Search: For - coal

418 results found

Sharing the pain at Glasgow
Oct 11, 2021

Sharing the pain at Glasgow

Ahead of the upcoming COP26 Summit, India needs to redefine its transition path for achieving net zero emissions, and reconsider its dependency on coa

China’s power crisis: Outrage over power outages may affect Xi’s green initiatives
Oct 09, 2021

China’s power crisis: Outrage over power outages may affect Xi’s green initiatives

If China continues to undergo a major energy crunch, its green policy might be under jeopardy

PM Deuba facing Himalayan challenges in Nepal
Sep 01, 2021

PM Deuba facing Himalayan challenges in Nepal

After Nepal’s Supreme Court ruled in favour of Sher Bahadur Deuba’s coalition, a tricky road lies ahead for Deuba’s government amidst multiple c

इज़रायल के नये गठबंधन में फिलिस्तीनी पार्टी के शामिल होने का क्या मतलब है?
Jun 12, 2021

इज़रायल के नये गठबंधन में फिलिस्तीनी पार्टी के शामिल होने का क्या मतलब है?

एक फिलिस्तीनी पार्टी को गठबंधन में शामिल करने के ख़िलाफ़

Understanding the role of health in foreign policy: The Indian experience
Apr 27, 2021

Understanding the role of health in foreign policy: The Indian experience

To influence the global health agenda, India not only needs to proactively engage within the WHO, but also outside the organisation at the regional an

चीन की दबाव की राजनीति के ख़िलाफ़, ज़रूरत है दबाव विरोधी गठबंधन की
Jan 28, 2021

चीन की दबाव की राजनीति के ख़िलाफ़, ज़रूरत है दबाव विरोधी गठबंधन की

दुनियाभर में पैदा हो रहे शीत युद्ध का यह दौर, चीन और दुनिय�

Maldives: Solih meets with allies ahead of local council polls
Jan 21, 2021

Maldives: Solih meets with allies ahead of local council polls

This is possibly the first time that all the coalition leaders are meeting for the first time after their decision to do so at least once every month,

It may be time for Bay of Bengal countries to skirt BIMSTEC’s roadblocks
Jan 15, 2021

It may be time for Bay of Bengal countries to skirt BIMSTEC’s roadblocks

It is too easy to imagine that formalising a group of countries into a multilateral organisation with a constitution and a secretariat will give it su

कोयला उद्योग का भविष्य और वित्तीय नतीजे
Nov 17, 2020

कोयला उद्योग का भविष्य और वित्तीय नतीजे

कोयला क्षेत्र समग्र रूप से फंसी हुई परिसंपत्ति की समस्या

Multilateral and plurilateral engagements — Biden on Oceania
Nov 10, 2020

Multilateral and plurilateral engagements — Biden on Oceania

Australia will be able to provide some substantive insights for the new administration on how to engage constructively within the Indo-Pacific region.

Future of coal: Financial consequences
Oct 12, 2020

Future of coal: Financial consequences

The coal sector as a whole faces the problem of stranded asset on account of competition from renewable ― and policies changing globally ― away fr

Non-Western multilateralism: BRICS and the SCO in the post-Covid world
Jul 29, 2020

Non-Western multilateralism: BRICS and the SCO in the post-Covid world

BRICS and the SCO are a graphic embodiment of Russian and Indian equidistant partnerships with other non-Western power centres, which is fundamental f

Knowing one’s friends and allies: The politics of the BRICS amidst the pandemic
Jun 16, 2020

Knowing one’s friends and allies: The politics of the BRICS amidst the pandemic

For most coalitions — and especially so when they involve developing countries — there are usually doomsayers predicting its premature death. The

China’s green promise in Africa: The case of Zimbabwe’s Sengwa coal power plant
Jun 09, 2020

China’s green promise in Africa: The case of Zimbabwe’s Sengwa coal power plant

China should be urged to respect its international obligations to reduce green emissions while the Zimbabwean government must be encouraged to be a re

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?
Jun 03, 2020

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?

Australia seems to be looking to establish a multipolar Indo-Pacific order and ensuring that no single power dominates it.

सीएए एक्ट बन रही है महाराष्ट्र की गठबंधन सरकार की पहली अग्निपरीक्षा
Dec 26, 2019

सीएए एक्ट बन रही है महाराष्ट्र की गठबंधन सरकार की पहली अग्निपरीक्षा

जब केंद्र सरकार महाराष्ट्र में एनआरसी लागू करेगी, तो उद्�

What are the chances of a coalition?
May 21, 2019

What are the chances of a coalition?

