Search: For - Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

42 results found

Coordinated governance for equitable, net-zero urban transport
Oct 14, 2024

Coordinated governance for equitable, net-zero urban transport

While national policies provide guidelines for achieving the net-zero targets, these seldom translate into effective strategies at the local level

प्रशासनाचे विकेंद्रीकरण हे सर्वसमावेशक विकासासाठी आवश्यक पाऊल!
Jul 12, 2024

प्रशासनाचे विकेंद्रीकरण हे सर्वसमावेशक विकासासाठी आवश्यक पाऊल!

लोकसंख्येच्या स्फोटात, विकेंद्रित शासन प्रणालीची नितां

विकासासाठी भागीदारी: क्षमता निर्मितीसाठी डेटा बळकटीकरण
Jul 11, 2024

विकासासाठी भागीदारी: क्षमता निर्मितीसाठी डेटा बळकटीकरण

जनसांख्यिकीय लाभांशचा पूर्ण फायदा घेण्यासाठी, लोकांना �

Decentralised governance as a driver for inclusive development
Jul 10, 2024

Decentralised governance as a driver for inclusive development

Amidst the population rise, a push for decentralised governance structures that focus on data-driven efficient public service delivery is extremely cr

Partnering for development: Bolstering data for capacity-building
Jul 10, 2024

Partnering for development: Bolstering data for capacity-building

To make the most of the demographic dividend, strengthening access to data and fostering robust capacity-building programmes under development partner

AI च्या मदतीने शाश्वत विकासाला गती देण्याचे प्रयत्न!
Jun 17, 2024

AI च्या मदतीने शाश्वत विकासाला गती देण्याचे प्रयत्न!

AI च्या सहाय्याने शाश्वत विकास उद्दिष्टांबाबत प्रगती साध

AU's push for global financial reforms is a must for SDG revival
Jun 05, 2024

AU's push for global financial reforms is a must for SDG revival

Massive resources are needed to realign Africa's SDGs, and the current global financial order is proving to be inadequate. The AU must boost efforts a

AI as a catalyst for sustainable development
Jun 01, 2024

AI as a catalyst for sustainable development

AI offers tremendous potential for advancing the SDGs, but its development and deployment must be approached responsibly and ethically.

कडधान्ये: पृथ्वीचे संरक्षण आणि समुदायांचे पोषण
Feb 19, 2024

कडधान्ये: पृथ्वीचे संरक्षण आणि समुदायांचे पोषण

जागतिक कडधान्य दिन विविध भागधारकांना एकत्र येण्याची आण�

Pulses: Sustaining the Earth and nourishing communities
Feb 10, 2024

Pulses: Sustaining the Earth and nourishing communities

The World Pulse Day provides an opportunity for various stakeholders to come together and celebrate the significance of pulses in achieving certain SD

Health Perspective of the G20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration
Oct 25, 2023

Health Perspective of the G20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration

The New Delhi Declaration’s policy commitments in the health sector emphasise the role of the G20 in revising the existing financial and global heal

Making G20 work for SDGs
Sep 30, 2017

Making G20 work for SDGs

The G20 and SDGs are an acronym alphabet soup that do not seem to fit together at first glance.

A Food Systems Approach to Food Security and Nutrition
May 16, 2023

A Food Systems Approach to Food Security and Nutrition

The world is currently witnessing an increase in the prevalence of undernourishment as well as a rise in the incidence of overweight, obesity, and non-communicable diseases. Addressing issues of food security and nutrition would not be possible without adopting a food systems perspective—from farm to fork. Indeed, in 2021, countries developed national pathways to transforming food systems to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Developme

A landscape analysis of adolescent health in India: The case of Uttar Pradesh
Dec 11, 2019

A landscape analysis of adolescent health in India: The case of Uttar Pradesh

The health of adolescents is crucial to achieving India’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Government of India has spotlighted adolescent health in various programmes and policies. However, substantial health challenges continue to affect Indian youth. This paper describes the health profile of adolescents in India and, in particular in Uttar Pradesh, one of the country’s least performing states in the domain of health outcomes.

