Search: For - mumbai metropolitan region

5 results found

The menace of building collapses in urban India
Oct 05, 2020

The menace of building collapses in urban India

Solutions to the problem are pretty obvious. The first step is to set the policy right. Governments have to begin by scrapping the rent laws as they s

Mumbai Metro 3 car shed at Aarey colony
Sep 18, 2020

Mumbai Metro 3 car shed at Aarey colony

The Maharashtra government should dispassionately conduct a rigorous cost-benefit analysis before committing to an alternative site for the Metro 3 ca

The art of juggling officialdom to control COVID19
Jul 20, 2020

The art of juggling officialdom to control COVID19

The recent spate of top IAS transfers in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region has exposed Maharashtra’s haphazard handling of the pandemic

Mumbai Metropolitan Region: Putting the Art in SmArt
Dec 04, 2018

Mumbai Metropolitan Region: Putting the Art in SmArt

Given Mumbai’s focus on becoming a technology hub as well as being the main digital cultural and creative industries hub in India, while at the same

मुंबईची वाटचाल नव्या रुपाच्या दिशेने
Dec 28, 2020

मुंबईची वाटचाल नव्या रुपाच्या दिशेने

प्रचंड लोकसंख्या, मंदावलेली आर्थिक वाढ आणि उपलब्ध जमिनीची कमतरता यामुळे मुंबईच्या कोविडनंतरच्या वाटचालीबद्दल नव्या पद्धतीने विचार व्हायला हवा.