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Nuclear Blackmarket and Pakistan
Feb 07, 2004

Nuclear Blackmarket and Pakistan

The least reported link in the otherwise raging controversy over Pakistan¿s nuclear proliferation happened on January 1, 2004, at the Denver International Airport. Asher Karni, 50, a Jewish businessman from South Africa, was snared in a sting operation launched by the US Commerce Department and other federal agencies.

Nuclear bomb not the ultimate answer to national security: Mani Shankar Aiyar
Jun 07, 2011

Nuclear bomb not the ultimate answer to national security: Mani Shankar Aiyar

Senator Douglas Roche has urged the India to lead the movement for disarmament of nuclear weapons, saying India under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh was serious about nuclear disarmament.

Nuclear deal will sail through: Talbott
Sep 18, 2006

Nuclear deal will sail through: Talbott

Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi, hosted a talk on Monday, September 18, 2006, by Brookings Institution President Strobe Talbott on "US Foreign Policy in the Presidential Election Season".

Nuclear Disaster Management in India-Issues and Prospects
Feb 23, 2012

Nuclear Disaster Management in India-Issues and Prospects

Highlighting the inevitability of Nuclear power being an essential requirement to address India's growing Energy security needs in the time to come, Mr Shashidhar Reddy, Vice Chairman National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) said.

Nuclear race comes to South Asia
Jun 17, 2014

Nuclear race comes to South Asia

There is a definite need for India to reconsider its doctrine or a strategy to counter and/or deter use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons weapons by Pakistan for non-strategic (say battlefield) purposes.

Nuclear Umbrella
Jan 29, 2014

Nuclear Umbrella

A closer reading of the joint statement issued by Chinese President Xi Jinping after a meeting with the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych last month, suggested China was merely offering boiler plate assurances to Ukraine.

Obama 2.0: Who will crash the party?
Dec 01, 2012

Obama 2.0: Who will crash the party?

If the first term of President Obama is any indication, U.S. foreign policy will to continue to develop in a cautious, limited, pragmatic, yet largely reactive manner. There will be few American efforts to order the new multipolar world, or respond proactively to much of anything.

Obama and Muslim anti Americanism
Nov 12, 2012

Obama and Muslim anti Americanism

Hard line Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must know a few things about Andalusia, of which Cordoba was once the capital. His father Professor Benzion Netanyahu specialized in the history of the Jews in Spain!

Obama and the Lama: Shaky prospects for the Tibetan movement
Feb 24, 2014

Obama and the Lama: Shaky prospects for the Tibetan movement

Though Obama does not want the Tibetan question complicate his effort to build a sustainable partnership with Beijing, he does not want to appear abandoning the human rights issues in China and alienate a significant section of domestic elite opinion.

Obama decides to launch limited military strike on Syria
Sep 03, 2013

Obama decides to launch limited military strike on Syria

Alleging the Assad regime's involvement in the last week's chemical attack in the Damascus suburbs, President Barrack Obama said that he has decided to take military action against Syria by launching limited military strike.

Obama likely to continue his balanced approach towards China
Apr 04, 2013

Obama likely to continue his balanced approach towards China

Obama's China policy, motivated by an increasing level of interdependence, will involve constructive engagement with China. However, simultaneously, the US will also seek to ensure that their image of being a great power in Pacific-Asia does not change, according to US scholar Prof. Ronald W. Pruessen.

Obama must win even if America loses
Dec 31, 2009

Obama must win even if America loses

The inadequacy of Barack Obama's Afghanistan and Pakistan strategy stems from the exigencies of the calendar of the next presidential elections in America,

Obama puts the ball in the Congress court
Feb 15, 2013

Obama puts the ball in the Congress court

President Obama is definitely more confident and on a high note, though mindful of the fact that his political capital will not last long into his second term; that he has very little time and leeway in which to enact and achieve some of the priorities he stressed during his address.

Obama Supports India's "Diplomacy by Default"
Nov 12, 2010

Obama Supports India's "Diplomacy by Default"

In search of saliency in the Obama visit, pundits have missed out on "Indo-US" co-operation in Afghanistan, a major shift since the narrative so far has been about US-Pak collaboration in the Af-Pak theatre.

Obama Visit: Realism Without Hype
Oct 30, 2010

Obama Visit: Realism Without Hype

All those, who were until the other day shrugging their shoulders and despairing at no "deliverable" packages during the Obama visit, suddenly have a relaxed pensiveness in their eyes which comes from the dawning of realism. In essence, the visit will be directional, not "destinational".

Obama visit: The economic fallout
Jan 27, 2015

Obama visit: The economic fallout

What India needs badly is FDI with it technology transfer and hopefully that would come after Obama's India visit. The inflows have already raised India's reserves to $322 billion recently. Also, the stock market has been on the roll before and after Obama's visit, though because of reasons other than the visit.