An assessment of India’s readiness for tracking SDG targets on Health and Nutrition
Feb 14, 2017

An assessment of India’s readiness for tracking SDG targets on Health and Nutrition

India’s endeavour to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a well-defined and time-bound manner is critical for national and global development. This paper examines India’s data availability to assess the SDGs related to health and nutrition. While India is still facing severe challenges of generating disaggregated information on mortality and cause-specific deaths, the desired data on nutrition and healthcare utilisation are la

BIMSTEC countries and climate change: Imperatives for action
Jun 27, 2019

BIMSTEC countries and climate change: Imperatives for action

This brief discusses the climate change challenges facing the member states of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) and the initiatives taken by them to mitigate the effects. The South Asian countries within BIMSTEC are particularly vulnerable to global warming-induced weather variations that cause economic damage and loss of lives. At the same time, BIMSTEC economies have achieved impressiv

Breakout nation: The nutrition transformation of Bangladesh
Nov 08, 2019

Breakout nation: The nutrition transformation of Bangladesh

Bangladesh has not only become the second-fastest growing economy in South Asia, it has also made significant headway in reducing malnutrition. This success owes, in part, to nutrition-sensitive interventions, including provision of diversified foods, improved sanitation, and women’s empowerment. The country’s strategy of a multi-sector approach that scales up health and nutrition programmes for women, in particular, has shown consistent resu

Bridging the SDGs Financing Gap in Least Developed Countries: A Roadmap for the G20
Oct 27, 2023

Bridging the SDGs Financing Gap in Least Developed Countries: A Roadmap for the G20

Financing is a critical factor in realising the targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. In the decade of action (2021-2030), the least developed countries (LDCs) will be the battleground where the SDGs could be either won or lost. This paper estimates the level of SDG spending required in the LDCs, measures the current levels of domestic resource mobilisation and foreign aid and capital received by these countr

Building a Regional Approach to Energy Security for BIMSTEC
Aug 09, 2021

Building a Regional Approach to Energy Security for BIMSTEC

The seventh of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims “to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by 2030. Such quest for energy security is echoed in subregional strategies as well; in the BIMSTEC region, it is a key priority. As the gap in electricity supply and demand increases in the countries of BIMSTEC, trans-border cooperation can help diversify energy sources, reduce the average cos

Development Cooperation Towards the SDGs: The India Model
Sep 30, 2022

Development Cooperation Towards the SDGs: The India Model

The Russia-Ukraine war has dealt a massive blow to a world already battered by the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) appear farther from reach. The current global scenario demands greater international cooperation for development. Yet, development aid is increasingly getting more securitised, and the imperative is for the international community to leverage cooperation during the current Decade of Action fo

Financing for Agenda 2030: Deepening India-EU Development Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
Feb 12, 2024

Financing for Agenda 2030: Deepening India-EU Development Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

As the world confronts multiple challenges which are intricately connected, our path for development stands at a crucial juncture. In the context of the embroiling polycrisis, progress on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) has been steady but fragile with major and persistent challenges. Financing for Agenda 2030 has emerged as a major bottleneck with several developing economies, especially the least developed countries (LDCs), low-income

Fulfilling the SDG on Zero Hunger: A Progress Report on BIMSTEC Nations
Nov 02, 2020

Fulfilling the SDG on Zero Hunger: A Progress Report on BIMSTEC Nations

The countries of BIMSTEC, or the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, are working to translate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into action plans to ensure access to adequate and nutritious food. They are transforming their food systems based on their priorities and capacities to fulfill, in particular, the 2030 SDG Goal 2 that aims to “end hunger, achieve food security, and promote sustainable

Harnessing Agriculture for Achieving the SDGs on Poverty and Zero Hunger
May 11, 2023

Harnessing Agriculture for Achieving the SDGs on Poverty and Zero Hunger

Agriculture remains the world’s biggest employer and the most important source of food and raw material for various economic activities. The fulfillment of a number of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is anchored on the performance of the sector. This brief examines the most crucial negative consequences of how modern agriculture is practiced, and how these will make it difficult for the world to realise the SDGs. Drawing on examples fr

