Search: For - mass transport

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Electric Vehicles in India: Filling the Gaps in Awareness and Policy
Oct 18, 2022

Electric Vehicles in India: Filling the Gaps in Awareness and Policy

In recent years, more governments have been giving greater attention to developing their countries’ electric vehicles (EV) sector as a strategy for minimising the harm that mass transportation can cause to human health and the environment. This paper tells the story of India’s EV initiative. It offers an overview of the national mission to push the manufacture and adoption of EVs; appraises the policies introduced by governments of select sta

New–Age Urban Transportation and Disruptive Technologies
Apr 08, 2016

New–Age Urban Transportation and Disruptive Technologies

Emerging technologies have the potential to reshape our world. These innovations, also called disruptive technologies, have started to seep into the area of finding solutions for mobility. Is existing infrastructure prepared for such technological advancements? These and related themes were discussed in a roundtable organised by Observer Research Foundation (ORF) on 8 February 2016. The roundtable, Urban Transportation and Disruptive Technologies