Search: For - Security

3020 results found

Women in social commerce: Tailwind to a resilient growth
May 20, 2023

Women in social commerce: Tailwind to a resilient growth

Social commerce can become a powerful tool for promoting women's economic empowerment

ভারতের মহাকাশ সাইবার নিরাপত্তা জালের গুরুত্ব এবং পার্পল রেভোলিউশনের আহ্বান
May 19, 2023

ভারতের মহাকাশ সাইবার নিরাপত্তা জালের গুরুত্ব এবং পার্পল রেভোলিউশনের আহ্বান

মহাকাশে ভারতের অগ্রগতি সুরক্ষিত করার জন্য উদ্ভাবনী দৃষ�

Where is US’s China policy headed?
May 18, 2023

Where is US’s China policy headed?

The escalating geopolitical competition has placed the US and China at odds. Both sides need to stabilise their relationship given the role they play

Interpreting the ethnic strife in Manipur
May 17, 2023

Interpreting the ethnic strife in Manipur

The festering age-old ethnic divide amongst the tribes in Manipur has led to the ongoing crisis. All key stakeholders need to be active to ensure this

A case for India-Australia climate and human security cooperation in the Pacific Islands
May 16, 2023

A case for India-Australia climate and human security cooperation in the Pacific Islands

While both India and Australia aim to consolidate their strategic presence in the region, the development of security in the Pacific through aid and d

The Colombo Security Conclave: What is it and what does it mean for Australia?
May 16, 2023

The Colombo Security Conclave: What is it and what does it mean for Australia?

With the support of the CSC, Australia can enhance its engagement with the Northeast Indian Ocean region

Taliban’s response to the crisis in Pakistan
May 16, 2023

Taliban’s response to the crisis in Pakistan

As Pakistan grapples with an existential polycrisis of the state, the response of the TTP and Afghan Taliban across the border raise additional concer

चीन में ‘भोजन’ सुरक्षा और G20 एजेंडा को आगे बढ़ाने में उसकी भूमिका!
May 13, 2023

चीन में ‘भोजन’ सुरक्षा और G20 एजेंडा को आगे बढ़ाने में उसकी भूमिका!

हालांकि चीन में कुपोषण की दर में भारी कमी आई है लेकिन अभी �

A look at the expanded ambit of the Washington-Manila MDT
May 13, 2023

A look at the expanded ambit of the Washington-Manila MDT

The further strengthening of ties between the US and the Philippines is indicative of the breadth and scope of maritime security arrangements in the r

The many meanings of Pokhran II
May 10, 2023

The many meanings of Pokhran II

The Pokhran II nuclear tests saw India re-imagining itself in the emerging global strategic landscape and the domestic establishment of a new politica

Twenty-five years of Pokhran: Safeguarding India’s nuclear infrastructure from cyber threats
May 10, 2023

Twenty-five years of Pokhran: Safeguarding India’s nuclear infrastructure from cyber threats

India must proactively secure its nuclear infrastructure from cyberattacks to remain “a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology”

Food security in China and its role in pushing the G20 Agenda
May 10, 2023

Food security in China and its role in pushing the G20 Agenda

Though China has significantly reduced the rate of malnutrition, the country still faces challenges in ensuring food security

The nuclear factor in the India–Pakistan relationship
May 09, 2023

The nuclear factor in the India–Pakistan relationship

Pakistan’s growing weakness could alter the nuclear dynamics in the subcontinent in the coming years

Climate change and the Maldivian economy: Will it capsize or sail through?
May 05, 2023

Climate change and the Maldivian economy: Will it capsize or sail through?

