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#chemicalweapons चे प्रयोग: जगातील असुरक्षित समुदायांवर प्रभाव कमी करण्याचे आव्हान?
Oct 07, 2024

#chemicalweapons चे प्रयोग: जगातील असुरक्षित समुदायांवर प्रभाव कमी करण्याचे आव्हान?

रासायनिक शस्त्रे असुरक्षित आणि गरीब समुदायांसाठी महत्त

Mitigating the impact of chemical weapons on vulnerable communities
Sep 21, 2024

Mitigating the impact of chemical weapons on vulnerable communities

Chemical weapons pose significant risks to vulnerable communities, highlighting the urgent need for legal frameworks focused on their protection and r

Including narcotics in the Chemical Weapons Convention
Jun 28, 2024

Including narcotics in the Chemical Weapons Convention

There is an urgent need to take measures to prevent the misuse of chemical substances in warfare and limit access to non-state actors.

Establishing WMD Free Zones in the Middle East: If not now, then when?
May 27, 2024

Establishing WMD Free Zones in the Middle East: If not now, then when?

Establishing Middle East WMD-free zones (MEWMDFZ) is an urgent requirement, not only for the region's stability but also for global security.

Behind India’s renewed outreach to an embattled Syria
Jul 25, 2023

Behind India’s renewed outreach to an embattled Syria

The Arab League’s green flag to Syria opened a clearer path for more diplomacy by others such as India but it remains anchored in regional geopoliti

Syrian Chemical Weapons:The Danger Within
May 11, 2023

Syrian Chemical Weapons:The Danger Within

The Syrian case is a unique one. A country with a WMD-armed country has never witnessed civil strife before. The active involvement of terror groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and al-Qaeda in Iraq coupled with the weakening hold of the Assad regime over large swathes of the country makes the situation grim.

Is Syria, the next Libya?
Aug 29, 2013

Is Syria, the next Libya?

Who used chemical weapons against whom? Is Assad regime guilty? We may never know. What is certain is that one more country in the Middle East will be reduced to an ungovernable territory. Welcome home Al-Qaeda!

Russia is back
Sep 24, 2013

Russia is back

The war in Syria, the alleged use of chemical weapons by its President, Bashar al-Assad, a Russian ally, has turned out to be a perfect opportunity for Putin to reassert the role of Russia, 21 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union.

Strengthening CBRN Security in India: Domestic Strategies and Global Collaborations
Nov 06, 2024

Strengthening CBRN Security in India: Domestic Strategies and Global Collaborations

India’s geopolitically sensitive location and complex relationships with neighbours, global powers, and non-state actors necessitate national security strategies that include the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) domain. This paper discusses the current threat scenario related to CBRN technologies; it makes a case for leveraging multilateral cooperation through alliances like the Quad and regional partnerships to strengthen

The evidence on Syria is thin
Sep 03, 2013

The evidence on Syria is thin

Like about the Loch Ness Monster, we have only heard that the West has proof of the Assad regime using chemical weapons. But we've seen no credible testimony. For all one knows, it may have been the rebels' doing to instigate a US military response.