Search: For - Security

3019 results found

China and India postpone peak coal
Oct 15, 2021

China and India postpone peak coal

Coal consumption sees a resurgence as countries attempt to balance between increasing demands for energy and slow supply of renewables. A new challeng

A new edge in global stability: What does space security entail for states?
Oct 13, 2021

A new edge in global stability: What does space security entail for states?

The recent multiplication of space actors, whether States or non-government entities, as well as assets and activities, became a game-changer for law-

Rajapaksa’s dysfunctional regime in Sri Lanka and its impact on South Asia
Sep 23, 2021

Rajapaksa’s dysfunctional regime in Sri Lanka and its impact on South Asia

How the island nation’s security conundrums will worsen an already threatened South Asia post the reemergence of the Taliban

If Pakistan remains India’s problem, Taiwan will remain America’s
Sep 23, 2021

If Pakistan remains India’s problem, Taiwan will remain America’s

The US needs to alter its policy towards Pakistan for an enhanced partnership on the Taiwan front

Why are small South Asian states resorting to the “wait and watch” approach towards the Taliban?
Sep 22, 2021

Why are small South Asian states resorting to the “wait and watch” approach towards the Taliban?

Much more is at stake than domestic security when it comes to how the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan will affect the small South Asian states

Earth Observation Satellites are essential for India’s national security
Sep 20, 2021

Earth Observation Satellites are essential for India’s national security

Why satellites like the EOS-3, unsuccessfully launched in August, are important instruments for the military

A new churn in the Indo-Pacific
Sep 18, 2021

A new churn in the Indo-Pacific

Will the growing security partnership between Australia, US and UK strengthen Indo-Pacific security or loosen the bonds with another key player, Franc

भारत — राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा पर संवाद बदल रहा है!
Sep 14, 2021

भारत — राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा पर संवाद बदल रहा है!

नीति निर्माता और इस काम में लगे हुए लोग पूर्वधारणा के मूल

Central Asia could help safeguard Indian interests in Afghanistan
Sep 09, 2021

Central Asia could help safeguard Indian interests in Afghanistan

With the Taliban taking over in Afghanistan, India must engage more closely with Central Asia for both strategic security concerns and trade

China takes on its toxic tech working culture
Sep 07, 2021

China takes on its toxic tech working culture

Chinese courts and the Communist Party of China are cracking down on companies that violate labour laws

The Afghanistan crisis and the question of European Union’s strategic autonomy
Sep 06, 2021

The Afghanistan crisis and the question of European Union’s strategic autonomy

Should the EU build up its own EU-based security apparatus in light of the US withdrawing from Afghanistan without truly consulting its EU allies?

India’s security choices during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sep 02, 2021

India’s security choices during the COVID-19 pandemic

While the virus is threatening to rise again in a ‘third wave,’ China has literally dug in at high altitudes in its quest to secure real estate an

Trump and Taliban’s peace agreement
Sep 01, 2021

Trump and Taliban’s peace agreement

The irony of a superpower seeking security guarantees from a non-state actor for safe withdrawal of its own forces and those of its allies would not w

India’s focus on enhancing maritime security as the UNSC president: Leadership envisioning a global roadmap
Aug 26, 2021

India’s focus on enhancing maritime security as the UNSC president: Leadership envisioning a global roadmap

As the current President of the UN Security Council, India has provided dynamic leadership and direction in envisioning a global roadmap on enhancing

Groundswell of support for India’s ties with the US and the broader West
Aug 21, 2021

Groundswell of support for India’s ties with the US and the broader West

Beyond noting an overwhelming anti-China sentiment, the ORF Foreign Policy Survey’s findings also reflect the successes of India’s multidimensiona

The realignment of geopolitics after the Taliban takeover and what it means for India
Aug 18, 2021

The realignment of geopolitics after the Taliban takeover and what it means for India

The burial of another superpower in the graveyard of empires resets the regional security balance in South Asia with New Delhi being left to make some

पेगासस जासूसी विवाद: निगरानी के क़ानून और राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा का बहाना
Aug 16, 2021

पेगासस जासूसी विवाद: निगरानी के क़ानून और राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा का बहाना

आख़िर राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा के नाम पर कोई सरकार किस हद तक अपन�

क्वॉड, भारत और विकास पर आधारित हिंद-प्रशांत की आपसी सहयोग वाली सुरक्षा व्यवस्था
Aug 07, 2021

