Search: For - capability gaps

2 results found

China demands a comprehensive strategy, not crisis management
Jun 25, 2020

China demands a comprehensive strategy, not crisis management

India needs to overhaul how it deals with China, and India’s military apparatus itself needs its own strategic rethink if it is to play a meaningful

The Indian Air Force, Sub-Conventional operations and Balakot: A practitioner’s perspective
May 13, 2019

The Indian Air Force, Sub-Conventional operations and Balakot: A practitioner’s perspective

India’s employment of offensive air power in sub-conventional operations has evolved rather slowly for several reasons, primary of which is the quest for restraint in the application of force against internal fissures. There is also a popular reluctance to recognise the capabilities of air power in pursuing counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism and counter-infiltration operations. This brief explores the evolution of a doctrinal clarity for the