A close study of how climate change influences the Maldivian economy will help analyse its adaptation needs and identify future opportunities

India’s defence outreach towards a fast-changing West Asia
May 02, 2023

India’s defence outreach towards a fast-changing West Asia

To protect its strategic interests in the Gulf region, India is expanding its defence outreach

Time to define DeFi regulation in India
Apr 29, 2023

Time to define DeFi regulation in India

If India strikes the right balance between innovation and oversight leadership, India could help set a global template for DeFi regulation

ऊर्जा, सुरक्षा आणि युरोपमधील अस्वस्थतेचे राजकारण
Apr 29, 2023

ऊर्जा, सुरक्षा आणि युरोपमधील अस्वस्थतेचे राजकारण

गेल्या सात दशकांच्या समृद्धीमुळे युरोपीय खंड धोरणात्मक

Trinity of Big Data, RegTech, SupTech: Is it panacea or problem for financial regulators?
Apr 28, 2023

Trinity of Big Data, RegTech, SupTech: Is it panacea or problem for financial regulators?

Big Data, RegTech, and SupTech offer significant opportunities for enhancing systemic financial resilience and improving financial supervision

अब्राहम करारामुळे लष्करी-सुरक्षेची भावना
Apr 28, 2023

अब्राहम करारामुळे लष्करी-सुरक्षेची भावना

सामरिक हितसंबंधांच्या मजबूत अभिसरणाने, इस्रायल, संयुक्�

ইউরোপীয় নিরাপত্তা স্থাপত্যের ভাঙন: এশিয়ার জন্য তিনটি শিক্ষা
Apr 27, 2023

ইউরোপীয় নিরাপত্তা স্থাপত্যের ভাঙন: এশিয়ার জন্য তিনটি শিক্ষা

ইউরোপের সংঘাত কৌশলগত কিংবদন্তিগুলো ভেঙে দিয়েছে, এবং এমন

भारत की अध्यक्षता में बेहतर खाद्य सुरक्षा के लिए G20 का एजेंडा
Apr 26, 2023

भारत की अध्यक्षता में बेहतर खाद्य सुरक्षा के लिए G20 का एजेंडा

खाद्य असुरक्षा कई G20 देशों में एक महत्वपूर्ण चुनौती बनी ह�

How the crisis in Sudan accentuated the strategic importance of Djibouti
Apr 25, 2023

How the crisis in Sudan accentuated the strategic importance of Djibouti

As the security situation in Sudan worsens, the importance of having a military base at Djibouti has been further underscored

Pentagon leaks: Heralding a new counterintelligence era
Apr 25, 2023

Pentagon leaks: Heralding a new counterintelligence era

The Pentagon leaks represent yet another challenge for the Biden administration as it confronts many pressing geopolitical challenges

G20 agenda for improved food security under India’s Presidency
Apr 24, 2023

G20 agenda for improved food security under India’s Presidency

Food insecurity remains a significant challenge in many G20 nations; concerted efforts are needed to address the issue

Is Hong Kong China’s Crypto Sandbox?
Apr 21, 2023

Is Hong Kong China’s Crypto Sandbox?

China's digital assets experiment in Hong Kong is an area of interest for the world as it can aid in crafting better policy

श्रीलंका: सदोष आर्थिक धोरणांमुळे अन्नसुरक्षेवर परिणाम झाला
Apr 19, 2023

श्रीलंका: सदोष आर्थिक धोरणांमुळे अन्नसुरक्षेवर परिणाम झाला

श्रीलंकेत धोरणातील त्रुटींमुळे, देशाच्या अन्नसुरक्षेव�

Assertive (dis)unity: Assessing Macron and Von Der Leyen’s visit to China
Apr 18, 2023

Assertive (dis)unity: Assessing Macron and Von Der Leyen’s visit to China

The EU as a whole versus the EU member states’ approach towards China shows a paradox that will be hard to fix

समुदाय पोलिसिंग : अंतर्गत सुरक्षा व्यवस्थापनाचे साधन – भाग २
Apr 17, 2023

समुदाय पोलिसिंग : अंतर्गत सुरक्षा व्यवस्थापनाचे साधन – भाग २

हा दुसरा भाग ईशान्येतील बंडखोरी आणि डाव्या-विंग अतिवादा�

क्या आसियान की केंद्रीय भूमिका कमज़ोर पड़ती जा रही है?
Apr 17, 2023

क्या आसियान की केंद्रीय भूमिका कमज़ोर पड़ती जा रही है?

