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Land Boundary Agreement - New catalyst in Bangladesh-India ties
May 16, 2015

Land Boundary Agreement - New catalyst in Bangladesh-India ties

The passage of the Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) Protocol by Parliament not only removes all hurdles for the final settlement of India's longest border with any neighbour, but also paves the way for exchange of Enclaves and merger of Adverse Possessions by re-drawing the International Boundary (IB), also known as the Radcliffe Line.

Land deals in Africa: boon or bane?
Sep 17, 2011

Land deals in Africa: boon or bane?

The recent years have seen a new trend emerging in the African continent. Representatives from Western conglomerates have been shifting their focus to Africa in order to secure rights to the vast, untapped resources of the ecologically rich continent.

Land policy vital for Modi's manufacturing dream
Apr 13, 2015

Land policy vital for Modi's manufacturing dream

The land amendment bill, brought in by the Modi government, represents a crucial plank of his government's economic agenda to turbocharge Indian growth. The government would find it difficult to execute its Make-in-India policy without improving the legislative framework for land acquisition.

Land-boundary agreement will enhance friendship
Dec 05, 2014

Land-boundary agreement will enhance friendship

The India-Bangladesh relations got a major boost after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee declared to support the land-boundary agreement with the neighbouring nation.

Lanka official delegation visits ORF
Oct 09, 2006

Lanka official delegation visits ORF

An official delegation from Sri Lankan comprising Mr. Sunimal Fernando, Advisor to the President, and Mrs. Shirani Goonatilleke, Secretary of the government's Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process (SCOPP), visited Observer Research Foundation (ORF) on October 9, 2006, and had an interaction with the research faculty.

Lanka pit-stop
Nov 05, 2014

Lanka pit-stop

What Colombo and Beijing are telling Delhi is that Chinese naval presence in Sri Lanka is now routine and India should get used to it. Delhi quite clearly will find it hard to digest. But, if Delhi wants to limit or reverse Colombo's strategic tilt towards China, it should start with a comprehensive review of its policy towards Sri Lanka.

Lankan presidential poll through the global prism
Jan 18, 2010

Lankan presidential poll through the global prism

The comfort levels between the West and the UNP, with shared perceptions of liberal democracy and market capitalism is mutual

Dec 03, 2003


After 9-11, many Americans remember Pakistani dictator Gen. Pervez Musharraf¿s speech to Pakistanis in English, in which he explained his U-turn on the Taliban and Al Qaida. Faced with a ¿with us or against us¿ ultimatum from an angry America, Gen.Musharraf told his rich Pakistani elite brethren that Pakistan had to finally ¿shun extremism¿ and join hands with the US.

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba 2010
Nov 25, 2010

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba 2010

Two years after the Mumbai attack, and despite the intense global crackdown, one of the world's most networked, resourceful and dangerous terrorist group, Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), remains operational in Pakistan, and ready to hit again.

Lashkar-e-Toiba is New Al Qaida Face
Jun 25, 2003

Lashkar-e-Toiba is New Al Qaida Face

These are clear indications that Lashkare-toiba, Harkat-ul Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are poised to regroup and re-emerge in the coming months as part of Al Qaida¿s new plan to extend and consolidate its activities in the Middle East and Asia, especially Saudi Arabia and India.

Launch of 'Getting India Back on Track: An Action Agenda on Reform'
Jun 11, 2014

Launch of 'Getting India Back on Track: An Action Agenda on Reform'

How the country and its political establishment need to factor in exigencies and work efficiently and cohesively towards rejuvenating the prospects for India, was the focal point of the panel discussion on the occasion of the launch of the book 'Getting India Back on Track: An Action Agenda on Reform'.

Law on food security: Time to focus on farm productivity
Feb 03, 2012

Law on food security: Time to focus on farm productivity

The proposed Food Security Act will cost the government around Rs 100,000 crore a year. Though it is big money, especially when the economy is on downslide, when lots of money were spent on events like the Commonwealth Games and industry given huge tax sops.

Laying new BRICS in Durban
Mar 26, 2013

Laying new BRICS in Durban

China will have to act selflessly if it wants to build alternative institutional arrangements that look at development from the emerging economies prism. The BRICS will also have to be careful about what it regards as its core strength. So far, it has largely been perceived to be pushing for an alternative economic development paradigm.

Leakgate: Govt needs more transparency, not less
Mar 31, 2015

Leakgate: Govt needs more transparency, not less

For a government committed to 'minimum government, maximum governance' it is time that policy making in key economic ministries become far more open and consultative, its acts and actions predictable. In the long run, that is the only way to ensure that policies for the auctions of licenses, processes of tendering and award, and actions to ensure their implementation -- are not subject to capture by select coteries.

