Search: For - climate crisis

58 results found

A multistakeholder approach to urban climate action in India
Jan 22, 2025

A multistakeholder approach to urban climate action in India

The climate crisis threatens livelihoods, worsens inequalities, and amplifies vulnerabilities. Building urban resilience to climate threats is essenti

Beyond essentialism: Redefining the gender-environment nexus
Jan 02, 2025

Beyond essentialism: Redefining the gender-environment nexus

Looking beyond the gender-essentialism of the ecofeminist movement and engaging with the material realities of women’s lives in the Global South wil

जलवायु संकट बनाम ट्रंप 2.0: क्या होगा भविष्य?
Dec 12, 2024

जलवायु संकट बनाम ट्रंप 2.0: क्या होगा भविष्य?

इसमें कोई शक नहीं है कि ट्रंप के दूसरे कार्यकाल में जलवाय�

‘बायो-सिक्योरिटी’ में लीडरशिप की भूमिका में महिलाओं का प्रतिनिधित्व!
Sep 17, 2024

‘बायो-सिक्योरिटी’ में लीडरशिप की भूमिका में महिलाओं का प्रतिनिधित्व!

जैव खतरे के सामने महिलाओं की बिल्कुल अलग किस्म की असुरक्�

New urban climate policy: Making our cities “Tall, Green and Walkable
Jun 06, 2024

New urban climate policy: Making our cities “Tall, Green and Walkable

Over the next two decades, as most Indian cities will urbanise, we have a window of opportunity of making the cities “Tall, Green and Walkable”.

A warming warning: Why climate crisis is a public health emergency
May 31, 2024

A warming warning: Why climate crisis is a public health emergency

Recognising climate change as a public health emergency is imperative due to its profound implications for human health and well-being

To achieve the global goal on health, place health at the heart of climate action
Apr 05, 2024

To achieve the global goal on health, place health at the heart of climate action

Climate change is intensifying existing health vulnerabilities. Placing health at the heart of the climate justice movement is thus essential for mean

COP28: COP प्लॅटफॉर्म काही लोकांनी त्यांच्या स्वार्थासाठी हायजॅक केला होता का?
Mar 02, 2024

COP28: COP प्लॅटफॉर्म काही लोकांनी त्यांच्या स्वार्थासाठी हायजॅक केला होता का?

‘सीओपी २८’ने संबंधित प्रत्येक भागधारकाला काही ना काही द�

२०२४ मध्ये जगभरातील लिंगभेद दूर करण्याच्या मोहिमेला अधिक ऊर्जेची आवश्यकता?
Feb 14, 2024

२०२४ मध्ये जगभरातील लिंगभेद दूर करण्याच्या मोहिमेला अधिक ऊर्जेची आवश्यकता?

अभूतपूर्व जागतिक संकटांमुळे लिंगभेद दूर करण्यासंदर्भा�

Bridging the global gender chasm in 2024: Need for more steam?
Feb 03, 2024

Bridging the global gender chasm in 2024: Need for more steam?

Due to unprecedented global crises, progress in bridging the gender divide has stagnated

COP28: Was the COP robbed?
Jan 29, 2024

COP28: Was the COP robbed?

COP28 offered something to every stakeholder but not enough for the world

Another looming crisis in the Middle East: Climate change
Nov 14, 2023

Another looming crisis in the Middle East: Climate change

The climate crisis has become a leading concern in the Middle East and the upcoming COP28 climate conference in the UAE serves as a pivotal platform t

Youth-led just transition: A mandate or a mirage for the Global South?
Aug 12, 2023

Youth-led just transition: A mandate or a mirage for the Global South?

Youth capital can become an essential driving force of sustainable development and climate change movement.

इंडो-पैसिफ़िक क्षेत्र में जलवायु परिवर्तन और भू-सामरिक महासागर शासन
Jul 29, 2023

इंडो-पैसिफ़िक क्षेत्र में जलवायु परिवर्तन और भू-सामरिक महासागर शासन

महासागरों में सैन्य अभ्यासों से समुद्री पारिस्थितिकी त�

Case for R&D in Climate Tech Innovation: जलवायु प्रोद्योगिकी नवाचार में अनुसंधान और विकास के मायने
Jul 26, 2023

Case for R&D in Climate Tech Innovation: जलवायु प्रोद्योगिकी नवाचार में अनुसंधान और विकास के मायने

