counterfeits

Counterfeit goods in the nuclear supply chain pose a significant threat to security, necessitating more robust measures within India’s nuclear polic

रशियाच्या नवीन आण्विक धोरणाचा जगावर काय परिणाम होईल?
Oct 28, 2024

रशियाच्या नवीन आण्विक धोरणाचा जगावर काय परिणाम होईल?

पुतिन यांनी नवीन धोक्यांची शक्यता नोंदवत, रशियाच्या आण्�

ब्रिक्समध्ये भारताचा प्रस्ताव: चंद्रावर अणुशक्तीच्या दिशेने वाटचाल!
Oct 24, 2024

ब्रिक्समध्ये भारताचा प्रस्ताव: चंद्रावर अणुशक्तीच्या दिशेने वाटचाल!

ब्रिक्सची अंतराळ संशोधन संघटना निर्माण करण्याचा भारताच

प्रतिबंधास प्राधान्य : भारताचे अद्ययावत राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा धोरण
Sep 23, 2024

प्रतिबंधास प्राधान्य : भारताचे अद्ययावत राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा धोरण

हिंदी महासागरात तीव्र होत जाणाऱ्या भू-राजकीय वातावरणात,

‘बायो-सिक्योरिटी’ में लीडरशिप की भूमिका में महिलाओं का प्रतिनिधित्व!
Sep 17, 2024

‘बायो-सिक्योरिटी’ में लीडरशिप की भूमिका में महिलाओं का प्रतिनिधित्व!

जैव खतरे के सामने महिलाओं की बिल्कुल अलग किस्म की असुरक्�

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age
Mar 28, 2019

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age

The West’s failure to understand the New Nuclear Age is the real reason for today’s nuclear pessimism.

India's Nuclear Security in the Aftermath of URI Attack
Sep 19, 2016

India's Nuclear Security in the Aftermath of URI Attack

What is the way ahead? For one, the global efforts in ensuring the safety and security of nuclear materials need to furthered.

Nuclear Security in India: Mapping the Threat Scenario
Sep 23, 2014

Nuclear Security in India: Mapping the Threat Scenario

This Issue Brief analyses the possible nuclear and radiological threats that India could face. It also examines the various ways in which these threats could occur and the likely actors inclined to carry them out.

Nuclear Security: India and the NTI Ranking
Aug 23, 2023

Nuclear Security: India and the NTI Ranking

In light of the 2014 NTI Index which ranks India 23rd out of 25 countries with weapons-usable nuclear materials, this issue brief highlights problem areas in the Index and proposes suggestions for improving the Indian nuclear security regime.

Former PM Envoy launches "Nuclear Security in India" report
Jun 01, 2015

Former PM Envoy launches "Nuclear Security in India" report

'Nuclear Security in India' Report, launched recently by former PM Envoy on Non-Proliferation Rakesh Sood, sets out a list of policy recommendations which essentially seeks to address the gaps that still remain in the overall architecture of nuclear security in the country.

India's nuclear security: Strengths and gaps
Jun 14, 2017

India's nuclear security: Strengths and gaps

A study conducted by Observer Research Foundation in 2014-15 found that India has a fairly strong nuclear security policy.

India’s Nuclear Security Regime: Physical Protection and Crisis Management Measures
Jul 19, 2022

India’s Nuclear Security Regime: Physical Protection and Crisis Management Measures

The security of nuclear and radiological materials is a critical global issue due to the growing number of existing and emerging threats in the nuclear domain. Within the broad domain of nuclear security, several challenges and threats—such as the physical protection of nuclear materials, insider threat, transportation security, and cyber threats—have raised concerns among governments and the international community. This report focuses on th

Insider Threats and Nuclear Security During a Pandemic
Apr 23, 2021

Insider Threats and Nuclear Security During a Pandemic

Insider threats targeting nuclear plants have always been a concern. A stressful pandemic exacerbates those existing risks.

Reducing Radiation: Navigating Nuclear Security
May 30, 2014

Reducing Radiation: Navigating Nuclear Security

While India has instituted pretty stringent measures, some of which are lacking in even other key nuclear players, India has done a bad job of advertising to the global community of what it has done. This has meant poor appreciation of India's efforts in the area of Nuclear Security.

Why India’s nuclear security challenge demands attention
Jul 07, 2018

Why India’s nuclear security challenge demands attention

It is essential that the government goes ahead and tables the NSRA Bill.

A path to NSG: India’s rise in the global nuclear order
Dec 24, 2017

A path to NSG: India’s rise in the global nuclear order

This research provides an empirical analysis of India’s limited, but transformative position in the global nuclear order. By examining India’s bid for a Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) membership, this paper makes three major arguments. First, India’s attempt to acquire veto power status through the NSG challenges classical revisionism in international relations theory. Second, India’s rise through the NSG is based on selective coalition-bu

Confronting India’s nuclear regulation challenge
Mar 25, 2020

Confronting India’s nuclear regulation challenge

India should recognise that no country has a completely fool-proof mechanism and it should not get excessively defensive about its nuclear security policies and practices.

Contra massive retaliation: Possible trajectories of a flexible response deterrent strategy for India
Aug 06, 2018

Contra massive retaliation: Possible trajectories of a flexible response deterrent strategy for India

The extant scholarship on India’s nuclear doctrine, while problematising the credibility deficit in the strategy of massive retaliation, fails to provide a policy alternative. This study examines the alternative of flexible response available for India and makes an assessment of whether it provides a solution to this problem in India’s nuclear doctrine. Even when flexible response is often cited in India’s strategic circles as a likely alte

Ensuring Cyber Security in India’s Nuclear Systems
May 11, 2023

Ensuring Cyber Security in India’s Nuclear Systems

Cyber security should take centrestage in nuclear-policymaking. This brief evaluates the current state of cyber security in India’s civilian and military nuclear systems, as gleaned from both incidents of breach on-ground and analyses in the public discourse. It outlines the level of threats faced in this domain, and makes a case for the development of policy measures for an integrated cyber-nuclear security strategy.