Leaks Legitimize Conspiracy Theories
Dec 11, 2010

Leaks Legitimize Conspiracy Theories

Wikileaks has not only knocked open the door on 250,000 secret diplomatic cables, it may also have inaugurated an era when audacious discourse will not be placed under the stifling blanket of that expression - "Conspiracy Theory".

Learning from the 'new American'
Jun 21, 2004

Learning from the 'new American'

The successive torture and slaying of individual Americans in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Gulf region has a new message for the civilized world. Whatever be the rationale behind the decision-making at the governmental-level, the average American is ready for a long engagement with terrorism and terrorists.

Learning the lessons of Phailin to prevent the next tragedy
Oct 21, 2013

Learning the lessons of Phailin to prevent the next tragedy

India handled Cyclone Phailin very well. Now, it is better for the system to learn a few lessons and not just prepare for the next big one, but also figure out ways of dealing with the smaller and completely needless tragedies that occur across the country because crowds have not been properly managed at a festival, or buses and ferries.

Leaving the Hotel: West needs to leave its fruitless search for common values and instead negotiate global governance in a realist  ...
Dec 03, 2012

Leaving the Hotel: West needs to leave its fruitless search for common values and instead negotiate global governance in a realist world

Nations will not have common values, because nations themselves are a collection of diverse historical experiences and ambitions. However, there is no need to throw in the towel over global governance, for nations can have a vision for shared prosperity with different approaches to get there.

Left or Right, the story is the same
Oct 30, 2015

Left or Right, the story is the same

Indian polity is a prisoner of 'Luddism'. Left or right, it needs someone who can act as a change agent. Between the Congress and a confused BJP is the third force, the real Luddite socialists -- a conglomeration of SP, BSP, JD-U, TMC and a sprinkling of others. India unfortunately is caught between these forces, devastating its economic paradigm.

Left out to Center: Why BRICS is important to Brazil
Mar 25, 2013

Left out to Center: Why BRICS is important to Brazil

For Brazil, there are multiple opportunities within BRICS, not limited to the economic sphere. In many ways, the grouping brings Brazil from the left corner of the world map to the center, where the geopolitical theatre is most active; in Asia and the Indo-Pacific.

Left Wing Extremism in India
Dec 18, 2003

Left Wing Extremism in India

Left-wing extremists, popularly known as Maoists worldwide and as Naxalites1 in India--have been gaining in strength and influence since some time. Today, the menace of Left-wing extremism is the single internal security threat that affects the largest number of States in India.

Legally empowering India's intelligence and enforcement structures
Dec 09, 2009

Legally empowering India's intelligence and enforcement structures

A number of legal frameworks and paradigms exist. But whether India's should be brought in from outside or adapted within the country to suit national requirements is a key decision to be made

Legitimising a two-party system?
Oct 31, 2011

Legitimising a two-party system?

The Election Commission's proposal for fixing eight per cent vote-share in Lok Sabha polls as the lower-limit for conferring the status of 'National Parties' is fraught with consequences that go beyond the constitutional mandate.

Less corporate, more social
Aug 12, 2013

Less corporate, more social

There are multiple concerns around the audit of CSR and a discomfort with the lack of audit and oversight required for CSR activities. "Comply or explain" simply has not worked in the case of other existing regulatory frameworks that deal with corporate governance issues. It is time to realise that in India, only a few are in a position to ask, while nobody is in any hurry to explain.

Lesson from an unsettled  boundary
Apr 29, 2013

Lesson from an unsettled boundary

We can only speculate on the causes of their present westward shift in the Daulat Beg Oldi area. But one thing is clear: the central locomotive of Chinese policy remains Tibet. Despite massive investments in the region, large numbers of Tibetans remain disaffected.

Lessons from BRICS: Developing an Indian strategy on global internet governance
Sep 09, 2014

Lessons from BRICS: Developing an Indian strategy on global internet governance

BRICS countries have tried to move internet governance debates by taking strong stands at the global level. India too, has flirted with the idea, time and again. If nothing else, the biggest takeaway from this grouping needs to be the commitment to putting across new ideas to the global community.

Lessons from the foiled Coup in Bangladesh
Feb 06, 2012

Lessons from the foiled Coup in Bangladesh

Three quick lessons can be drawn from the recent coup attempt in Bangladesh. These are growing unrest among political and military circles against the Awami League government for its policies towards India and fundamentalism;

Lessons from the neighbourhood
Nov 26, 2014

Lessons from the neighbourhood

India's military leadership should look to Nepal to understand how insurgencies can be peacefully terminated instead of just looking for more potent ways of neutralising separatists.