Obama Vs Romney: Bitter Politics over the Economy
Aug 01, 2012

Obama Vs Romney: Bitter Politics over the Economy

By now, even reluctant observers of American politics would have easily discerned that economy will largely decide who will win the November presidential elections.

Obama's 'offence'
Jul 19, 2012

Obama's 'offence'

New Delhi's knee-jerk political protestations against Barack Obama's remarks on the stalled economic reforms in India have missed out on far more important comments from the President of the United States about Jammu and Kashmir.

Obama's 'reset' button with Russia jammed beyond repair?
Mar 18, 2014

Obama's 'reset' button with Russia jammed beyond repair?

In the end, every great power will have to accept the spheres of influence or "special interest zones" of other powers so that there are no clashes in interests. The world will have to adjust to polycentricism and to big powers occasionally rubbing against each other, even if there are no hot conflicts.

Obama's Africa outreach: Too little, too late?
Jul 26, 2013

Obama's Africa outreach: Too little, too late?

The US needs to seriously reconsider its policy of advising African countries about how they go about their foreign policy or risk losing any goodwill it has left in the region. Also, perhaps, Obama's Africa visit has come too late in the day and his promises are too little to entice the Africans.

Obama's Asia pivot
Apr 25, 2014

Obama's Asia pivot

Barack Obama's strategic problem now is to reassure east Asian allies of the strength of American commitment to them without provoking an unwanted conflict between the US and China.

Obama's Asia-Pacific challenge
Nov 14, 2014

Obama's Asia-Pacific challenge

Myanmar hosted US President Barack Obama this week in Nay Pyi Taw for the ASEAN and East Asia Summit. Obama, who visited the former 'paraiah State' for the second time in three years, said that the reforms in Myanmar were real but incomplete.

Obama's confused policies
Dec 17, 2009

Obama's confused policies

Pakistan's cooperation against extremist groups has been selective, targetting those threatening its own stability but avoiding action against the Afghan Taliban seen as strategic assets for controlling Afghanistan once the US withdrew

Obama's Middle East policy a boon for China?
Nov 13, 2013

Obama's Middle East policy a boon for China?

As US President Obama reshapes America's relationships in the Middle East, new equations are likely to emerge within the region and more Space will be created for China to win over the old allies of the US.

Obama's priority: Successful Chicago Summit, not Afghan peace
May 05, 2012

Obama's priority: Successful Chicago Summit, not Afghan peace

The basic purpose for Obama to have undertaken the nocturnal visit to Kabul is to show the Republicans as the misguided war mongers who thrust two wars on a nation in recession. True, Afghanistan was a war of choice but now unpopular at home. He would like to appear to be the leader who called back the troops.

Obama's second innings: Reinventing America
Jan 24, 2013

Obama's second innings: Reinventing America

Even as the United States tries to retract from being labelled the global policeman, it still cannot ignore the calls that come from being the sole superpower in the world, notwithstanding debates about its relative decline.

Obama's State of the Union Address: Kicking off re-election campaign?
Jan 31, 2012

Obama's State of the Union Address: Kicking off re-election campaign?

Following President Obama's State of the Union address, polls show Obama leading the Republican Presidential frontrunners Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. The next few months will tell us whether Obama will be able to convert this into another Presidential term.

Obama-Xi talks: Trouble for BASIC?
Jun 13, 2013

Obama-Xi talks: Trouble for BASIC?

At the Obama- Xi talks, there has been some movement forward on the so-far intractable issue of Hydroflurocarbon (HFCs) emissions. Washington and Beijing have agreed to work together to eliminate the use of HFCs and persuade countries like India to join this effort. This could mean trouble for the tenuous alliance of BASIC.

Obama: Lessons on Caste and Babur
Nov 06, 2010

Obama: Lessons on Caste and Babur

It might be an interesting detail for a US President who has come up the Civil Rights ladder. The role caste politics in India has played in boosting Indo-US ties in recent years.

OBL's Tape: One More Spin in US Presidential Campaign?
Nov 02, 2004

OBL's Tape: One More Spin in US Presidential Campaign?

The current US presidential campaign, which is about to come to a close, has been replete with spins disseminated by the spin-masters of President George Bush as well as Senator John Kerry.

Observer Research Foundation (ORF)-Pacific Council on International Policy (PCIP)
Mar 18, 2004

Observer Research Foundation (ORF)-Pacific Council on International Policy (PCIP)

The first meeting of the ORF-Pacific Council Task Force on India-US Relations was held at Jamnagar on March 18-19, 2004.

