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8 results found

Farm Bill 2020 and the invisible trade-off between agricultural sector and non-farm sectors
Dec 10, 2021

Farm Bill 2020 and the invisible trade-off between agricultural sector and non-farm sectors

The development of non-farm sectors alongside infrastructural changes in the agricultural sector could bring reformation of the Indian economy.

India: Dissecting the farmers’ protest
Dec 16, 2020

India: Dissecting the farmers’ protest

The Centre must leave no stone unturned for finding a broad consensus around the issue by bringing on board all the stakeholders.

Towards a new deal for Indian farmers
Oct 09, 2020

Towards a new deal for Indian farmers

When the stimulus package was announced in May 2020, many raised questions on the immediate viability of the measures in the current economic scenario.

कृषी विधेयक २०२० आणि अर्थकारण
Dec 20, 2021

कृषी विधेयक २०२० आणि अर्थकारण

भारताच्या आर्थिक प्रगतीसाठी कृषी क्षेत्रातील पायाभूत सुधारणांसह, बिगरकृषी क्षेत्रांमध्ये युवक-महिलांसाठी पुरेशा नोकऱ्या निर्माण व्हायला हव्यात.

शेतकऱ्याला व्पापारी होता येईल?
Oct 07, 2020

शेतकऱ्याला व्पापारी होता येईल?

‘थेट शेतातून घरात’ हे वाचायला आकर्षक वाटते. पण शेतकरी उत्पादकाची मानसिकता सोडून विक्रेत्याच्या मानसिकतेमध्ये कसा येईल? या प्रश्नाचे उत्तर शोधायला हवे.