Lessons from the US economy
Feb 18, 2006

Lessons from the US economy

In the backdrop of President George Bush's forthcoming visit next month and India's closer integration with the global economy, we need to start paying greater attention to the US economy, which has effectively functioned as the sole engine powering the global economy for the past decade and a half.

Let billionaires save the world
Dec 10, 2015

Let billionaires save the world

Could the private talent, which has demonstrated private success, be institutionalised for achieving similar success in global public affairs? This rhetorical question merits consideration because the governance record of multilateral institutions has been pretty lacklustre, particularly in matters related to global commons.

LeT likely to target US, West
May 04, 2011

LeT likely to target US, West

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba is more than likely to spearhead a reprisal attack to avenge the killing of its mentor and patron, al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. The group will extend its focus to western targets, specially the US, in the days ahead.

Let technology and society dance together
Nov 23, 2012

Let technology and society dance together

India spends over Rs 400,000 crores every year on schemes, projects and programmes broadly falling within the category of social welfare. Embedding appropriate technology in social welfare programmes can give poor Indians a real chance of empowerment.

Let the rich pay a little more
Jan 16, 2013

Let the rich pay a little more

World over, uncontrolled fiscal stimulus had got a new legitimacy. And now everyone is standing on the edge of a fiscal cliff. The finance minister seems to have the full support of the UPA chairperson to cut wasteful spending this time around.

Let us get our wings at home
Jun 12, 2015

Let us get our wings at home

Even if the Centre's Rafale deal for the two squadrons comes through, it will only temporarily arrest the decline of squadrons for the IAF. The long-term answer may just lie in the home-grown Advanced Multi-role Combat Aircraft, being developed by the Aeronautical Development Agency , Bangalore.

Let's accept it, China has risen
Jun 12, 2014

Let's accept it, China has risen

The visit of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to India this week, so early in the Modi innings, is a good sign as both leaderships seem anxious to be able to better deal with the many challenges ahead. Clearly, China is challenging other major powers for a role in India at a time when its economy needs to grow at 10 per cent to recover from three years of economic slowdown.

Let's make things easier for our elders
Oct 03, 2015

Let's make things easier for our elders

The growing vulnerability of the elderly is evident from National Crime Record Bureau's recent move to tabulate data on crimes against senior citizens, beginning from 2014. Predictably, big cities have been found to be the most unsafe for them, with Delhi topping the list.

LeT's social media warfare
Jul 03, 2013

LeT's social media warfare

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba is rapidly expanding its presence and influence in the social media networks. The group is using these networks to recruit tech-savvy younger generation not only from Pakistan but also from the Pakistani diaspora.

LeT: Future threats and counter measures
May 29, 2013

LeT: Future threats and counter measures

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, the terrorist group behind the Mumbai 2008 attacks and operating from Pakistan, is likely to continue with its terror campaign against the security forces in India, according to a study on LeT done by Dr Subrahmanian and his team at the University of Maryland.

Li's India visit may be a memorable one
May 17, 2013

Li's India visit may be a memorable one

China's Blue Book sees the US as a pivot to Asia and strengthening of alliances in the region is viewed by the Chinese analyst as being directed to contain China. The Blue Book also notes that India's defence cooperation with the US, Japan, Vietnam and Australia has strengthened it. India has to act with maturity while dealing with the resurgent China.

Li's India visit: The die has already been cast
May 21, 2013

Li's India visit: The die has already been cast

Can China be meaningfully engaged on issues like the border or the boundary? The answer is a resounding 'no'. The Chinese leadership structure is in flux. All the meaningful rapprochements and border resolutions were carried out either in the Mao or the Deng era. Since then, China's leaders have been too weak and fearful of internal coups to move forward in a meaningful way.

Libya after Gaddafi - a big future
Nov 05, 2011

Libya after Gaddafi - a big future

With the Gaddafi regime in Libya becoming history, great care must now be taken to prevent the prospects of a dark, chaotic future being realised in the oil-rich North African country. If the wealth is used to create infrastructure, facilities and economic opportunities, then Libya can look forward to a stable and prosperous future.

Libya NFZ: An Opportunity for India
Mar 19, 2011

Libya NFZ: An Opportunity for India

While India's abstention at the UN vote on Libya is debatable, is there an opportunity for India and the Indian Air Force in particular in the Libyan crisis?