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#भारत-चीन संबंध: दोनों देशों के आपसी संबंधों में फिर से तनाव!
Sep 01, 2022

#भारत-चीन संबंध: दोनों देशों के आपसी संबंधों में फिर से तनाव!

श्रीलंका में भारतीय और चीनी राजनयिक मिशन के बीच एक चीनी मिलिट्री रिसर्च पोत के वहां पहुंचने को लेकर सोशल मीडिया पर बहस छिड़ गई.

#श्रीलंका की आर्थिक-राजनीतिक दुर्दशा के बाद दुनिया के कई मुल्‍कों में बजी ख़तरे की घंटी!
Jul 20, 2022

#श्रीलंका की आर्थिक-राजनीतिक दुर्दशा के बाद दुनिया के कई मुल्‍कों में बजी ख़तरे की घंटी!

ख़ुशहाल और समृद्ध देशों में शुमार श्रीलंका की आर्थिक बदहाली के बाद दुनिया के इन मुल्‍कों की चिंता बढ़ गई है. इसमें पाकिस्तान और नेपाल भी शामिल हैं. बता दें कि श्रीलंका अपनी आ�

#हिंद-प्रशांत: क्या क्वॉड इंडो-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र का एशियाई NATO बनने की राह पर है?
Jun 30, 2022

#हिंद-प्रशांत: क्या क्वॉड इंडो-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र का एशियाई NATO बनने की राह पर है?

सवाल यह है कि क्या क्वॉड या इस तरह का कोई प्लैटफॉर्म एशियन नेटो की तरह उभर सकता है?

14th BRICS Summit: ब्रिक्स में भारत को क्या हासिल हुआ?
Jun 29, 2022

14th BRICS Summit: ब्रिक्स में भारत को क्या हासिल हुआ?

ब्रिक्स सम्मेलन को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने भी संबोधित किया, लेकिन, उन्होंने अपने संबोधन में चीन और रूस पर उठआए मसलों पर बयान न देकर सिर्फ महामारी के संदर्भ में वैश्वि�

26/11: A decade after
Dec 09, 2018

26/11: A decade after

ORF examines the causes and consequences of the 26/11 attacks in this volume of articles (click thumbnail above) that focus on the multiple dimensions of this crisis and its aftermath: strategic, operational and tactical.

A conceptual analysis of Sino-Indian space deterrence and space warfighting
Apr 24, 2017

A conceptual analysis of Sino-Indian space deterrence and space warfighting

This paper evaluates the importance of a space military strategy for India against China. It argues that in light of China’s advances in space weapons, New Delhi needs to seriously consider developing at least a limited menu of space weapons and integrate them into India’s defence posture. It draws on conceptual literature on nuclear deterrence, air power and sea power to show that space weapons, at least some variants, are usable military in

A Contemporary Analysis of India–EU Cooperation in Counterterrorism
Aug 11, 2023

A Contemporary Analysis of India–EU Cooperation in Counterterrorism

India and the European Union (EU) share a deep political and strategic relationship that pivots around democracy, global rule of law, security, and trade. While the depth is obvious on paper, however, the partnership has delivered short on dividends expected by both sides. Yet diplomatic engagement remains robust, and in recent times is moving towards greater mutual understanding of the challenges of terrorism and the potential counterterrorism s

A fine balance: India’s voting record at the UNGA
Jul 25, 2017

A fine balance: India’s voting record at the UNGA

This brief studies India’s foreign policy preferences using an index based on historical voting patterns of member states at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). By visualising the trajectory of policy preferences for all member states in the UNGA, with a particular focus on India, this work identifies how India’s policy stance at the UN has evolved in relation to its peers. It finds that Indian policy has maintained an exceptionally h

A House Divided: The SCO’s Afghanistan Conundrum
Aug 13, 2023

A House Divided: The SCO’s Afghanistan Conundrum

Separatism, extremism, and terrorism originating in Afghanistan compelled the neighbouring countries to form the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in 2001. However, instead of presenting a united front, the SCO is rife with disagreements. Increased divergences and mistrust among the members have helped the Taliban regain power in Afghanistan and strengthen its influence in the heart of Eurasia. The Taliban have taken advantage of the trust

