Search: For - coal

418 results found

Decarbonising coal use in India: Role of carbon capture, utilisation, and storage
May 31, 2023

Decarbonising coal use in India: Role of carbon capture, utilisation, and storage

The complex and elaborate coal network that underpins energy provision and social support in India should be complemented with CCUS for decarbonisatio

Coal-based power generation capacity additions: Giving way to renewables
May 24, 2023

Coal-based power generation capacity additions: Giving way to renewables

By 2030, RE is expected to have the largest share in power generation capacity

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs
May 16, 2023

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs

The perfect storm that has engulfed Pakistan is unlikely to weaken anytime soon.

Coal demand growth in India: Pushing peak coal down the Road?
Apr 27, 2023

Coal demand growth in India: Pushing peak coal down the Road?

In India, heat waves in 2021 and 2022 increased the demand for coal-based power. This trend is likely to continue in 2023.

भूमिगत कोयला गैसीकरण: डिकार्बनाइज़ेशन के लिए विकल्प और हाइड्रोजन का स्रोत?
Apr 01, 2023

भूमिगत कोयला गैसीकरण: डिकार्बनाइज़ेशन के लिए विकल्प और हाइड्रोजन का स्रोत?

कुल मिलाकर भूमिगत कोयला गैसीकरण में रणनीतिक फ़ायदों के स

Underground coal gasification: Option for decarbonisation and source of hydrogen?
Mar 23, 2023

Underground coal gasification: Option for decarbonisation and source of hydrogen?

Overall, UCG has both strategic advantages and huge environmental and geological risks. India would have to weigh it out before proceeding

Chinese reactions to Nepal’s election result
Dec 29, 2022

Chinese reactions to Nepal’s election result

Despite the “communist victory” in Nepal, there seem to be some apprehensions within Chinese strategic circles about the stability of this new coa

Could Italy be the Achilles’ heel in Europe’s united response to Russia?
Oct 12, 2022

Could Italy be the Achilles’ heel in Europe’s united response to Russia?

Fears that European solidarity against Russia would crumble due to the new Italian coalition coming to power may be exaggerated, though not unfounded.

COP27: पश्चिमी देशों को हर प्रकार के जीवाश्म ईंधन का उपयोग सीमित करना चाहिए
Sep 30, 2022

COP27: पश्चिमी देशों को हर प्रकार के जीवाश्म ईंधन का उपयोग सीमित करना चाहिए

वैश्विक ऊर्जा संकट विकसित दुनिया को अपनी जीवाश्म ईंधन पर

Power Sector: Stumbling block in India’s net-zero journey
Sep 26, 2022

Power Sector: Stumbling block in India’s net-zero journey

For India to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070, coal power must be phased out entirely, and renewable capacity needs to grow.

চলার পথ কঠিন হলে শক্তিশালী দেশগুলিকেও কয়লার প্রতি ঝুঁকতে হয়
Sep 08, 2022

চলার পথ কঠিন হলে শক্তিশালী দেশগুলিকেও কয়লার প্রতি ঝুঁকতে হয়

বিশ্বব্যাপী কয়লার ব্যবহারে ব্যাপক বৃদ্ধি পাওয়ার ঘটনা অ�

तेल कंपनियों की कमाई पर अप्रत्याशित टैक्स : जायज़ सज़ा या अत्याचार?
Aug 20, 2022

तेल कंपनियों की कमाई पर अप्रत्याशित टैक्स : जायज़ सज़ा या अत्याचार?

पिछले दिनों संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद (यूएनएससी) के �

কোল বেনেফেসিয়েশন নীতি: কড়াকড়ি আছে কিন্তু প্রণোদনা নেই
Aug 18, 2022

কোল বেনেফেসিয়েশন নীতি: কড়াকড়ি আছে কিন্তু প্রণোদনা নেই

কয়লার চাহিদা বৃদ্ধির সঙ্গে সঙ্গে সরকারের সামনে একমাত্�

Coal Pricing in India: The high cost of low Prices
Aug 08, 2022

Coal Pricing in India: The high cost of low Prices

The coal pricing in India is regulated and deregulated by the government from time to time leading to a rise in the actual delivered price of coal.

Energy, security, and Europe’s politics of discomfort
Aug 02, 2022

Energy, security, and Europe’s politics of discomfort

The prosperity of the past seven decades has led the European continent adrift in the cold waters of strategic lethargy.

कोल बेनिफ़िकेशन नीतियां: सज़ा से अलग प्रोत्साहनों पर ज़ोर देने का समय आ चुका है!
Jul 26, 2022

कोल बेनिफ़िकेशन नीतियां: सज़ा से अलग प्रोत्साहनों पर ज़ोर देने का समय आ चुका है!

कोयले की मांग में बढ़ोतरी के बीच सरकार के पास अब एक ही व्य�

When the going gets tough, the tough burn coal
Jul 25, 2022

When the going gets tough, the tough burn coal

With a robust increase in coal consumption worldwide, grand challenges await the entire world in future

Coal Beneficiation Policies: Sticks but no carrots
Jul 15, 2022

Coal Beneficiation Policies: Sticks but no carrots

With the increase in demand for coal, the only viable option left for the government is to go against its policy of self-reliance with coal beneficiat

আমদানিকৃত কয়লা: ভারতের জন্য শক্তি নিরাপত্তার উৎস?
Jul 12, 2022

আমদানিকৃত কয়লা: ভারতের জন্য শক্তি নিরাপত্তার উৎস?

