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7 results found

माहिती युद्धात प्रभुत्व मिळवण्यासाठी चीनची नवीन रणनीती
Jun 04, 2024

माहिती युद्धात प्रभुत्व मिळवण्यासाठी चीनची नवीन रणनीती

आजच्या युगात, युद्ध जिंकण्यासाठी एखाद्याच्या बाजूने वा�

Tracking China’s moves on information warfare
May 22, 2024

Tracking China’s moves on information warfare

Having realised that narrative flow is key to winning modern wars, China is improving its strategic capabilities in information warfare

Beyond Cyber Fires and Ukraine: PLASSF Impact on a Sino-Indian Conventional War
Sep 01, 2023

Beyond Cyber Fires and Ukraine: PLASSF Impact on a Sino-Indian Conventional War

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war has served as a laboratory test to assess the effectiveness of Cyber Warfare (CW) capabilities. It would be misleading, however, to extrapolate sweeping conclusions from this conflict about the relative ineffectiveness of CW. Rather, diligence should be exercised by Indian strategic and military planners in assessing the CW capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (PLASSF) and enhancing

Electronic and cyber warfare: A comparative analysis of the PLA and the Indian Army
Jul 17, 2019

Electronic and cyber warfare: A comparative analysis of the PLA and the Indian Army

Cyber Warfare (CW) and Electronic Warfare (EW) are crucial to combat in modern warfare. Both are products of Signals Intelligence and constitute one part of Information Warfare (IW) and what is known as Network Centric Warfare (NCW). This paper explores how the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China and the Indian Army (IA) have approached CW and EW. Both the PLA and the IA acknowledge NCW as doctrinally important. Organisationally and in Comm

माहितीचा साथरोग घातक वळणावर
Jun 19, 2020

माहितीचा साथरोग घातक वळणावर

खोटी आणि चुकीची माहिती पसरवणे हे नवे नाही. ते पूर्वापार चालत आले आहे. नवी गोष्ट आहे, ती तंत्रज्ञान. नव्या तंत्रज्ञानामुळे ही खोटी माहिती वेगाने पसरत आहे.

युक्रेन युद्धाची नवी व्यूहरचना
May 15, 2023

युक्रेन युद्धाची नवी व्यूहरचना

या युद्धातील दावे आणि प्रतिदावे हे दोन नायकांविषयी कमी आणि जगाचे मत बनवण्यासाठी अधिक करण्यात येत आहेत.