Search: For - Ukraine-Russia conflict

9 results found

Operational and tactical shifts: How modern wars are reshaping the battlefield
Jun 15, 2024

Operational and tactical shifts: How modern wars are reshaping the battlefield

The coupling of conventional and new, high-tech warfighting elements, as witnessed in recent conflicts, highlights the importance of a balanced approa

Lessons from the Ukraine-Russia conflict
Feb 24, 2023

Lessons from the Ukraine-Russia conflict

The ongoing Ukraine war underlines the changing nature of modern-day warfare

Ukraine-Russia conflict: Impact on South Asia
Feb 24, 2023

Ukraine-Russia conflict: Impact on South Asia

The Ukraine crisis has exacerbated the economic turmoil in the South Asian economies

How Sri Lanka’s tax cuts crippled its economy
Aug 06, 2022

How Sri Lanka’s tax cuts crippled its economy

Will the recent tax changes alleviate the ongoing economic crisis?

Bridging the SDGs Financing Gap: A Ten-Point Agenda for the G20
May 05, 2023

Bridging the SDGs Financing Gap: A Ten-Point Agenda for the G20

This brief discusses one of the most crucial challenges to effective global governance for development: bridging the financing gap for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It considers the role of the G20 in addressing this gap, and outlines a 10-point action plan for the grouping. The aim is to bolster the financing required to achieve the SDGs in the next six and a half years—serving as an update to the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of 2015 in l

The Crucial 60 Percent: Building the Commonwealth’s Youth Capital
Nov 15, 2022

The Crucial 60 Percent: Building the Commonwealth’s Youth Capital

Young people across the world today are facing multiple challenges: lost school years due to the pandemic-induced lockdowns, the looming climate crisis, increasingly dangerous virtual spaces, and food and energy security concerns triggered by the Ukraine-Russia conflict. This paper analyses the challenges facing the youths of the Commonwealth, where 60 percent of the combined population are under 30 years old, and explores the investments require

Understanding the Economic Issues in Sri Lanka’s Current Debacle
Jun 21, 2022

Understanding the Economic Issues in Sri Lanka’s Current Debacle

Sri Lanka, which in the 1970s was being hailed as a development success story for a low-income nation, is now mired in a financial and economic disaster, its worst yet since independence in 1948. Despite notable investments in infrastructure projects, and a largely stable growth rate from 2013 to 2019, the Sri Lankan story was marred by a series of untimely and mismanaged economic measures that led to the current meltdown. External factors have c

युक्रेन-रशिया संघर्ष टोकावर
Oct 30, 2023

युक्रेन-रशिया संघर्ष टोकावर

रशिया आणि युक्रेन या दोन्ही देशांनी साधनांचा मर्यादित वापर केल्यामुळे दीर्घकाळ चालणारे युद्ध सुरू झाले आहे जे वेगाने कोंडीच्या दिशेने वाटचाल करत आहे.