The nature and complexity of the next government would either be a confirmation of the thesis that politicians can read the pulse of the people, or th

बांग्‍लादेश में गठबंधन की सियासत ने सत्‍ताधारी पार्टी की चिंता बढ़ाई
Nov 15, 2018

बांग्‍लादेश में गठबंधन की सियासत ने सत्‍ताधारी पार्टी की चिंता बढ़ाई

बांग्‍लादेश के सामने तमाम चुनौतियां हैं। हांलाकि सियास�

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Coal Mines, 1971
Aug 07, 2018

70 Policies — Nationalisation of Coal Mines, 1971

In terms of outcomes, the first decade of coal nationalisation saw “political patronage of mafia activities” and bureaucratic corruption.

Globalisation and the celebration of unique cultures work together within BRICS
May 29, 2018

Globalisation and the celebration of unique cultures work together within BRICS

The BRICS today is a manifestation of a post ideology world — a world that can coalesce on principles, not necessarily based on political theologies

China’s naval power and national prestige
Mar 08, 2018

China’s naval power and national prestige

Naval power lies at the centre of Chinese aspirations and coalesces energy security, maritime strategy, territorial integrity, naval nationalism, fore

As coalition talks fail in Germany, instability is the new normal
Nov 21, 2017

As coalition talks fail in Germany, instability is the new normal

There are only two possible ways out of the current stalemate in Germany.

गठबंधन राजनीति: नेपाल की राजनीति में नया मोड़
Nov 13, 2017

गठबंधन राजनीति: नेपाल की राजनीति में नया मोड़

क्या वाम मोर्चे के सत्ता पर काबिज होने में के बाद देश एक ब�

Germany: A wise verdict
Sep 26, 2017

Germany: A wise verdict

The ostrich policy of Merkel’s grand old coalition has reached a dead end. Even without the AfD, the government will have to address uncomfortable q

जलवायु के जंजाल से कोयले को अभी मुक्त् रखने की जरूरत
Oct 27, 2016

जलवायु के जंजाल से कोयले को अभी मुक्त् रखने की जरूरत

 जलवायु परिवर्तन रोकने की आड़ में रचा जा रहा है'कोयला पाख�

Coal and correction
Jun 03, 2014

Coal and correction

Governance of the energy sector in general and the coal sector in particular has to radically change if India wants to take advantage of its vast coal resources. It must be understood that coal is the only fuel that India has in abundance and it must be exploited to the fullest.

Coal Mining - Challenges and strategies for bridging demand gap
Dec 27, 2012

Coal Mining - Challenges and strategies for bridging demand gap

Coal companies can achieve a great deal if they strategise action plans to improve mine productivity, capital equipment utilisation, mine recovery ratio etc., to international standards. There is also urgent need for introducing more advanced technologies and modern management systems.

A coalition that could help secure our Afghan interests
Sep 15, 2020

A coalition that could help secure our Afghan interests

New Delhi, Tehran and Moscow could coordinate their efforts on Afghanistan as the US exits

Dynamics of Importing Coal: Lessons for India
May 11, 2023

Dynamics of Importing Coal: Lessons for India

The Indian industrial sector has slowed down and reviving it is an immense challenge, given problems in the availability of power. Many states across the country have been facing daily power cuts of upto six hours; the situation is only worsening despite measures being taken by the government such as sprucing up coal supplies.

Emerging coalition of jihad
Apr 10, 2006

Emerging coalition of jihad

With Al Qaeda far from being vanquished, and Pakistan and Bangladesh inevitably turning into jihadi outposts in the emerging pan-Islamist network in Asia, India is more than likely to be caught in the vicious tail-wind of the next wave of terrorism, gathering momentum since 9/11.

End monopoly in Coal sector by introducing competition, say experts
Feb 23, 2010

End monopoly in Coal sector by introducing competition, say experts

India is the third largest coal producer and the coal industry one of the oldest sectors of commercial involvement

Four Walls and a Bubble: Coal and the ABC of India's energy security
Oct 27, 2014

Four Walls and a Bubble: Coal and the ABC of India's energy security

In all the hype and hyperbole about what to do with coal blocks, the plain fact is that the real danger lies in our coal reserves turning valueless for the country, of no benefit to the owner - the people of the land. They will be value less if we don't extract them before they turn un-burnable by climate action a few decades from now.

In Maldives too, polls underline coalition reality of the times
Mar 25, 2014

In Maldives too, polls underline coalition reality of the times

As in the world's many democracies, parliamentary polls in Maldives too have underlined the coalition reality of the times. The polls have also proved the add-ons do count, as former President Nasheed had proved in his second-round victory in 2008.

India’s Coal Supply Security: Pushing Imports at the Expense of Domestic Reforms?
May 11, 2023

India’s Coal Supply Security: Pushing Imports at the Expense of Domestic Reforms?

Coal India Ltd. (CIL) has not been able to supply the committed quantity of coal to the powerproducers, forcing them to source coal from other countries. Apart from this, many coal blockswhich should have been in operation by now are yet to come on-stream.