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6316 results found

Can Indo-US strategic ties be the silver bullet for trade tensions?
May 23, 2019

Can Indo-US strategic ties be the silver bullet for trade tensions?

Over the past two years, the deficit between the US and India has been decreasing. US exports to India registered a 28% increase last year.

तेज़ होती व्यापार युद्ध की तपिश!
May 22, 2019

तेज़ होती व्यापार युद्ध की तपिश!

कुल मिलाकर दांव बहुत ऊंचे लगे हैं, क्योंकि यह चीन और अमेरि

Trade liberalisation and the SDGs
Apr 08, 2019

Trade liberalisation and the SDGs

There are many gains of trade liberalisation to be reaped by a given country in the long-run.

अमेरिका के साथ व्यापार समझौता भारत के हित में
Apr 06, 2019

अमेरिका के साथ व्यापार समझौता भारत के हित में

अपेक्षित पैकेज पेश करने के लिए अब भी पर्याप्‍त समय है।

सटीक व्यापार कूटनीति पर फोकस करे भारत
Apr 02, 2019

सटीक व्यापार कूटनीति पर फोकस करे भारत

युद्ध को छोड़ कोई भी मुद्दा विभिन्‍न देशों और आर्थिक समू�

Economic burdens of war on India and Pakistan
Mar 14, 2019

Economic burdens of war on India and Pakistan

The official trade between the two countries is small at $2.4 billion. It could have been many times more.

A gloomier world?
Jan 30, 2019

A gloomier world?

Mitigating the huge divide between the rich and the poor is a major challenge for the government as it will require a big increase in public investmen

बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों पर भारी पड़ेंगे छोटे कारोबारी!
Nov 30, 2018

बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों पर भारी पड़ेंगे छोटे कारोबारी!

ज्यादातर विशेषज्ञों का यह सुझाव है कि यदि भारतीय कारोबार

India’s coastal security: An assessment
Nov 23, 2018

India’s coastal security: An assessment

Coastal preparedness is better than earlier — but the overall picture remains less than satisfactory. While the state of inter-agency coordination h

विश्व व्यापार में भारत की हिस्सेदारी बढ़ाने के लिए ‘आरटीए’ नाकाफी!
Oct 22, 2018

विश्व व्यापार में भारत की हिस्सेदारी बढ़ाने के लिए ‘आरटीए’ नाकाफी!

एशियाई विकास बैंक के मुताबिक, भारत ने अभी तक 13 क्षेत्रीय व�

US accuses China of meddling, undermining American democracy
Oct 06, 2018

US accuses China of meddling, undermining American democracy

Whether the American people can withstand the repercussions of a full-fledged trade war with China for long is unclear — but Trump and now Pence are

Trade wars: Can the WTO strike back?
Oct 05, 2018

Trade wars: Can the WTO strike back?

More worrying are Washington’s actions before the WTO, which can affect the efficiency and capacity of its robust Dispute Settlement Mechanism. This

Why India should focus more on Latin American region now
Sep 21, 2018

Why India should focus more on Latin American region now

Though the relations have lots of potential areas of improvement, many challenges need to be overcome.

Trump’s protectionist policies can lead to another great depression
Sep 13, 2018

Trump’s protectionist policies can lead to another great depression

In the past, protectionism led to the Great Depression. According to Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, trade wars have always led to fall in world trade an

व्यापार युद्ध का अफ़्रीका पर क्या होगा असर
Sep 10, 2018

व्यापार युद्ध का अफ़्रीका पर क्या होगा असर

अफ़्रीका में ट्रेंड बदल रहा है। जहां पूर्वी अफ़्रीका सत्

The return of Xi
Sep 05, 2018

The return of Xi

Xi will need all the authority he has in the coming period as the trade war with the US intensifies.

BIMSTEC कारगर हो, इसलिए BBIN को दुरुस्त कीजिए
Sep 01, 2018

BIMSTEC कारगर हो, इसलिए BBIN को दुरुस्त कीजिए

अगर BBIN पर अमल कामयाब रहता है तो भारत के पास BIMSTEC में काम करने �

Regulating goods better for trade
Aug 14, 2018

Regulating goods better for trade

How to ensure that technical regulations do not impede India’s international trade.

वैश्विक व्यापर युद्ध और अफ्रीका
Aug 10, 2018

वैश्विक व्यापर युद्ध और अफ्रीका

आख़िरकार एक वैश्विक व्यापर युद्ध को लेकर बन रहा अनिश्चितत

70 Policies — Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969
Aug 06, 2018

70 Policies — Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969

A five-decade-old issue — concentration of economic power, dominance in the hands of the few and the resultant inequalities — remains alive even t

70 Policies — Essential Commodities Act, 1955
Aug 03, 2018

70 Policies — Essential Commodities Act, 1955

At a time when India was emerging from the aftermath of Partition and shortages, the objective of this Act was to protect citizens from exploitation b

Trump’s Indo-Pacific strategy: Where’s the heft?
Aug 01, 2018

Trump’s Indo-Pacific strategy: Where’s the heft?

Old trade battles, no doubt, will continue, but US businesses could also adjust their model.

For a ‘win-win’ situation in health, India and China don’t need a ‘Medicine God’
Jul 27, 2018

For a ‘win-win’ situation in health, India and China don’t need a ‘Medicine God’

More research is needed to understand the barriers that Indian companies are facing in China.

Beyond JCPOA — Economics
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Economics

With the imposition of sanctions on Iran, India is left with two options: either find other avenues of oil imports or risk facing the US sanctions.