Search: For - international politics

19 results found

Sri Lanka parliamentary elections: Assessing implications for India
Dec 04, 2024

Sri Lanka parliamentary elections: Assessing implications for India

The JVP-NPP coalition’s victory in the recent Sri Lankan parliamentary elections signals a significant shift in both domestic and international poli

Intelligence alliances and the counterintelligence challenge
Apr 18, 2024

Intelligence alliances and the counterintelligence challenge

While taking a leading role within various regional intelligence-sharing mechanisms, India must be wary of the counterintelligence risks that are pres

The international politics of data: When control trumps protection
Oct 26, 2022

The international politics of data: When control trumps protection

The general impetus seems to be control of data flows by nation states and not protection of data and privacy

Europe, Russia and attitudes towards the ‘New Cold War’ between US and China
Jun 09, 2020

Europe, Russia and attitudes towards the ‘New Cold War’ between US and China

In the near future we will be able to observe a certain convergence of the diplomatic positions of Europe and Russia regarding the central problems of

US protectionist strategy to affect Indian labour markets and competition?
Mar 22, 2019

US protectionist strategy to affect Indian labour markets and competition?

India must be prepared to tackle the uncertainty surrounding international politics and economics, especially the Trump Administration by creating a s

New strategic order: Nuclear conundrum
Sep 30, 2017

New strategic order: Nuclear conundrum

If military strength is the final argument in international politics, nuclear weapons are its most emphatic manifestation.

Women in the new world order
Sep 30, 2017

Women in the new world order

Women must play an equal and active role in framing ethical imperatives and defining prosperity, responsibility and accountability in international po

The US and China's 'new model' of international politics still excludes India
Jun 10, 2013

The US and China's 'new model' of international politics still excludes India

On the surface, the two-day summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama seems to be yet another step signalling that the world is headed towards a bipolar polity dominated by the US and China. But a deeper analysis will show that it is part of a more subtle effort by the US to protect its global dominance, which from the Indian point of view may not be such a bad thing.

Cold hard reality of geopolitics: Enhancing military power is non-negotiable
Dec 30, 2024

Cold hard reality of geopolitics: Enhancing military power is non-negotiable

Military capabilities remain the sine qua non of international politics. Therefore, critical defence reforms in India will have to be pushed with greater vigour. Without institutional, doctrinal and procedural changes, New Delhi will not be able to make the most of this moment in global geopolitics

National discourse needed on LEMOA
Sep 20, 2016

National discourse needed on LEMOA

There are no free lunches in international politics. LEMOA is thus a 'fair' exchange for the US backing India on civil nuclear deal.

Needless controversy over Modi's US visa
Aug 01, 2013

Needless controversy over Modi's US visa

International politics rather than law or policy will also play a key role in a future Modi visit to the US. There is certainly an element of the hyperbole in Obama's declaration that the American relationship with India is "a defining partnership of the century ahead". But it contains more than a grain of truth.

Paradiplomacy in India: Evolution and operationalisation
Aug 24, 2017

Paradiplomacy in India: Evolution and operationalisation

Paradiplomacy as it is conducted by sub-state governments introduces the idea of decentralisation of political power to make regional governments prominent actors in the international sphere. This paper examines the scope for subnational diplomacy in India, as the country seeks to appreciate the significance of federalism and regionalism in promoting local interests, as well as identity, in current international politics. Regional governments ope

The year ends, but the chaos may just be beginning
Dec 31, 2014

The year ends, but the chaos may just be beginning

2014 by far has been the most chaotic year in international politics, since the end of the Cold War. The Islamic State terrorists in the Middle East threaten to upturn borders settled for close to a century. Europe is in the throes of an unexpected tussle with Moscow. In the South and East China seas, China's aggressiveness is too clear now to be ignored.

कुलभूषण खटला : निकाल लागला, संदिग्धता कायम !
Jul 23, 2019

कुलभूषण खटला : निकाल लागला, संदिग्धता कायम !

जाधव खटल्यासंदर्भातील ताजा निकाल कायदेशीर बाबींत भारताच्या यशासोबतच वकिलातींसंदर्भातील व्हिएन्ना करारातील तरतुदींचे महत्त्वदेखील अधोरेखित करतो.

जपान-दक्षिण कोरियामध्ये शांती हवी
Jul 31, 2019

जपान-दक्षिण कोरियामध्ये शांती हवी

जपान-दक्षिण कोरिया यांच्यात सुरु असलेल्या व्यापारी संघर्षातून आता दोन्ही देशांनी एकमेकांवर कुरघोडी करण्याचे प्रयत्न सुरु केले आहेत. 

ट्रंप के एजेंडे का आगाज: ग्रीनलैंड, कनाडा और मेक्सिको पर नज़र
Jan 12, 2025

ट्रंप के एजेंडे का आगाज: ग्रीनलैंड, कनाडा और मेक्सिको पर नज़र

क्या चीन की तरह अमेरिका भी विस्तारवादी नीतियों का पोषण करेगा?

ट्रम्प यांचा नवा अजेंडा: ग्रीनलँड, कॅनडा आणि मेक्सिकोवर लक्ष
Jan 24, 2025

ट्रम्प यांचा नवा अजेंडा: ग्रीनलँड, कॅनडा आणि मेक्सिकोवर लक्ष

अमेरिकाही चीनसारखी विस्तारवादी धोरणे पोसणार का?

ड्रैगन का आलिंगन: अफ्रीका में चीन की गुआंशी कूटनीति
Dec 18, 2024

ड्रैगन का आलिंगन: अफ्रीका में चीन की गुआंशी कूटनीति

गुआंशी, चीन की संस्कृति का अटूट अंग है. ये निजी संबंधों और साझा ज़िम्मेदारियों के ज़रिए आपसी आदान प्रदान के सिद्धांत पर आधारित परिकल्पना है.

तिस्ता करार : प्रभावी जलनीती धोरणाचे पहिले पाऊल
Jul 03, 2019

तिस्ता करार : प्रभावी जलनीती धोरणाचे पहिले पाऊल

तिस्ता जलकरार सामंजस्याने सोडवणे हे भारतातील दक्षिण आशियायी प्रदेशातील आणि जागतिक स्पर्धेतील महत्त्व टिकवण्याच्या दृष्टीने अत्यंत महत्त्वपूर्ण आहे.