Obstacles ahead of Afghan presidential polls
Nov 09, 2012

Obstacles ahead of Afghan presidential polls

The Afghan Election Commission has set the next presidential elections for April 5, 2014. This move has been welcomed in the country as well as by the international community as a positive development.

Odious Debts: A case study of Japan's waiver of Myanmar loan
May 29, 2012

Odious Debts: A case study of Japan's waiver of Myanmar loan

Though the Japanese financial aid to Myanmar was used for purposes other than serving the interests of the people, the debt should be considered odious, and waived off to free the people from the woes of the debt incurred to aid their repression.

Of coalitions and coordination
May 31, 2004

Of coalitions and coordination

The advent of yet another coalition regime at the Centre has suddenly raised questions about ¿coordination¿ between the party and the Government. Already there are talks of power-centres, in turn setting a bad precedent at one level, and leaving a bad taste at another.

Of Consensual Development
Jul 14, 2004

Of Consensual Development

Reports that the Centre is considering the winding up of the Task Force on the possibly over-ambitious project for the inter-linking of rivers need to be received with concern. It is nobody's case that the report, or the project, should be accepted in toto,

Of Democracy and Terrorism
Oct 09, 2003

Of Democracy and Terrorism

Whoever thought that ¿terrorising¿ the people of one¿s own country through dictatorial methods is equivalent to terrorism, as generally understood, is learning a new lesson in Iraq. With the failure to prove that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass-destruction even months after the despot¿s exit, the US is finding that to the average Iraqi, it is not a ¿liberator¿ but an ¿occupier¿.

Of holocausts, past and future
Dec 30, 2005

Of holocausts, past and future

The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has earned the ire of the world by his much publicised remarks about the Holocaust. His logic is convoluted; his indiscretion has not gone un-noticed in Iran and in the world at large. A debate has also surfaced about the language used, its syntax and context.

Of safe bets and best bets
Feb 05, 2011

Of safe bets and best bets

Egypt, because of its huge population and central role in history has traditionally been the heart of "Arab Street" in world affairs. It has always been the cultural capital of the Arab world - Egyptian Arabic is understood throughout the Arab world,

Offshore Tax Heavens: Pirates of Global Finance
Feb 19, 2011

Offshore Tax Heavens: Pirates of Global Finance

Tax heavens will exist as long as corrupt corporations and looting dictators do. The only way in which tax heavens can be countered is through technological development, and systems like Swift, which increase transparency of transactions, suggested noted investment analyst Mr. K. Arunachalam.

OIC and Myanmar
Aug 16, 2012

OIC and Myanmar

The tragedy of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar has got much attention from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim nation and a leader of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, has sought to promote a constructive engagement between the OIC and Myanmar, which is a member of the ASEAN, on the Rohingya problem.

Oil and Violence in Nigeria
Nov 29, 2003

Oil and Violence in Nigeria

A week ago, oil giant Chevron-Texaco's Nigerian unit decided to keep its production of 23,000 barrels a day shut till its oil facilities attacked and damaged by members of the Ijaw tribe are found to be in order. Disruption of oil operations, hostage taking, inter-ethnic clashes are not new for Nigeria¿s oil-rich Niger Delta.

Oil prices will keep rising: Dr. A.F. Alhajji
Jul 26, 2005

Oil prices will keep rising: Dr. A.F. Alhajji

There will be no respite from rising international oil prices, according to internationally renowned oil expert Dr. A.F. Alhajji. Delivering a lecture at Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi, on July 26, 2005,

Oil, Disinvestment & Reforms
Dec 29, 2003

Oil, Disinvestment & Reforms

Though the imbroglio over the strategic sale of BPCL/HPCL is far from over, the mandarins within the government have come up with yet another proposal to meet the year's disinvestment targets. A booming stock market has inspired the bureaucrats

Oil, Ethnicity, and Insurgency in Nigeria
Jun 29, 2011

Oil, Ethnicity, and Insurgency in Nigeria

In mid-June, the oil giant Shell was forced to declare force majeure in its Nigeria unit excusing it from liability and contractual obligations due to sabotage by local militias on its oil pipelines.

Old ties lead to new model of mutual trust
Aug 22, 2013

Old ties lead to new model of mutual trust

It is fashionable in China today to speak of a "new type" of great power relations, indeed of international relations as a whole. In Chinese terminology, this approach is based on three key concepts: non-conflict and non-confrontation including proper handling of differences,

On a hot tin roof
Aug 31, 2004

On a hot tin roof

Nepal is in deep turmoil. At the centre is the 8-year-old Maoist insurgency, the cost of which has been enormous ¿ 10,000 lives, a disrupted economy and a sharply fragmented society along ethnic, caste, regional and religious lines. The worst chaos is in the political arena where the government stands discredited and paralysed and the State is gradually sliding towards total collapse.