India and Counterforce: A Question of Evidence
May 14, 2020

India and Counterforce: A Question of Evidence

Even as India has had a long-running debate about many aspects of its nuclear doctrine, most importantly, its No First Use (NFU) policy, the country continues to maintain the NFU. This paper makes a critical assessment of recent arguments made by Christopher Clary and Vipin Narang that India may be reconsidering its NFU policy because of counterforce “temptations”. The paper dissects the evidence they present—statements made by mostly retir

India’s Participation in the NSG: Capturing the Debate
Apr 27, 2015

India’s Participation in the NSG: Capturing the Debate

The paper examines how the Nuclear Suppliers Group has evolved over the years and the role the Group defines for itself. It also attempts to provide a more nuanced understanding of the consequences of India's NSG-membership.

Nuclear Developments in Iran: Comprehending the Indian View
Apr 21, 2015

Nuclear Developments in Iran: Comprehending the Indian View

This paper examines Indian policies and decisions on Iran's nuclear programme and reveals a number of critical factors which have influenced New Delhi on this matter in varying degrees.

Preventing proliferation: Tracking Uranium on the blockchain
Aug 20, 2023

Preventing proliferation: Tracking Uranium on the blockchain

Advances in technology, the shifting sands of the global nuclear energy market, and the extant standards and practices surrounding the monitoring of radioactive materials raise important questions about the future of nuclear security. Technological advancements have enabled the retrieval of radioactive materials from unconventional sources and made fuel fabrication easier. The emergence of new players in the nuclear energy market also flags conce

Radiological Security in India: Policies and Challenges
Jun 30, 2020

Radiological Security in India: Policies and Challenges

Radiological sources are used extensively in civilian sectors including for medical, industrial, agricultural and research purposes.  While the positive benefits are well-recognised, concerns about terrorists using these materials to develop a “dirty bomb” are also well-known.  Because of the extensive use of radiological materials in the civilian sector, these are easily accessible. The absence of an overarching regime covering radioactive

Solving India’s Nuclear Liability Conundrum
Jan 22, 2015

Solving India’s Nuclear Liability Conundrum

This Paper offers a broad and objective analysis on the controversial issue of 'uclear liability', India's concerns and provides a recommendation for a coherent and comprehensive approach to resolve this conundrum.

To avert disaster the US must deal with North Korea
Mar 08, 2017

To avert disaster the US must deal with North Korea

The US must consider giving nuclear no-first-use assurance to North Korea in return for non-use and no further missile or nuclear tests

कोरोनामुळे अणूसुरक्षा अधिक आव्हानात्मक
May 04, 2021

कोरोनामुळे अणूसुरक्षा अधिक आव्हानात्मक

सध्याच्या साथरोगासारखी अत्यंत टोकाची तणावग्रस्त परिस्थिती उद्भवली, तर आण्विक प्रकल्पामधील अंतर्गत धोके आणखी गंभीर होण्याची शक्यता असते.

डिलिव्हरी वाहनांच्या प्रगतीमुळे भारताच्या आण्विक ट्रायडला चालना
May 16, 2023

डिलिव्हरी वाहनांच्या प्रगतीमुळे भारताच्या आण्विक ट्रायडला चालना

भारताकडे असलेली 160 वॉरहेड्स आणि नवीन डिलिव्हरी वाहने विरोधकांना निश्चल करण्यासाठी आणि प्रतिकारशक्तीला विश्वासार्ह बनवण्यासाठी पुरेशी आहेत.

पोखरण II पासून पश्चिम आशियामध्ये आण्विक वाद
May 17, 2023

पोखरण II पासून पश्चिम आशियामध्ये आण्विक वाद

अण्वस्त्रे बाळगण्याची इच्छा हे पश्चिम आशियातील देशांचे  बऱ्याच काळापासूनचे उद्दिष्ट आहे.  ते येत्या काळातल्या कमकुवत अण्वस्त्र अप्रसार नियमांमुळे पूर्ण होऊ शकते.

भारत-चीन संघर्षात अण्वस्त्रसज्जतेची भीती
Sep 16, 2020

भारत-चीन संघर्षात अण्वस्त्रसज्जतेची भीती

भारत-चीन संघर्ष लवकर मिटला नाही तर तो सोडवण्यासाठी दोन्ही अण्वस्त्रधारी राष्ट्रे आपली अण्वस्त्रे परजतील का, याबद्दल सरंक्षण क्षेत्रात मोठी चर्चा होत आहे.

शस्त्र नियंत्रण और INF संधि: नए आयाम की तलाश
Jan 23, 2020

शस्त्र नियंत्रण और INF संधि: नए आयाम की तलाश

क्या चीन को INF संधि में शामिल किया जाना चाहिए? अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति डॉनल्ड ट्रंप ने इस संधि से अलग होने का इसे भी एक कारण माना है. INF संधि ने दुनिया में हथियारों की होड़ को कम क�

सर्वनाशक अण्वस्त्रांचे महत्त्व वाढतंय!
Jun 25, 2021

सर्वनाशक अण्वस्त्रांचे महत्त्व वाढतंय!

जागतिक आणि विशेषतः आशियाई राजकारणाचा सध्याचा कल पाहता, आण्विक नि:शस्त्रीकरणाच्या दिशेने फारशी प्रगती झालेली नाही.