Search: For - Women's rights

24 results found

Budget 2025-26 and women’s empowerment: Is India meeting its gender goals?
Feb 03, 2025

Budget 2025-26 and women’s empowerment: Is India meeting its gender goals?

Despite the government's annual promises and large budget allocations, real progress remains elusive

तालिबान के शासन का संस्थानीकरण: 'पाप' और 'पुण्य' को कानूनी रूप देने की कोशिश?
Sep 10, 2024

तालिबान के शासन का संस्थानीकरण: 'पाप' और 'पुण्य' को कानूनी रूप देने की कोशिश?

इस्लामिक अमीरात ऑफ अफ़ग़ानिस्तान द्वारा हाल ही में पारि�

पाकिस्तानी न्यायव्यवस्था सत्तेची आज्ञाधारक मध्यस्थ
Apr 17, 2024

पाकिस्तानी न्यायव्यवस्था सत्तेची आज्ञाधारक मध्यस्थ

पाकिस्तानमध्ये खंडित जनादेशानंतर आता नवीन सरकारने पदभा

Pakistan’s judiciary as a compliant arbiter of power
Apr 06, 2024

Pakistan’s judiciary as a compliant arbiter of power

As Pakistan ushers in a new executive, backed by a fractured legislature, its judiciary remains survivalist

2030 पर्यंत स्त्री-पुरुष समानता साध्य करण्याचे उद्दिष्ट कसे गाठायचे?
Mar 14, 2024

2030 पर्यंत स्त्री-पुरुष समानता साध्य करण्याचे उद्दिष्ट कसे गाठायचे?

शाश्वत विकास उद्दिष्ट-५ आणि इतर उद्दिष्टांमधील आंतरसंब�

Walk the talk: Prioritise SDG 5 to advance Agenda 2030
Mar 07, 2024

Walk the talk: Prioritise SDG 5 to advance Agenda 2030

The connections between SDG 5 and other goals underscore the imperative of attaining gender equality as both a moral obligation and a strategic invest

China's dichotomous ties with the Taliban and Uyghurs
Sep 26, 2023

China's dichotomous ties with the Taliban and Uyghurs

Both Beijing and the Taliban hope to secure their interests by engaging bilaterally, with both sides increasing repression in their respective countri

Chasing an ‘inclusive government’ in Taliban’s Afghanistan
Jul 14, 2023

Chasing an ‘inclusive government’ in Taliban’s Afghanistan

The rush towards demanding political inclusivity from the Taliban has been downgraded to a mere talking point while realpolitik takes charge

Contraceptive decision-making in India
Jul 11, 2023

Contraceptive decision-making in India

Women’s contraceptive decision-making continues to be at an all-time low in both urban and rural areas. This needs to be addressed by initiating ade

A year into Taliban rule, women live in fear
Sep 01, 2022

A year into Taliban rule, women live in fear

Despite glaring evidence of women's rights violations in Afghanistan, the international community remains silent.

The future of women leaders in Afghanistan
Aug 16, 2019

The future of women leaders in Afghanistan

It is only when the institutional structures change in Afghanistan, that the status of women leaders can shift from symbols to real people.

Afghanistan and women's rights
Dec 19, 2013

Afghanistan and women's rights

Comparing Afghanistan and the rest of the world, Farkhunda Zarah Naderi, Member of the Afghan National Assembly, said that while the world is looking forward to achieve the status quo, Afghans are still fighting for their primary rights, be it women's, cultural or ethical.

A House Divided: The SCO’s Afghanistan Conundrum
Aug 13, 2023

A House Divided: The SCO’s Afghanistan Conundrum

Separatism, extremism, and terrorism originating in Afghanistan compelled the neighbouring countries to form the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in 2001. However, instead of presenting a united front, the SCO is rife with disagreements. Increased divergences and mistrust among the members have helped the Taliban regain power in Afghanistan and strengthen its influence in the heart of Eurasia. The Taliban have taken advantage of the trust

Back to the Medieval
Sep 17, 2024

Back to the Medieval

Legitimising Taliban is a global risk

Filling the Blanks: Putting Gender into Military A.I.
Aug 21, 2023

Filling the Blanks: Putting Gender into Military A.I.

Defence structures around the world are seeing a technological upheaving as new and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) are being added to military arsenals. However, military AI largely lacks precision and is often developed without any threat-modelling which takes gender into account, examples of which are already being seen in civilian applications of AI. Translated into a conflict environment, deploying such AI systems cou

Middle Powers in the Gulf: Navigating the Return of the Taliban in Afghanistan
Feb 19, 2024

Middle Powers in the Gulf: Navigating the Return of the Taliban in Afghanistan

Amid the ongoing fundamental changes in the international order, such as the growing bipolar competition between the US and China and the promotion of multipolarity, middle powers may take more ownership of conflict points such as Afghanistan. To comprehend this possibility, it is important to trace the evolution of middle powers in the Persian Gulf. This paper looks at the complexities of the Gulf middle power states, with Afghanistan as the the

Parliament clears women's Bill
Feb 02, 2012

Parliament clears women's Bill

Senate's recent decision to pass the 'National Commission on the Status of Women Bill, 2012' was a step forward for the women's rights movement in Pakistan.

The ‘Smart Economics’ of Moving Women from the Private to the Public Sphere
Mar 07, 2024

The ‘Smart Economics’ of Moving Women from the Private to the Public Sphere

Despite advancements in legislation and representation over the last decades, women continue to face barriers in accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare, legal protection against violence, and leadership roles. In the economic sphere, gender disparities persist in labour force participation, job sectors, wages, and unpaid care work. Women are constrained in participating in the labour market as their social role remains attached to domestic

गर्भनिरोधकांच्या वापरासंबंधी महिलांना स्वातंत्र्य किती?
Oct 14, 2023

गर्भनिरोधकांच्या वापरासंबंधी महिलांना स्वातंत्र्य किती?

गर्भनिरोधक वापरण्यासंबंधी निर्णय घेण्याचे स्वातंत्र्य असलेल्या महिलांची संख्या शहरी व ग्रामीण अशा दोन्ही भागांत कमीच आहे. जनजागृतीपर कार्यक्रमांची संख्या वाढवून त्य

तालिबानच्या अफगाणिस्तानमध्ये ‘सर्वसमावेशक सरकार’चा पाठपुरावा
Oct 15, 2023

तालिबानच्या अफगाणिस्तानमध्ये ‘सर्वसमावेशक सरकार’चा पाठपुरावा

परिस्थितीवर आणि घटकांच्या विचारांवर आधारित मुत्सद्दी किंवा राजकीय धोरणे आखण्याच्या दृष्टिकोनातून पदभार स्वीकारताना, तालिबानकडून राजकीय सर्वसमावेशकतेची मागणी करण्य

सोशल मीडिया, ट्रोलिंग आणि महिला
Mar 16, 2021

सोशल मीडिया, ट्रोलिंग आणि महिला

इंटरनेटवर जर तुम्ही एक महिला असाल आणि तुम्ही राजकीय मुद्द्यांवर भाष्य केले, तर मिळणारा प्रतिसाद अपमानास्पद असण्याची शक्यता अधिक असते.