Search: For - global financial crisis

14 results found

Federal reserve swap line: The next big thing on the Indo-US agenda
Feb 08, 2023

Federal reserve swap line: The next big thing on the Indo-US agenda

It will prove beneficial in terms of growth and income for both countries to establish a federal reserve swap line

India’s G20 Presidency and the Macroeconomic Dilemma
Oct 01, 2022

India’s G20 Presidency and the Macroeconomic Dilemma

To stave off the public debt crisis, a tailored long-term macroeconomic policy response is essential to address the challenges at hand.

From “phase-up” to “phase-down” of coal
Nov 22, 2021

From “phase-up” to “phase-down” of coal

Instead of pioneering new, green technologies, coal-dependent nations continue to rely on expensive energy technologies of the wealthier world.

The hunt for tech unicorns: How sovereign funds accelerate the digital economy
Oct 17, 2021

The hunt for tech unicorns: How sovereign funds accelerate the digital economy

Sovereign funds are now looking to be the next big funders of both domestic and international innovation

The China effect? Behind India’s mysterious U-turn at the IMF
Jun 20, 2020

The China effect? Behind India’s mysterious U-turn at the IMF

Previous attempts at building alternate multilateral institutions like the New Development Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank have been hij

Can the global economy survive COVID19 shocks?
Apr 19, 2020

Can the global economy survive COVID19 shocks?

The COVID19 pandemic has impacted the rich and developed countries. It has reiterated the importance of effective and adequate primary healthcare faci

G20, still is a rich countries' club
Jul 21, 2017

G20, still is a rich countries' club

The real reform of the international financial architecture can only be completed when Emerging Economies or the other half of the G20 are fully repre

G20's contribution to global financial reforms
Sep 09, 2016

G20's contribution to global financial reforms

The G20, though formed in 1999, was chosen as a forum to discuss financial reforms after the Global Financial Crisis of 2008.

China’s FTA with Mauritius: A Strategic Mix of Trade and Diplomacy
Nov 14, 2024

China’s FTA with Mauritius: A Strategic Mix of Trade and Diplomacy

In October 2019, China’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Mauritius opened the Chinese market to Mauritian exporters and investors. Not long after, concerns arose that Mauritius might be lacking in the capacity to benefit significantly from the agreement and thus lose in terms of a trade imbalance that clearly favours China. This brief revisits China’s motivations for the FTA, and finds economic and geopolitical goals. Given Mauritius’s smal

Leveraging the Global Macroeconomic Environment for Recovery and Growth: Opportunities for G20 Under India’s Presidency
Aug 04, 2022

Leveraging the Global Macroeconomic Environment for Recovery and Growth: Opportunities for G20 Under India’s Presidency

The global macroeconomy has undergone unprecedented change in recent years, particularly because of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the G20 had an effective coordinating role in steering the global economy through the 2008 global financial crisis, its role in engineering an inclusive and sustainable recovery from the pandemic has been more mixed. Incomes in the advanced G20 economies are on track to return to pre-pandemic levels by end-2022 but have

The Global Financial System: A post-GFC Report Card
Aug 23, 2023

The Global Financial System: A post-GFC Report Card

The International Financial Architecture has come under much scrutiny following the 2008 global financial crisis. There have been demands for major reforms to the IFA; but despite the steps taken so far, much more needs to be done to ensure global financial stability.

Wen Jiabao Visit: Expectations and Deliverables
Dec 16, 2010

Wen Jiabao Visit: Expectations and Deliverables

China, particularly after the global financial crisis, is on a look-out for markets in Asia, and India offers the largest market. Therefore, China's singular focus on economic issues is understandable, but India should not give into the Chinese demands without a quid pro quo.