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समांतर पातळीवर भारत-आर्मेनिया लष्करी सहकार्याच्या जलद विकासाचा आढावा!
Jun 04, 2024

समांतर पातळीवर भारत-आर्मेनिया लष्करी सहकार्याच्या जलद विकासाचा आढावा!

आर्मेनिया आणि भारत यांच्यातील वाढते संरक्षण सहकार्य आण�

Fast-tracking Armenia-India military cooperation
May 17, 2024

Fast-tracking Armenia-India military cooperation

The growing trends in Armenia-India defence cooperation and new arms deals suggest that Armenia should establish a more strategic and comprehensive pa

Giant Pandas and Puppies, Moon Rocks and Mangoes: Gift Giving in Diplomacy
Aug 18, 2023

Giant Pandas and Puppies, Moon Rocks and Mangoes: Gift Giving in Diplomacy

Throughout history, nations have used gift diplomacy to project their cultural identity and national values, and establish rapport that can transcend

India’s cultural battle with China in Israel
Feb 14, 2020

India’s cultural battle with China in Israel

While India and Israel share extensive cultural exchanges, China has adopted a different strategy to ‘woo’ Israelis all together.

The BIMSTEC Master Plan for Transport Connectivity: A Stocktaking
Jun 03, 2024

The BIMSTEC Master Plan for Transport Connectivity: A Stocktaking

Connectivity facilitates economic growth, social development, and people-to-people interactions. Recognising the imperative of connectivity in regional engagement, the Bay of Bengal Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) in 1997 declared ‘transport and communication’ as one of its sectors of cooperation. In 2018, BIMSTEC drew up its Master Plan for Transport Connectivity, and subsequently updated the plan at the fifth BIM