Harnessing technology for agricultural development in Africa: Lessons from Tanzania
Jul 10, 2019

Harnessing technology for agricultural development in Africa: Lessons from Tanzania

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to “leave no one behind’’ and directed all countries to work together to end poverty and other deprivations. Achieving the SDGs requires collaborative strategies aimed at improving technologies of the Least Developing Countries (LDCs) in the productive sectors such as agriculture. Understandably, in most developing countries, the agriculture sector is characterised by informality, small scale,

Increasing Cooperation for Sustainable Development: Imperatives for India’s G20 Presidency
Jun 19, 2023

Increasing Cooperation for Sustainable Development: Imperatives for India’s G20 Presidency

This paper highlights the imperatives for India’s G20 Presidency for promoting development cooperation towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Given its unique development cooperation model—more precisely, its development partnership model—India can utilise its G20 presidency to push the sustainability agenda. This will help bridge the North-South divide in sustainable development financing. The paper recommends

Leveraging South-South Cooperation to Finance the SDGs
Mar 10, 2023

Leveraging South-South Cooperation to Finance the SDGs

Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Global South is being threatened by the mounting challenges facing developing countries due to the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war, and receding aid from traditional donor countries. As the achievement of the SDGs remains more relevant than ever, this brief proposes the creation of a Global South Development Assistance Committee (D

Mainstreaming Gender in India-Africa Partnership for Energy Access
Jul 05, 2021

Mainstreaming Gender in India-Africa Partnership for Energy Access

The seventh of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. This challenge is acute in the African continent, home to large populations without access to electricity and clean cooking fuel. This brief explores the scope for cooperation between India and Africa in not only achieving SDG 7, but while doing so, also considering the targets set by SDG 5 to

Making climate action count: Mainstreaming gender in climate action to accelerate climate compatible development
Nov 06, 2018

Making climate action count: Mainstreaming gender in climate action to accelerate climate compatible development

The first universal, legally binding global climate accord signed at the 21st session of the Conference of Parties (COP) in Paris in 2015 committed to long-term goals for “holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.” However, as world leaders prepare for the Facilitative Dialogue (FD) ahead o

MDGs to SDGs: Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in India
Dec 20, 2016

MDGs to SDGs: Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in India

Goals 4 and 5 of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) focused a great deal on maternal and child health, which has now been carried forward to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While India made significant strides in reducing maternal and child mortality, the country did not succeed in achieving its health goals. This paper makes an assessment of the current state of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child health (RMNC

Onward to the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030: Will COVID-19 leave many behind?
Feb 16, 2021

Onward to the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030: Will COVID-19 leave many behind?

The multiple ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the lockdowns imposed by countries as a response, are being felt in sectors ranging from agriculture to healthcare. The global community must now hurdle massive obstacles to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To correctly assess the impact of the pandemic on global sustainability-driven concerns, it is important to understand not only the inter-linkages between the SDGs,

SDGs and Structural Vulnerabilities: The Case of BIMSTEC Countries
Feb 21, 2022

SDGs and Structural Vulnerabilities: The Case of BIMSTEC Countries

This paper studies the case of the countries of BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) to investigate if progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) plays an instrumental role in addressing structural vulnerabilities. It finds that it does. Despite improvements in certain SDGs such as increasing per-capita income levels, improving healthcare, and providing universal

The African continental free trade area and its implications for India-Africa trade
Oct 08, 2018

The African continental free trade area and its implications for India-Africa trade

The African countries are set to launch the African Continental Free Trade Area or AfCFTA, the biggest free trade agreement in the world since the World Trade Organization was created in the 1990s. When implemented, the AfCFTA is projected to increase intra-African trade by 52.3 percent by 2022, from 2010 levels. In turn, higher trade levels can facilitate economic growth, transform domestic economies, and help the countries achieve the Sustainab