सरकार, निवेशकों, संस्थाओं एवं उद्यमियों की तरफ से एकसाथ म�

The disproportionate impact of climate change on women
May 01, 2023

The disproportionate impact of climate change on women

Women’s participation in spaces of power is the need of the hour to solve the current climate crisis

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting the climate crisis in Yemen
Feb 08, 2023

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting the climate crisis in Yemen

The AQAP are addressing climate change-related issues to gain popularity amongst the masses of Yemen

We “Pledge” action: The delay and diffuse tactics of climate misinformation
Nov 12, 2022

We “Pledge” action: The delay and diffuse tactics of climate misinformation

Despite delay, distract and diffuse tactics, awareness of the climate crisis and the impact it has on many of our other crises—energy, food, violenc

Sustainable food value chains for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Oct 17, 2022

Sustainable food value chains for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

The circular economy plays a pivotal role in tackling the climate crisis and achieving the SDGs

Climate change and women: A crisis within a crisis
Sep 02, 2022

Climate change and women: A crisis within a crisis

In addressing the urgent crisis of climate change, it is crucial to acknowledge the gender dimension of its impacts, and for that to be reflected in t

Saudi Arabia’s religious pruning: Will there be an Islamic hegemon anymore?
Jul 05, 2022

Saudi Arabia’s religious pruning: Will there be an Islamic hegemon anymore?

Do Saudi Arabia’s recent social reforms affect its position as an Islamic hegemon in the world?

G-20 minus or G-7 plus?
Oct 30, 2021

G-20 minus or G-7 plus?

With the growing disinterest in multilateralism, how will the G20 grouping deal with China’s growing belligerence, climate crisis, and the impending

Direct air capture: Inching towards cost competitiveness?
Oct 11, 2021

Direct air capture: Inching towards cost competitiveness?

DACCS technologies can help mitigate climate crisis by reducing CO2 emission, however, there are certain limitations, therefore, these needs to be enr

Discom reforms in India: Why the inefficiency narrative is inadequate
Oct 09, 2021

Discom reforms in India: Why the inefficiency narrative is inadequate

Despite substantial policy changes, the discom sector has not improved. Could this be chalked up to inefficiency or should political interventions be

The promise of AI: Can it hold for environmental sustainability?
Apr 14, 2021

The promise of AI: Can it hold for environmental sustainability?

We need to be in a better position to do our homework and genuinely assess the environmental impact of digital technologies, including AI.

Climate crisis compass for water management
May 10, 2024

Climate crisis compass for water management

India’s critical water infrastructure must be built to withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from climate disruptions

The Global Carbon Incentive Fund as a Response to the Climate Crisis
Aug 23, 2021

The Global Carbon Incentive Fund as a Response to the Climate Crisis

The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, often hailed as a diplomatic triumph, aims to limit temperature increases to below 2 degrees Celsius (C), preferably to 1.5 degrees C, compared to pre-industrial levels. However, with the United Nations (UN) having failed to establish a method for putting a price on carbon, greenhouse gas emissions have continued to rise, and global temperatures increased by more than 1.2 degrees C in 2020. Already, experts warn

Climate-proof farms to tackle food insecurity
Sep 20, 2022

Climate-proof farms to tackle food insecurity

Food self-sufficiency has been India’s greatest achievement, which must be celebrated. But India urgently needs to wake up to the significant challenges that climate change poses to its long-term food security and adopt urgent measures

Financing Regenerative Agricultural Practices: A Recommendation for BRICS
Sep 17, 2021

Financing Regenerative Agricultural Practices: A Recommendation for BRICS

The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have all declared their commitment to climate action and the implementation of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This brief makes a case for BRICS, as a forum, to build a strategy for financing regenerative agriculture; key should be the creation of a joint fund. If implemented correctly, the brief argues, such a strategy of giving back to the land, instead of merel

Inconvenient truths: those opposing Cop28 leadership should face own reality
May 27, 2023

Inconvenient truths: those opposing Cop28 leadership should face own reality

Cutting oil and gas out of the climate conversation won’t work because – like it or not – they will underpin the global economy for years to come

India's climate change strategy: Expanding differentiated responsibility
Oct 07, 2014

India's climate change strategy: Expanding differentiated responsibility

For Lima and Paris climate change negotiations to succeed in achieving consensus, the issue of equitable response to the climate crisis must be creatively reimagined. And, to negotiate action on climate change despite many challenges, India should promote a more fine-tuned form of differentiated responsibility -- not just between countries, but within them as well.