क्वॉड, भारत और विकास पर आधारित हिंद-प्रशांत की आपसी सहयोग वाली सुरक्षा व्यवस्था

विकास पर आधारित जिस बहुआयामी सहयोग की शुरुआत क्वॉड ने की �

The US has no feasible strategy to protect its diplomats in Afghanistan
Aug 02, 2021

The US has no feasible strategy to protect its diplomats in Afghanistan

To be sure, America cannot abruptly sever all diplomatic and humanitarian engagement, owing to the grave socio-economic and security consequences it w

Beyond data: Metadata, behavioural analytics and the future of warfare
Jul 26, 2021

Beyond data: Metadata, behavioural analytics and the future of warfare

India must deliberate on and integrate the modern form of warfare while developing its national security strategy, not just in a cyber context — but

रूस: व्लादीमीर पुतिन के नेतृत्व में नई राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा रणनीति का मसौदा
Jul 20, 2021

रूस: व्लादीमीर पुतिन के नेतृत्व में नई राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा रणनीति का मसौदा

आतंकवाद, साइबर हमला और मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग जैसे मामलों को छोड�

उत्तर कोरिया का खाद्य संकट: खाद्य सुरक्षा और टिकाऊ खाद्य व्यवस्था की अहमियत
Jul 16, 2021

उत्तर कोरिया का खाद्य संकट: खाद्य सुरक्षा और टिकाऊ खाद्य व्यवस्था की अहमियत

खाद्य सुरक्षा की समस्या एक जटिल मसला है और ये सिर्फ़ अनाज

The Southern African Development Community and the Mozambique insurgency
Jul 13, 2021

The Southern African Development Community and the Mozambique insurgency

The stability and security of Mozambique is a cause of international concern.

इंडो-पैसिफिक: ताइवान के साथ जापान का सुरक्षा समझौता नई ऊंचाई पर
Jul 13, 2021

इंडो-पैसिफिक: ताइवान के साथ जापान का सुरक्षा समझौता नई ऊंचाई पर

ताइवान के ख़िलाफ़ चीन के किसी भी संभावित आक्रमण को मात दे�

The relevance of nuclear deterrence in a post-Cold War world
Jul 12, 2021

The relevance of nuclear deterrence in a post-Cold War world

Countries have understood the importance of nuclear deterrence and it plays an important role in designing their security strategies.

The Taliban is winning the propaganda war
Jul 12, 2021

The Taliban is winning the propaganda war

The Taliban’s expanding footprint across the country conjures up a horrific image of what would happen should the Taliban continue to control and ru

A new high in Japan’s security ties with Taiwan
Jul 09, 2021

A new high in Japan’s security ties with Taiwan

With the new Japan–US understanding on Taiwan, Tokyo–Taipei ties have reached a new high in the area of security.

How Ebrahim Raisi could exacerbate the security situation in Afghanistan
Jul 09, 2021

How Ebrahim Raisi could exacerbate the security situation in Afghanistan

It is natural for an economically floundering Iran to shelter its interests in Afghanistan.

श्रीलंका: कोलंबो पोर्ट सिटी को लेकर भारत की दो चिंताएं; सुरक्षा और कारोबार
Jun 23, 2021

श्रीलंका: कोलंबो पोर्ट सिटी को लेकर भारत की दो चिंताएं; सुरक्षा और कारोबार

श्रीलंका के इस क़दम ने आर्थिक और सुरक्षा के मोर्चे पर भार�

महामारी के दौरान खाद्य सुरक्षा—चिंता का विषय और इसे बेहतर बनाने का अवसर
Jun 08, 2021

महामारी के दौरान खाद्य सुरक्षा—चिंता का विषय और इसे बेहतर बनाने का अवसर

विश्व खाद्य सुरक्षा दिवस पर हम इस बात पर एक नज़र डाल रहे ह�

Defence diplomacy and environmental security: Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and beyond
May 17, 2021

Defence diplomacy and environmental security: Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and beyond

Security risks associated with the consequences of climate change will have a direct impact on the way the armed forces anticipate, prepare, operate a

चीन के ग़ैर-ज़िम्मेदाराना बर्ताव से अंतरिक्ष की सुरक्षा को ख़तरा
May 15, 2021

चीन के ग़ैर-ज़िम्मेदाराना बर्ताव से अंतरिक्ष की सुरक्षा को ख़तरा

सवाल ये है कि क्यों चीन का अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रम बार-बार ऐसा