A path to NSG: India’s rise in the global nuclear order
Dec 24, 2017

A path to NSG: India’s rise in the global nuclear order

This research provides an empirical analysis of India’s limited, but transformative position in the global nuclear order. By examining India’s bid for a Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) membership, this paper makes three major arguments. First, India’s attempt to acquire veto power status through the NSG challenges classical revisionism in international relations theory. Second, India’s rise through the NSG is based on selective coalition-bu

A Primer on US and EU response to India’s Abrogation of Article 370
Oct 16, 2020

A Primer on US and EU response to India’s Abrogation of Article 370

This paper outlines the responses of the US Congress and European Union (EU) parliament to the Indian government’s abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution and the surrounding events, including the communications lockdown in Kashmir. It notes contrasting responses: the US Congress showed a binary reaction of moderate and extreme calls to action, and the EU parliament honed a more expansive approach to address India’s apparent “democrat

A shadow over Chabahar’s fate
Jan 23, 2018

A shadow over Chabahar’s fate

Afghanistan’s willingness to accept China’s offer to join its ambitious China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the possibility of Russian support to Chabahar lends a new nuance to the contestation brewing between India, China and Pakistan.

A.I. in the Chinese military: Current initiatives and the implications for India
Feb 11, 2020

A.I. in the Chinese military: Current initiatives and the implications for India

The different service arms of China’s armed forces are all undergoing substantial transformation, including exploring the possibilities of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) to boost their combat power and effectiveness especially in a time of war. This paper evaluates the significance and potential of AI in improving China’s military capabilities. Chinese official documents and their enunciation of military doctrine indicate that the c

Africa and COVID19: Impact, Response, and Challenges to Recovery
Sep 28, 2020

Africa and COVID19: Impact, Response, and Challenges to Recovery

The COVID-19 outbreak poses immense challenges to Africa’s resilience. The pandemic’s economic fallout, caused by disruptions in global and regional value chains and a slump in commodity prices, can derail the progress which the continent has recorded in recent years. Despite the bleak forecasts, however, African countries have managed to mount a concerted response to the pandemic. This paper examines the extent of the economic and health imp

Africa’s ‘Agenda 2063’: A document of hope
Aug 20, 2023

Africa’s ‘Agenda 2063’: A document of hope

Even after the decolonisation of Africa, the continent was unable to formulate, let alone implement its own agenda because of its deep political and economic vulnerabilities. This situation has changed in the last two decades, and today, Africa is witnessing political and economic resurgence. Its leaders realise that the time has come for African development to be owned and driven by the African people themselves. There is a new enthusiasm for th

Agnipath Military Recruitment Scheme: Embracing the Global Practice for the Indian Context
Aug 17, 2023

Agnipath Military Recruitment Scheme: Embracing the Global Practice for the Indian Context

The short-term military enlistment scheme, Agnipath, announced in June this year, is a radical departure from India’s past recruitment policies. This brief examines the military recruitment practices of other militaries such as those of the United States, China, Russia, and the United Kingdom. It finds that these Western militaries' adoption of short-term enlistment is driven by imperatives which may not apply in the Indian context. Ind

An Assessment of President Hu’s visit to India
Jul 24, 2023

An Assessment of President Hu’s visit to India

In the backdrop of Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to India, a roundtable discussion was organized by Observer Research Foundation on December 1, 2006 to assess the outcome of the visit and its impact on relations between the two countries. The discussion focused on how the India-China relationship would evolve in the wake of the visit.

An Intellectual History of Modern Leftist Politics in the US
Aug 14, 2023

An Intellectual History of Modern Leftist Politics in the US

Left-wing activism amongst young people in the United States is on the rise, in no small part aided by the internet and social media. The generation which demographic researchers refer to as ‘Gen-Z’—or those born between the mid- to late 1990s to the early 2010s—is becoming more politically engaged. This brief offers an intellectual history of modern-day leftist politics in the US, and argues that it is primarily driven by the pur

Arab Spring has helped India, Turkey to promote their models in West Asia
Apr 25, 2013

Arab Spring has helped India, Turkey to promote their models in West Asia

The 'Arab Spring' has given an opportunity to India to present itself as a model to other countries, feels Prof Gawdat Bhagat of the Near-East and South Asia Centre for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, Washington DC.

Army Aviation: Does the Army Needs it own Air Force?
Aug 23, 2023

Army Aviation: Does the Army Needs it own Air Force?