ভারতের আমদানিকৃত কয়লার ক্রমবর্ধমান ব্যবহার জ্বালানি ন

आयातित कोयला: क्या इसमें छुपा है भारत में ऊर्जा सुरक्षा का स्रोत?
Jun 13, 2022

आयातित कोयला: क्या इसमें छुपा है भारत में ऊर्जा सुरक्षा का स्रोत?

भारत में आयातित कोयले का बढ़ता इस्तेमाल देश में ऊर्जा सु�

आयातित कोयला: क्या इसमें छुपा है भारत में ऊर्जा सुरक्षा का स्रोत?
Jun 13, 2022

आयातित कोयला: क्या इसमें छुपा है भारत में ऊर्जा सुरक्षा का स्रोत?

भारत में आयातित कोयले का बढ़ता इस्तेमाल देश में ऊर्जा सु�

Imported Coal: Source of Energy Security for India?
Jun 06, 2022

Imported Coal: Source of Energy Security for India?

India's increasing use of imported coal undermines the country's strategy of being "self-reliant" in the energy security sector.

The Natural Gas Sector in India: Cost of price controls
May 24, 2022

The Natural Gas Sector in India: Cost of price controls

The increment in the price of domestic gas in India and its impact on the production and consumption of the same.

भारत में कोयले की किल्लत: ‘मांग और आपूर्ति से हटकर मौजूद समीकरण’
May 19, 2022

भारत में कोयले की किल्लत: ‘मांग और आपूर्ति से हटकर मौजूद समीकरण’

इस भयंकर गर्मी में भारत, बिजलीघरों में बिजली उत्पादन में �

Coal Shortage in India: Beyond Supply and Demand
May 01, 2022

Coal Shortage in India: Beyond Supply and Demand

India is facing a sudden shortage in power generation in power plants amidst the scorching summer heat.

Just Transition: Low bar for the Low Carbon Transition in India
Mar 22, 2022

Just Transition: Low bar for the Low Carbon Transition in India

The assumption that energy transition will also ensure social transition may prove to be inaccurate in the long-run

Economic Survey 2021-22: Directions for energy
Feb 17, 2022

Economic Survey 2021-22: Directions for energy

Though the Economic Survey shifted its approach, it doesn’t provide a roadmap to guide the energy sector.

Natural gas and nuclear power in the EU: If you can’t beat them, green them
Jan 20, 2022

Natural gas and nuclear power in the EU: If you can’t beat them, green them

The European Union’s proposal for a new green taxonomy holds valuable lessons for India.

Maldives: Coalition partners rally around Solih against Yameen’s ‘India Out’ campaign
Jan 05, 2022

Maldives: Coalition partners rally around Solih against Yameen’s ‘India Out’ campaign

Should Yameen’s Opposition reconsider their campaign strategy for the 2023 polls before it is too late?

The emergence of “coalitions of the willing” and impact on practical security cooperation in Southeast Asia
Dec 14, 2021

The emergence of “coalitions of the willing” and impact on practical security cooperation in Southeast Asia

Despite the varied opinions of the ASEAN countries with regard to AUKUS, it would have to learn to co-exist and cooperate on regional security issues

কয়লার ব্যবহারে শীর্ষে পৌঁছনোর সময়সীমা পিছিয়ে দিল চিন এবং ভারত
Nov 27, 2021

কয়লার ব্যবহারে শীর্ষে পৌঁছনোর সময়সীমা পিছিয়ে দিল চিন এবং ভারত

পুনর্নবীকরণযোগ্য শক্তির ধীর গতি জোগান এবং ক্রমবর্ধমান �

From “phase-up” to “phase-down” of coal
Nov 22, 2021

From “phase-up” to “phase-down” of coal

Instead of pioneering new, green technologies, coal-dependent nations continue to rely on expensive energy technologies of the wealthier world.

Financing the end of coal: The market case for decarbonising India's energy sector
Nov 12, 2021

Financing the end of coal: The market case for decarbonising India's energy sector

For India to conform to the coal-free trend, more foreign capital flow needs to be diverted to green sectors.

Coal stock shocks in India
Nov 06, 2021

Coal stock shocks in India

While the Indian coal sector is undergoing a crisis, it is also worth analysing the issues surrounding solar and other renewable energy sources.

Power crisis: How China can turn the challenge into an opportunity
Nov 01, 2021

Power crisis: How China can turn the challenge into an opportunity

Will China fall short on its green targets as extensive measures are being adopted to avert the power crisis that it is undergoing?

COP26: कोयला, कोरोना और कशमकश की ग्लासगो पर फैलती कालिख़
Oct 23, 2021

COP26: कोयला, कोरोना और कशमकश की ग्लासगो पर फैलती कालिख़

ऊर्जा संसाधनों का एक विस्तृत विश्व बाजार है – यह विशाल हो�

China and India postpone peak coal
Oct 15, 2021

China and India postpone peak coal

Coal consumption sees a resurgence as countries attempt to balance between increasing demands for energy and slow supply of renewables. A new challeng

Energy price spikes: Intermittency of renewables and the call on firm capacity
Oct 12, 2021

Energy price spikes: Intermittency of renewables and the call on firm capacity

A sudden rise in demand of natural gas and coal due to seasonal change begs the question, why does the market continue to embrace coal and gas—fuels