Search: For - cyber-warfare

12 results found

टिकटॉकमुळे अमेरिका गोंधळात: भू-राजकीय कोंडीत कोणाची मूल्ये, कोणाचे हित?
Jun 03, 2024

टिकटॉकमुळे अमेरिका गोंधळात: भू-राजकीय कोंडीत कोणाची मूल्ये, कोणाचे हित?

टिकटॉक च्या संदर्भातील अमेरिका आणि चीनमध्ये निर्माण झा�

TikTok’s geopolitical dilemma: Which values, whose interests?
May 01, 2024

TikTok’s geopolitical dilemma: Which values, whose interests?

The TikTok issue between the US and China is not a battle of values but part of a bigger war for geopolitical, geoeconomic, and geotechnological domin

रूस की हाइब्रिड जंग वाली रणनीति: क्रीमिया से यूक्रेन तक
Jul 30, 2023

रूस की हाइब्रिड जंग वाली रणनीति: क्रीमिया से यूक्रेन तक

पिछले कई वर्षों के दौरान नई नई तकनीकें विकसित करके, रूस ने

#Cyber Warfare: भारत के लिये ये ज़रूरी है कि वो अपनी साइबर युद्ध की ताक़त को बढ़ाये!
Oct 06, 2022

#Cyber Warfare: भारत के लिये ये ज़रूरी है कि वो अपनी साइबर युद्ध की ताक़त को बढ़ाये!

भारत को साइबर युद्ध को लेकर ज़्यादा सक्रिय रवैया अपनाने �

#Cyber Warfare: भारत के लिये ये ज़रूरी है कि वो अपनी साइबर युद्ध की ताक़त को बढ़ाये!
Oct 06, 2022

#Cyber Warfare: भारत के लिये ये ज़रूरी है कि वो अपनी साइबर युद्ध की ताक़त को बढ़ाये!

भारत को साइबर युद्ध को लेकर ज़्यादा सक्रिय रवैया अपनाने �

China's Growing Cyber Warfare Capabilities
Jun 20, 2011

China's Growing Cyber Warfare Capabilities

It appears that China would continue to augment its growing cyber warfare capabilities. And when complimented with an "Informationised" military and technologies like the ASAT weapons, it becomes a great concern not only for the U.S but also for India.

Electronic and cyber warfare: A comparative analysis of the PLA and the Indian Army
Jul 17, 2019

Electronic and cyber warfare: A comparative analysis of the PLA and the Indian Army

Cyber Warfare (CW) and Electronic Warfare (EW) are crucial to combat in modern warfare. Both are products of Signals Intelligence and constitute one part of Information Warfare (IW) and what is known as Network Centric Warfare (NCW). This paper explores how the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China and the Indian Army (IA) have approached CW and EW. Both the PLA and the IA acknowledge NCW as doctrinally important. Organisationally and in Comm

Making India’s sea power formidable and future-ready
Apr 27, 2018

Making India’s sea power formidable and future-ready

China’s growing interests, ambitions and military capabilities pose challenges for India. This paper examines China’s maritime interests and the dynamics of Indian responses at the maritime operational levels. The paper examines opportunities to counter China in the IOR, as well as options for the Indian Navy in the South China Sea. At operational levels, the Navy may need to think differently about ASW, carrier operations and power projectio

The Future of Cyber Warfare in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 13, 2023

The Future of Cyber Warfare in the Indo-Pacific

The rapid growth in military cyber capabilities of the countries in the Indo-Pacific combined with the use of assets from the cyberwarfare toolbox—in domestic and interstate contexts—is adding uncertainty to already competitive political, military, and economic relations. This issue brief assesses the cyberwarfare context in the Indo-Pacific, and reviews the military cyber capabilities of the region’s countries and their commitment to inter

The Impact of cyber warfare on nuclear deterrence: A conceptual and empirical overview
Nov 01, 2018

The Impact of cyber warfare on nuclear deterrence: A conceptual and empirical overview

Cyber war is a subject that is highly contested among strategists and experts. This brief assesses the impact of cyber operations against strategic targets and demonstrates that while cyber war is a real phenomenon, it is far from producing decisive outcomes. The cyberspace is a medium to conduct military operations and several countries have made investments in capabilities to both attack and defend against cyber-attacks. The brief evaluates the