The National Security Initiative of the Observer Research Foundation held a workshop to examine the relevance of the Army Aviation Corps. This report details the outcome of a discussion amongst prominent defence personnel.

As India Acts East, the Role of West Bengal
Apr 22, 2021

As India Acts East, the Role of West Bengal

This brief examines the role of West Bengal as a leverage for India to enhance its relations with its eastern and southeastern neighbours. It identifies the domestic and geo-economic aspirations of the state, and outlines the impact of certain misplaced policies and the state’s conflictual relationship with the union government on West Bengal’s development goals. The brief calls on India to nurture a pragmatic, cooperative brand of federalism

Assessing Biden’s Climate Agenda: Bold Promises, Slow Results
Aug 14, 2023

Assessing Biden’s Climate Agenda: Bold Promises, Slow Results

The Biden administration’s climate agenda is a crucial plank to restore American commitments to climate actions and reinstate US leadership globally. However, the agenda has been slow on results. Although the climate fight has been linked to most other federal goals, such as economy, jobs, infrastructure, and procurements, the Biden administration faces both domestic and external challenges that continue to limit how much it can achieve

Atithi Devo Bhava?
Sep 13, 2023

Atithi Devo Bhava?

This issue brief analyses recent reforms of the Indian tourist visa process, addresses shortcomings and suggests ways in which to make the e-tourist visa effectively benefit the Indian economy.

AUKUS and the Eastern Indo-Pacific’s Evolving Security Architecture
Aug 14, 2023

AUKUS and the Eastern Indo-Pacific’s Evolving Security Architecture

The formation of AUKUS (a security alliance between Australia, the UK, and the US) and its likely forward momentum in the near- and medium-term is certain to redefine the security architecture in the eastern Indo-Pacific region. Given the twin objectives of maintaining the balance of power and ensuring deterrence against China, several new initiatives and defence agreements between the member countries are on the anvil. The interface of A

Australia, India and Japan Trilateral: Breaking the Mould
Dec 10, 2015

Australia, India and Japan Trilateral: Breaking the Mould

After the first trilateral dialogue between Australia, India and Japan in June 2015, another trilateral process immediately got underway. is paper makes an assessment of the prospects of this new formation in the light of history, contemporary coalescing interests, and the inadequacies of the existing trilaterals. While the conventional view is that this trilateral is merely an offshoot of US foreign policy and ranged against China, this paper ar

BIMSTEC and Japan: Exploring prospects for renewed cooperation
Apr 14, 2018

BIMSTEC and Japan: Exploring prospects for renewed cooperation

As the Bay of Bengal region continues to rise as an economic and strategic hub, there is increasing awareness of the role to be played by the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) in promoting growth, development and stability in the region. Having kept a low profile in its 20 years of existence, BIMSTEC is now being seen as a potential driver of integration between South Asia and Southeast As

BIMSTEC on the Cusp: Regional Security in Focus
Aug 16, 2023

BIMSTEC on the Cusp: Regional Security in Focus

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is standing on the threshold of a new inning, as it marks its 25th year in 2022. The past months have been momentous for BIMSTEC, as it adopted a charter at the fifth Summit Meeting in March to outline a clearer purpose for the organisation. During the summit, BIMSTEC rationalised its 14 diverse sectors of cooperation into seven core areas of inte

Blue economy: Beyond an economic proposition
Mar 03, 2017

Blue economy: Beyond an economic proposition

Blue economy’ is the integration of ocean economy development with values of social inclusion and environmental sustainability, along with dynamic and innovative business models. For India, however, blue economy extends beyond being merely an economic and environmental proposition. It presents India with an unprecedented opportunity to meet its national objectives, strengthen connectivity with neighbours, and exert influence in the surrounding

BRICS and BRI: China Aims for Strategic Alignment
Aug 17, 2023

BRICS and BRI: China Aims for Strategic Alignment

China has twice broached the matter of expanding the membership of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa): first, at the 2017 Xiamen Summit, and again, more recently, at the 14th BRICS Leaders’ Meeting in June 2022 convened virtually under the chairmanship of Beijing. With China and India locked in a stalemate along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the Chinese proposal has raised concerns in New Delhi. This brief examine

