Search: For - iran deal

33 results found

Dealing with the Iran conundrum — The future of the nuclear non-proliferation regime
Jun 13, 2019

Dealing with the Iran conundrum — The future of the nuclear non-proliferation regime

The lack of consensus amongst key stakeholders in the nuclear non-proliferation regime has been an underlying factor in the discord that surrounds san

Why the future looks bleak for Iran
Feb 25, 2019

Why the future looks bleak for Iran

Chinese energy majors are now importing 360,000 barrels per day, of crude oil from Iran. This is only half of what they were importing before the US p

Does Trump have a policy on Iran?
Nov 26, 2018

Does Trump have a policy on Iran?

It is quite evident that Trump did not have a compelling set of arguments for his actions against Iran, particularly when the sole body that was manda

Is the US a reliable strategic ally?
Jun 02, 2018

Is the US a reliable strategic ally?

India needs to reconsider the depth to which it is willing to engage the US in the strategic domain.

Iran deal: War games in the Middle East
May 08, 2018

Iran deal: War games in the Middle East

It is yet another unnerving week in the Middle East. What happens if Trump does not give a nod to the deal?

Has President Trump lost the plot in the Middle East?
Nov 04, 2017

Has President Trump lost the plot in the Middle East?

Not only are the important regional players getting into a huddle to discuss the implications of President Trump’s actions, but are also re-calibrat

A post-nuclear deal Iran prepares for elections
May 06, 2017

A post-nuclear deal Iran prepares for elections

The Iranian political landscape is multilayered, with a juxtaposition of conservatives, moderates, liberals, the military, intelligence and others fig

President Donald Trump and future of the Iran deal
Dec 07, 2016

President Donald Trump and future of the Iran deal

One of the foremost questions around Trump's victory has been in relation to the future of the Iran nuclear deal, one that the President-elect has cri

The Iran deal: Will it have an impact on US elections?
Jul 31, 2015

The Iran deal: Will it have an impact on US elections?

As the US Congress scrutinises the Iran accord, partisanship on Capitol Hill might reach new heights and it will capture headlines. Whether Congress passes the Iran deal or not, it will loom large in the election debates because of its connection to American and Israeli national security, though it is unlikely to be a real game changer in the elections.

The vital but delicate task of reviving the Iran deal
Mar 04, 2021

The vital but delicate task of reviving the Iran deal

Time is running out for the Joe Biden administration, but there is an opportunity for Brussels to take a lead role

What does Trump’s Iran deal withdrawal mean for India’s security?
May 14, 2018

What does Trump’s Iran deal withdrawal mean for India’s security?

Though the decision itself may not have been surprising, the consequences could be serious for New Delhi’s security.

A new disorder: Global economic multilateralism at an inflection point
Sep 24, 2019

A new disorder: Global economic multilateralism at an inflection point

French president Emmanuel Macron tried to manage the contradictions, but nothing of substance was achieved in Biarritz.

Caught in US-Iran tangle
Jul 23, 2018

Caught in US-Iran tangle

Trump Tantrum: US sanctions on Iran threaten to hit India’s strategic interests in West Asia

China one up on America
Jan 18, 2022

China one up on America

It is making giant strides where the US refused to go

China’s West Asian peace diplomacy a reality check for India
Mar 23, 2023

China’s West Asian peace diplomacy a reality check for India

The China-brokered Saudi Arabia-Iran deal puts the spotlight on New Delhi’s ties with Tehran

Despite Trump walkout on Iran, Delhi should back Europe
May 10, 2018

Despite Trump walkout on Iran, Delhi should back Europe

During the 2017 winter session of parliament, PM Modi stated that India’s foreign policy stood on its own independent merit, and if it wanted to purchase oil from Iran, it would do so.

Donald Trump's Iran gamble could hit India too
Oct 10, 2017

Donald Trump's Iran gamble could hit India too

New Delhi's bid to counter the One Belt One Road by creating transportation linkages through the Iranian ports, is at stake.

Donald Trump’s foreign policy hara-kiri
May 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s foreign policy hara-kiri

The US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal makes it an untrustworthy partner in any subsequent negotiations. The era of American leadership in the non-proliferation order is over

The emerging world of Donald Trump
Nov 29, 2016

The emerging world of Donald Trump

The inner circle ensconced inside Trump Tower is either in chaos, or making good on its promise to smash the entrenched system to pieces.

The Trump challenge to India Iran ties
Jun 11, 2018

The Trump challenge to India Iran ties

The Narendra Modi government has shown signs that it doesn’t mean to let Trump’s stance on Iran derail the oil trade with it

Ties with Iran a sort of litmus test
May 25, 2018

Ties with Iran a sort of litmus test

While the Trump administration is in no mood to relent on its decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal, for India, the challenge is to preserve its own equities in Iran and the wider West Asian region.

Tipping point in West Asia
May 28, 2018

Tipping point in West Asia

So far, Iran’s response to U.S. provocation has been rhetorical but President Rouhani has little room for manoeuvre

Why the Saudi Crown Prince’s visit to India is a diplomatic success
Feb 25, 2019

Why the Saudi Crown Prince’s visit to India is a diplomatic success

Narendra Modi’s West Asia policy remains the one area of achievement in an otherwise indifferent record of foreign policy.