The Case for a G20 Development Bank to Resurrect the SDGs
Nov 11, 2024

The Case for a G20 Development Bank to Resurrect the SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the first truly global attempt to set universal development goals for all countries and transform the economic system. More than halfway through the timeline of achieving the SDGs, the COVID-19 pandemic and a series of subsequent crises have dealt a deathblow to the SDGs. A massive financing gap is the primary obstacle to the achievement of the global goals by 2030. This brief argues that the G20, with

The Role of SDGs in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery
Jan 07, 2021

The Role of SDGs in Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has had widespread global economic impacts, and countries are gearing up for recovery. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be crucial. Given that the SDGs incorporate the four pillars of capital — human, social, natural and physical — these targets will be useful in the post-pandemic economic recovery process. This brief utilises econometric analysis to illustrate how the implementation of the SDGs is a stat

The Sustainability Thread in India’s Development Partnerships
Oct 04, 2021

The Sustainability Thread in India’s Development Partnerships

This brief analyses the alignment between India’s development partnerships since Independence, and sustainability goals. It conducts the examination using three phases of India’s development partnerships—i.e., Phase 1, 1947-1990; Phase 2, 1991-2008; and Phase 3, post-2008—and finds that the country’s development cooperation agenda has historically incorporated objectives of sustainable growth. This pattern would continue throughout the

The Sustainable Development Agenda: Evaluating the G20 as a Stage for National and Collective Goals
May 10, 2023

The Sustainable Development Agenda: Evaluating the G20 as a Stage for National and Collective Goals

This brief examines the contribution of the G20 in facilitating the implementation of its member countries’ sustainable development goals. It reviews the G20 priorities over the years, its informal governance mechanisms, and the progress made so far by the member countries in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The brief finds that even as the G20 has aligned its priorities and initiatives with the SDGs, the responsibility fo

Towards Universal Access to Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies: The Role of Policy, National Incomes, and Social Behaviour
Aug 14, 2023

Towards Universal Access to Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies: The Role of Policy, National Incomes, and Social Behaviour

Goal seven of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) commits the international community to providing access to clean cooking fuels and technologies to all by 2030. Progress has been slow, however, and in about 40 of the UN’s 189 member countries for which data is available, more that 80 percent of the populations continue to lack such access. Using case studies, this brief analyses the role of a country’s policies, i

Tracking Hunger and Nutrition SDG Targets: Gaps, Challenges and Possibilities
May 23, 2023

Tracking Hunger and Nutrition SDG Targets: Gaps, Challenges and Possibilities

The cornerstone of any Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) programme, especially for global targets such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and its successor, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is quality, comprehensive and real-time data. Without such data, M&E processes and operations are neither reliable nor relevant. This rule applies, for example, to targets related to nutrition and hunger-without effective nutrition monit

Tracking SDG targets on health and nutrition: Challenges and opportunities for streamlining surveys
Jun 24, 2017

Tracking SDG targets on health and nutrition: Challenges and opportunities for streamlining surveys

The achievement of global sustainable development goals (SDGs) depends largely on India’s progress, given the country’s massive size and its moderate historical success in key health and nutrition outcomes over the last several years. This further increases the relevance and need for effective monitoring of India’s performance, through timely and disaggregated data, which ensures systematic assessments and course-correction. As India will b

Water Infrastructure and Connectivity: Growth and SDGs in Asia
Mar 04, 2016

Water Infrastructure and Connectivity: Growth and SDGs in Asia

This paper examines current water management ideologies and practices and the impact they create on strategies for pan-Asian connectivity. It suggests that 'business-as-usual' management principles and the harnessing of transboundary rivers tend to undermine efforts at achieving economic and ecological sustainability goals, as well as meeting long-term development challenges. The Mekong and Ganga basin regions, in particular, suffer from inadequa

What Ails Health Systems in Africa? An Economic Perspective
Dec 28, 2020

What Ails Health Systems in Africa? An Economic Perspective

There is hardly any doubt that failing health systems result in poor health outcomes and hamper progress towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC). In Africa, health systems are hobbled by leadership and governance challenges, extreme shortages of health workers, corruption in procurement systems for medical products and technologies, poor information systems, and health financing const