Search: For - cashless india

3 results found

Mobile banking for universal financial inclusion in India: A translation into reality
Apr 02, 2019

Mobile banking for universal financial inclusion in India: A translation into reality

There is a strong case to be made for leveraging mobile banking systems in order to increase the quotient of financial inclusion in the country.

Two years after demonetisation: Cashless India still a distant dream
Nov 23, 2018

Two years after demonetisation: Cashless India still a distant dream

The goal of Cashless India requires a comprehensive long-term strategy.

Cashless India: Getting incentives right
May 03, 2018

Cashless India: Getting incentives right

The debate on digital transactions and the merits of a “cashless” economy engaged public attention in India in the past year. This paper steers the debate towards articulating an appropriate strategy that can bring the Indian economy closer to becoming “cashless”. The paper begins with an exposition of the theoretical model of the digitalisation process, identifying a set of core structural parameters that determine a nation’s readiness