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26 results found

श्रीलंका आणि मालदीवमध्ये चीनची बदलली रणनीती
Jan 24, 2025

श्रीलंका आणि मालदीवमध्ये चीनची बदलली रणनीती

मालदीव आणि श्रीलंकेत चीनचा कल आता मोठ्या प्रकल्पांपासू�

आफ्रिकेतील कनेक्टीव्हिटी: लोकशाहीच्या विकासाचे त्रिकूट
Jan 17, 2025

आफ्रिकेतील कनेक्टीव्हिटी: लोकशाहीच्या विकासाचे त्रिकूट

आफ्रिका हा एक महत्त्वाचा प्रदेश म्हणून वेगाने उदयाला ये�

The changing nature of Chinese influence in Sri Lanka and Maldives
Jan 15, 2025

The changing nature of Chinese influence in Sri Lanka and Maldives

China’s approach in the Maldives and Sri Lanka is shifting from mega-projects to increased high-level interactions and smaller development initiativ

अफ्रीका में कनेक्टिविटी की क़वायद: यानी लोकतांत्रिक विकास की ‘तिकड़ी’
Jan 09, 2025

अफ्रीका में कनेक्टिविटी की क़वायद: यानी लोकतांत्रिक विकास की ‘तिकड़ी’

एक महत्वपूर्ण क्षेत्र के रूप में तेज़ी से अफ्रीका के उभर�

Connectivity in Africa: The democratic development triad
Jan 07, 2025

Connectivity in Africa: The democratic development triad

With Africa emerging as an increasingly important region, and as China remains the continent’s dominant trading partner, the US, EU, and India must

China fails to push BRI implementation plan in Nepal
Oct 16, 2024

China fails to push BRI implementation plan in Nepal

The Chinese intention seems clear—until Nepal signs the BRI Implementation Plan, Chinese cooperation in mega projects will remain in limbo

Forced criminality: A resounding knell for ASEAN and its partners
Sep 16, 2024

Forced criminality: A resounding knell for ASEAN and its partners

To curb the surge of transnational scam networks in Southeast Asia, a proper regional response from ASEAN, India, China, and Australia is required

Ream Naval base: China’s expanding influence in Cambodia
Aug 05, 2024

Ream Naval base: China’s expanding influence in Cambodia

China’s strategic infrastructure development has expanded exponentially in Cambodia through BRI. While the latter benefits economically, it seeks to

Decoding Sri Lanka’s moratorium on foreign research vessels
Jan 08, 2024

Decoding Sri Lanka’s moratorium on foreign research vessels

In an attempt to balance between India and China, Sri Lanka has imposed a one-year ban on all foreign research vessels

नेपाळचा चीनशी सावधगिरीचा करार
Oct 21, 2023

नेपाळचा चीनशी सावधगिरीचा करार

पंतप्रधान दहल यांनी त्यांच्या अलीकडच्या दौऱ्यात चीनसोब

Nepal’s cautious deals with China
Oct 10, 2023

Nepal’s cautious deals with China

Although PM Dahal signed several agreements with China during his recent visit, critics at home are dismayed that Nepal is not gaining anything concre

Revamping BRI in post-coup Myanmar
Dec 08, 2022

Revamping BRI in post-coup Myanmar

Myanmar government is proceeding with the BRI projects in an attempt to resuscitate the economy but this could come at a huge cost.

BRI Projects in Nepal: चीन-नेपाल के समझौते से भारत चिंतित; ड्रैगन के झांसे में फंस सकता है ‘नेपाल’
Sep 16, 2022

BRI Projects in Nepal: चीन-नेपाल के समझौते से भारत चिंतित; ड्रैगन के झांसे में फंस सकता है ‘नेपाल’

नेपाल को इस बात का बखूबी अंदाजा है कि चीन की बीआरआई परियोज

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक
Aug 25, 2022

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक

दक्षिण एशिया में कई मुल्‍कों में आए आर्थिक संकट की आंच ची�

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक
Aug 25, 2022

China BRI Project: भारत की सामरिक चुनौतियों से क्‍या है इसका लिंक

दक्षिण एशिया में कई मुल्‍कों में आए आर्थिक संकट की आंच ची�

Balances and benefits in Southern South Asia: The Maldives and Sri Lanka in 2021
Dec 28, 2021

Balances and benefits in Southern South Asia: The Maldives and Sri Lanka in 2021

With the changing dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region, both the island states have ample opportunities to balance between India and China.

The inconvenient truth about China’s International Commercial Courts
Aug 28, 2020

The inconvenient truth about China’s International Commercial Courts

BRI projects cut across various countries with different legal systems — the legal and regulatory differences across different jurisdictions increas

BRI in Nepal: An Appraisal
Jun 10, 2024

BRI in Nepal: An Appraisal

Nepal signed the framework agreement of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with China in May 2017. Of the initial 35 projects that Nepal had proposed, the final number eventually came down to nine. Seven years later, none of the BRI projects have been completed. In 2023, the tenth year of the BRI, controversies surrounding China’s attempt to co-opt even ‘non-BRI’ projects under the framework, and Nepal’s efforts to secure more grants inst

China and Saudi Arabia: A Deepening Strategic Partnership
Jan 16, 2025

China and Saudi Arabia: A Deepening Strategic Partnership

Iran and Saudi Arabia resumed bilateral relations in March 2023, following a deal brokered by China and ending a hiatus of seven years. The diplomatic breakthrough underlined Beijing’s political inroads into the Middle East. Indeed, China’s relations with Iran have grown in recent years due to an alignment in their geopolitical interests, while China-Saudi Arabia relations have also notably strengthened. The deepening of the strategic partner

China’s belt and road initiative: Implications in Africa
May 10, 2023

China’s belt and road initiative: Implications in Africa

Over the last two decades, China has established a significant economic presence in most African countries. Its lucrative economic investment package, flexible political approach, and focused big-ticket development projects under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) provide an ostensibly massive opportunity to African countries. However, the unilateral nature of the initiative, the lack of transparency and accountability to African countries, and t

Event Report | Foreign policy under Xi Jinping
Sep 06, 2019

Event Report | Foreign policy under Xi Jinping

The event revolved around the current Chinese foreign policy in south-east Asia, its BRI project and relations with the Indo-Pacific countries and how the world views China under these geopolitical scenarios and Chinese reactions towards them.