Search: For - maithripala sirisena

11 results found

Why is the world talking less about Sri Lankan presidential polls this time?
Nov 14, 2019

Why is the world talking less about Sri Lankan presidential polls this time?

There is little or no excitement in global capitals over the Sri Lankan presidential polls this time, unlike during the last three elections of 2005,

Sri Lanka: All eyes on Supreme Court again
Nov 26, 2018

Sri Lanka: All eyes on Supreme Court again

Should the President and Parliament fail to find a solution, the ball may go back to the Supreme Court.

Rajapaksa camp’s increasing India-bashing
Aug 12, 2016

Rajapaksa camp’s increasing India-bashing

India-baiting has become a part and parcel of the Rajapaksa camp-led Joint Opposition’s political attacks and protests against the ruling Maithiri-R

Can LTTE win or lose elections one more time?
Aug 03, 2015

Can LTTE win or lose elections one more time?

In Sri Lanka, whoever wins or loses the parliamentary polls, and whoever forms the government afterward, it's President Maithripala Sirisena who would be at the centre of all post-poll politics over the ethnic issue, political solution and 'accountability issues' of the UNHRC kind.

Powershift in Colombo is Delhi's opportunity
Jan 12, 2015

Powershift in Colombo is Delhi's opportunity

As a new government led by Maithripala Sirisena takes charge in Colombo, New Delhi has a valuable opportunity to arrest the drift in bilateral relations over the last few years. The Modi government, less constrained internally than the UPA government, is in a good position to rebuild the partnership with Sri Lanka that occupies a vital position on India's maritime frontiers to the south.

President Sirisena's global outreach commences on a positive note
Feb 19, 2015

President Sirisena's global outreach commences on a positive note

During the meeting with visiting Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena, Modi has indicated he would like to visit Sri Lanka in March. During the tour, the Indian PM may also visit Maldives, Mauritius and Seychelles. The visit has the great potential for these nations to emerge as a collective Indian Ocean Rim voice.

Sri Lanka — A nation on 'denial mode'
Dec 13, 2017

Sri Lanka — A nation on 'denial mode'

The future beckons Sri Lanka, but only euphemistically.

Sri Lanka: Playing peace-maker between India and China?
Apr 03, 2015

Sri Lanka: Playing peace-maker between India and China?

Reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping had proposed trilateral talks involving the shared Indian neighbour at a meeting with visiting Sri Lankan counterpart Maithripala Sirisena should make New Delhi sit up and take notice.