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Exploring Ways to Fill Delhi’s Unmet Water Needs
Apr 18, 2024

Exploring Ways to Fill Delhi’s Unmet Water Needs

Delhi—a city and union territory of India containing the country’s capital, New Delhi—continues to grow in population, posing challenges to civic agencies in the provision of citizens’ essential needs. This brief examines the experience of Delhi’s water agency in obtaining raw water, amid the growing gap in supply and demand that is only being exacerbated by climate change. The brief finds multiple reasons for the inadequacy of raw wate

The Smart Cities Mission in Delhi, 2015-2019: An evaluation
Jan 09, 2020

The Smart Cities Mission in Delhi, 2015-2019: An evaluation

The Indian government launched the Smart Cities Mission (SCM) in 2015 to drive economic growth and improve people’s quality of life in 100 cities across the country. Over the past four years, various smart projects have been implemented in the selected cities. This report documents the status, progress and experience of implementing the SCM in Delhi. It presents the findings of an empirical investigation of five of the projects undertaken in th

Water for Indian Cities: Government Practices and Policy Concerns
Jul 31, 2023

Water for Indian Cities: Government Practices and Policy Concerns

The demand for basic infrastructure and services in Indian cities has increased phenomenally due to rapidly growing populations. Such unmet demands often adversely affect the quality of urban life, the economic productivity, as well as the process of sustainable development. The main purpose of this brief is to highlight the problems involved in improving access to water supply in Indian cities faced with a severe water shortage crisis. A case st