BRICS: Prospects for a Better Economic Horizon
Sep 15, 2023

BRICS: Prospects for a Better Economic Horizon

The world of BRICS is expanding. Despite setbacks, this association of Brazil,Russia, India, China and South Africaall of them important, emerging-marketeconomiesremains relevant as it continues to comprise a big share of the world's population,its resources, and global trade. This paper describes the rise of BRICS and their growing mutualinterest in cementing their economic and political ties. It argues that while problems remain inpromoting coh

Building Future-Proof Global Value Chains
Aug 14, 2023

Building Future-Proof Global Value Chains

Recent global events have underscored the importance of economic integration even as they have exposed the fragility of global value chains (GVCs). The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, highlighted the systemic risks to the functioning of GVCs. This brief explores the factors that impact the creation of production networks and recommends key methods to make GVCs more stable and sustainable to withstand potential shocks.

Building Indian Narratives and Battling New Militancy in Kashmir
Jul 26, 2021

Building Indian Narratives and Battling New Militancy in Kashmir

‘Us vs. Them’ narratives fuel conflicts and make them thrive. This brief examines the role of such narratives in impeding the path to peace and stability in Kashmir, especially in the current era of so-called ‘new militancy’ that is aided by social media. This brief explores how India should build a broad, collective identity in Kashmir—one that will supersede radicalism and a desire for secession. It outlines a history of past and curr

Can Economic Sanctions Replace Armed Forces in Modern Warfare?
Aug 17, 2023

Can Economic Sanctions Replace Armed Forces in Modern Warfare?

Economic sanctions are often seen as an alternative to war, but they do not always have the desired effect. This brief argues that for such sanctions to be effective, economic interdependence must be established, economic rationality must outweigh political ambition in the sanctioned country, and the message of the sanctions must be clear. Using the sanctions against Russia as an example, this brief contends that because of the interdepen

CBR Security in India: Threat Analysis and Role of Industries
Jun 15, 2013

CBR Security in India: Threat Analysis and Role of Industries

The media in India enjoys a great deal of freedom and when it is threatened, the response is vociferous. Nevertheless, there is the need to maintain a balance between free expression and other community and individual rights; this responsibility should not be borne by the judiciary alone, but by all those who enjoy these rights.  

Challenges and Opportunities for India in the Post-Pandemic Geopolitical Landscape
Jul 07, 2021

Challenges and Opportunities for India in the Post-Pandemic Geopolitical Landscape

During the Cold War, India navigated its external relations guided largely by the doctrine and practice of non-alignment. In these contemporary times, the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to inaugurate a period of heightened geopolitical rivalries, with the United States and China as the principal poles. India will be differently positioned in this post-Covid “new normal” than it was in the era of the Cold War and therefore will need differe

Change Management in Societal Transformation: The Case of Saudi Arabia’s ‘Vision 2030’
Jul 25, 2022

Change Management in Societal Transformation: The Case of Saudi Arabia’s ‘Vision 2030’

A transformation is sweeping Saudi Arabia, and certain elements of it can be attributed to ‘Vision 2030’, a strategic plan launched in 2016. The vision—framed by a paradigm shift in the country’s economic, social, and cultural landscape—will have implications beyond Saudi Arabia itself, given the country’s position as leader of the Arab and Islamic world. The biggest challenge to such a metamorphosis is adoption among citizens, who wi

China in Afghanistan: Security, regional standing, and status
Oct 24, 2017

China in Afghanistan: Security, regional standing, and status

With the traditional liberal order appearing agile, new questions on international security and peacemaking have come to the fore. In the current context, global players are according Afghanistan greater strategic importance. As NATO troops continue to make headway in that region into the safe havens of ISIS, and with US posturing purportedly getting more robust, China’s role in Afghanistan merits scrutiny. Even though China’s involvement, mi

China's Space Strategy and Modernisation
Feb 20, 2013

China's Space Strategy and Modernisation

China has a space lab in orbit and it also plans to launch 100 satellites during its on-going five year plan from 2011-15. Twenty space craft will be launched this year including its third lunar probe and a manned space craft that will dock with China's space lab. There are indications that, by 2020, China may have more than 200 space craft in orbit accounting for about one-fifth of the world's total.

China’s Aerospace Potential:Strengths and Prospects
Mar 11, 2013

China’s Aerospace Potential:Strengths and Prospects

Extraordinary events in geopolitics have redefined China's contemporary history: the breakup of Soviet Union; the end of Cold War; and China's realignment with Russia and the erstwhile states of the Soviet Union.