Search: For - arctic council

7 results found

वितळणाऱ्या आर्क्टिकचे धोरणात्मक परिमाण
May 10, 2024

वितळणाऱ्या आर्क्टिकचे धोरणात्मक परिमाण

हे शक्य आहे की आर्क्टिकच्या संसाधनांचे शोषण करून तात्का�

Strategic dynamics in a melting Arctic
Apr 24, 2024

Strategic dynamics in a melting Arctic

While resource exploitation in the Artic may offer short-term gains, the long-term consequences for the planet outweigh them

आर्क्टिकः सर्व संपत्तीने युक्त असलेला परंतु कुणाचाही अधिकार नसलेला प्रदेश
Feb 22, 2024

आर्क्टिकः सर्व संपत्तीने युक्त असलेला परंतु कुणाचाही अधिकार नसलेला प्रदेश

आर्क्टिक प्रदेशातील सध्याच्या पर्यावरणीय आणि भू-राजकीय

Arctic: The quasi-global common
Feb 10, 2024

Arctic: The quasi-global common

The current ecological and geopolitical shifts in the Arctic region may warrant a thorough revaluation of the Arctic Council’s functions and authori

Norway’s Arctic Council chairship: Priorities vs geopolitics
Jun 03, 2023

Norway’s Arctic Council chairship: Priorities vs geopolitics

As Norway takes over as the Chair of the Arctic Council, it will have to tread a fine line between its priorities and the geopolitics in the regions

Can the Arctic Council’s success be replicated in South Asia?
Feb 11, 2019

Can the Arctic Council’s success be replicated in South Asia?

The role of the ‘small’ actors as leaders has been critical in lowering confrontations between the great powers in the Arctic. This has allowed th

India’s Arctic potential
Feb 18, 2019

India’s Arctic potential

This paper examines India’s role, and stakes, in the so-called ‘Arctic Paradox’: As the Arctic region witnesses an unprecedented rate of ice-melt because of global warming, new routes are being opened, paving the way for untapped hydrocarbon and mineral resources to be exploited. While India has been active in the Arctic for over ten years, it has not fully made use of its Observer status, and it must give new energy to its activities in th