Search: For - eurasia

280 results found

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन: अधूरा काम ज़्यादा रह गया
Jul 02, 2022

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन: अधूरा काम ज़्यादा रह गया

मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन का कोई ठोस एलान करने में नाकाम रहने

रूस-यूक्रेन संघर्ष: संकट के बीच चीन को लेकर जापान की दुविधा
Jul 01, 2022

रूस-यूक्रेन संघर्ष: संकट के बीच चीन को लेकर जापान की दुविधा

आज जब क्षेत्रीय ख़तरों में इज़ाफ़ा हो रहा है, तो जापान ख़ु

यूक्रेन संकट का अटलांटिक के आर-पार के देशों के बीच के आपसी ‘रिश्तों’ पर असर
Jun 21, 2022

यूक्रेन संकट का अटलांटिक के आर-पार के देशों के बीच के आपसी ‘रिश्तों’ पर असर

यूक्रेन में इस वक़्त चल रहे युद्ध का ख़ात्मा और उसके हिसा�

#Russia Ukraine War: युद्ध की ताज़ा स्थिती और हिंद-प्रशांत क्षेत्र पर उसका व्यापक असर
Jun 15, 2022

#Russia Ukraine War: युद्ध की ताज़ा स्थिती और हिंद-प्रशांत क्षेत्र पर उसका व्यापक असर

वर्तमान में युद्ध किस स्थिति में है एवं रूस-युक्रेन युद्�

रूस-यूक्रेन विवाद से भारत को मिलने वाले ‘सैन्य’ सबक…!
Jun 13, 2022

रूस-यूक्रेन विवाद से भारत को मिलने वाले ‘सैन्य’ सबक…!

भारत को यूक्रेन संकट के दौरान रूस की सेना की जो ख़ामियां उ

रूस के ख़िलाफ़ पश्चिम की पाबंदियां: मध्य एशियाई देशों के रुख़ की पड़ताल
Jun 06, 2022

रूस के ख़िलाफ़ पश्चिम की पाबंदियां: मध्य एशियाई देशों के रुख़ की पड़ताल

रूस पर लागू प्रतिबंधों से मध्य एशियाई देश कैसे प्रभावित �

India’s unaddressed concerns from the SCO-RATS summit
May 26, 2022

India’s unaddressed concerns from the SCO-RATS summit

The SCO member states need to resolve their disagreements and divergences and build trust to achieve a peaceful, safe, and thriving Eurasia.

#यूरेशिया: रूस को लेकर यूरोप में बढ़ रहा है मतभेद!
Mar 04, 2022

#यूरेशिया: रूस को लेकर यूरोप में बढ़ रहा है मतभेद!

अगर यूरोप ऐसे ही बंटा रहा, तो फिर वो अपने पड़ोस में रूस और य

अंतरिक्ष : लगातार बढ़ते सैन्यीकरण की चपेट में ‘ग्लोबल कॉमन’
Jan 03, 2022

अंतरिक्ष : लगातार बढ़ते सैन्यीकरण की चपेट में ‘ग्लोबल कॉमन’

अंतरिक्ष जिस तरह युद्ध का अगला मैदान बन रहा है, उसे देखते �

Afghanistan crisis lingers over the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit
Sep 15, 2021

Afghanistan crisis lingers over the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit

Looking beyond the SCO’s inability to come to a consensus on Afghanistan to the normalising of Beijing’s influence in Eurasia

Is it time for damage control in India–Russia ties?
Mar 07, 2021

Is it time for damage control in India–Russia ties?

The 2021 BRICS leaders’ summit, slated to be organised by India as the chair, might present an opportunity to hold the bilateral summit on the same

Continuity in India’s ties with Central Asia
Feb 09, 2021

Continuity in India’s ties with Central Asia

As New Delhi cements its position as one of the fastest-growing major economies of the world, its increased engagement with the Central Asian region c

From turmoil to clarity: International relations in the new decade
Jan 04, 2021

From turmoil to clarity: International relations in the new decade

Indian foreign policy will have to respond to the meta-trends by crafting an approach that is more than just the sum of its bilateral and multilateral

The elusive character of Eurasia — Will Russia’s plans for its integration finally materialise?
Dec 28, 2020

The elusive character of Eurasia — Will Russia’s plans for its integration finally materialise?

As the leading economy in the Union, Russia is yet to emerge as a strong economic player in Asia with looming concerns regarding overdependence on Chi

रूस में बड़े पैमाने पर क्षेत्रीय विरोध प्रदर्शन: एक विश्लेषण
Sep 11, 2020

रूस में बड़े पैमाने पर क्षेत्रीय विरोध प्रदर्शन: एक विश्लेषण

फर्गाल की रिहाई की मांग करते हुए विभिन्न अनुमानों के अनु�

Trump’s Central Asia policy
Aug 04, 2020

Trump’s Central Asia policy

Does the US in general, and the Trump administration in particular, have a differing approach towards Central Asia developing their relations with Rus

Reforming the Russian economy: COVID-19 crisis and beyond
Jun 01, 2020

Reforming the Russian economy: COVID-19 crisis and beyond

The impact of the recession on Russia at this particular moment in geopolitical history will impact its foreign policy trajectory in very specific way

Russia-Belarus relations: The future of the union state
Apr 28, 2020

Russia-Belarus relations: The future of the union state

Will Belarus join Russia in a unified state — or will it maintain the status quo and mend relations with the West?

India and Russia share an evergreen relationship of trust and confidence
Sep 14, 2019

India and Russia share an evergreen relationship of trust and confidence

Indian envoy to Russia, Ambassador D. Bala Venkatesh Varma, discusses Indo-Russia ties and the recently concluded Modi-Putin Summit in Vladivostok. Th

The India–US trade dispute and India’s evolving geopolitical role
Aug 01, 2019

The India–US trade dispute and India’s evolving geopolitical role

While the strategic partnership between the United States and India remains robust, some analysts see the relationship as becoming significantly strai

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age
Mar 28, 2019

Why the west fails to understand: The new nuclear age

The West’s failure to understand the New Nuclear Age is the real reason for today’s nuclear pessimism.

India’s balancing partnerships in Eurasia
Feb 27, 2019

India’s balancing partnerships in Eurasia

An interview of ORF President to the Institut Montaigne on India’s foreign policy choices, in particular relations with China, Russia and the Europe

भारत की यूरेशिया रणनीति के लिए क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है चाबहार बंदरगाह
Feb 04, 2019

भारत की यूरेशिया रणनीति के लिए क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है चाबहार बंदरगाह

चाबहार बंदरगाह भारत के लिए कई मायनों में फायदेमंद होगा। �

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India
Nov 12, 2018

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India

India will not politically prefer Russia to the US — rather it must learn to work with both. In the Indo-Pacific, India’s equities lie with Washin

‘Rediscovery’ of Europe: New avenues for the Europe-India partnership
Aug 09, 2018

‘Rediscovery’ of Europe: New avenues for the Europe-India partnership

Europe and India not only have similar concerns, but can also see the direct impact of BRI in their extended neighbourhoods in Eurasia and the Indian

इतिहास का बदला: यूरेशिया का उदय
Jun 19, 2018

इतिहास का बदला: यूरेशिया का उदय

क्या भारत 21वीं सदी को परिभाषित करने वाले यूरेशिया और हिंद

Will new Presidents of Uzbekistan, US impact bilateral relations?
Dec 07, 2016

Will new Presidents of Uzbekistan, US impact bilateral relations?

Strategies underlying the power transition is reminiscent of Soviet era practices in Uzbekistan & remains to be seen how bilateral relation with US pa

Russia, China and Eurasian integration
Sep 06, 2016

Russia, China and Eurasian integration

Russia has its own Eurasian Economic Union plan, but as of now it appears that China is leading the game.

Cooperation with China important for India's Eurasian energy policy
May 27, 2014

Cooperation with China important for India's Eurasian energy policy

For Russia and even Central Asian countries, China can act as a catalyst to market their hydrocarbon resources to South Asia and beyond, opening an opportunity for gas exports too. Russia's $400 billion gas deal with China is a case in point.

Evolving geopolitics in Eurasia: Implications for India
Jul 27, 2015

Evolving geopolitics in Eurasia: Implications for India

To improve India's role in Central Asia, its focus should recognize the diversity of relationships that are possible - economic, defence, and connectivity. Politically and historically, each of the five countries in the region is distinct.

India and China in Central Asia: Understanding the new rivalry in the heart of Eurasia
Feb 17, 2020

India and China in Central Asia: Understanding the new rivalry in the heart of Eurasia

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, India established official ties with the five former Soviet Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan; so did China. In recent years, both India and China have come up with different strategies to strengthen their respective ties with these resource-rich economies, collectively called the Central Asian Republics (CARs). China’s strategy is the ambitious Belt and Roa

Kazakhstan working towards setting up Eurasian commodities market
Jun 07, 2019

Kazakhstan working towards setting up Eurasian commodities market

Kazakhstan aspires for economic cooperation between China and Europe, and connectivity within itself and with its neighbours.