क्या हाल के वर्षों में दक्षिणी पूर्वी एशिया में आसियान (ASEA

Internet suspension in India: A call for balancing security and rights
Apr 07, 2023

Internet suspension in India: A call for balancing security and rights

The current legal regime governing internet shutdowns must be overhauled to place greater emphasis on transparency and accountability

भारत यूरोप और बंगाल की खाड़ी: एकजुट होते समुद्री सुरक्षा हित
Apr 06, 2023

भारत यूरोप और बंगाल की खाड़ी: एकजुट होते समुद्री सुरक्षा हित

भारत-प्रशांत क्षेत्र के संदर्भ में यूरोपीय देशों और भारत

EDCA expansion: Implications for the US-Philippines-China triangle
Apr 05, 2023

EDCA expansion: Implications for the US-Philippines-China triangle

Under President Marcos, Manila is keen to strengthen the country’s maritime security capabilities and improve its defence network in the region

तेज़ी से बदलते पश्चिम एशिया की ओर बढ़ते भारत के रक्षा क़दम!
Apr 05, 2023

तेज़ी से बदलते पश्चिम एशिया की ओर बढ़ते भारत के रक्षा क़दम!

खाड़ी क्षेत्र में अपने रणनीतिक हितों की रक्षा के लिए भार�

Terrorism in Africa's Sahel: The role of France, Russia and the imperatives for India
Apr 04, 2023

Terrorism in Africa's Sahel: The role of France, Russia and the imperatives for India

The African Sahel region demands the attention of the global community on countering terrorism

Terrorism in Africa’s Sahel: The role of France, Russia and the imperatives for India
Apr 04, 2023

Terrorism in Africa’s Sahel: The role of France, Russia and the imperatives for India

The African Sahel region demands the attention of the global community on countering terrorism

‘भारत-अफ्रीका रक्षा एवं सुरक्षा साझेदारी को कैसे बढ़ावा मिले!’
Apr 04, 2023

‘भारत-अफ्रीका रक्षा एवं सुरक्षा साझेदारी को कैसे बढ़ावा मिले!’

वैसे तो नई पहल, मंच और अभ्यास भारत-अफ्रीका के बीच रक्षा और �

बाइडेन के साइबर सुरक्षा का सवाल: आभासी हमला
Apr 04, 2023

बाइडेन के साइबर सुरक्षा का सवाल: आभासी हमला

चीन से पैदा होने वाले साइबर जोख़िम ने इस ज़रूरत को बल दिया

India, Europe, and the Bay of Bengal: Converging maritime security interests
Apr 03, 2023

India, Europe, and the Bay of Bengal: Converging maritime security interests

Maritime security in the Bay of Bengal can provide ground for convergence among European players and India, especially in the Indo-Pacific context

Oil geopolitics: Revisiting petrodollar recycling
Apr 03, 2023

Oil geopolitics: Revisiting petrodollar recycling

The changes in geopolitical alignments between oil-producing and consuming nations are likely to have a significant impact on petrodollar recycling in

Aid and assistance in Afghanistan: Challenges and look ahead
Apr 01, 2023

Aid and assistance in Afghanistan: Challenges and look ahead

Figuring out how to support the Afghan people without strengthening the Taliban has been the challenge that is confronting the global community

60 वर्षों में यूरोपीय संघ-भारत संबंध: 2023 में यह किस दिशा में जा रहा है?
Mar 31, 2023

60 वर्षों में यूरोपीय संघ-भारत संबंध: 2023 में यह किस दिशा में जा रहा है?

भारत और यूरोपीय संघ को यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए मिलकर काम

কোয়াড বিদেশমন্ত্রীদের বৈঠকে প্রত্যক্ষ নিরাপত্তার উপরে জোর দেওয়া হয়েছে
Mar 31, 2023

কোয়াড বিদেশমন্ত্রীদের বৈঠকে প্রত্যক্ষ নিরাপত্তার উপরে জোর দেওয়া হয়েছে

অপ্রচলিত নিরাপত্তা সংক্রান্ত বিষয়ে কাজ করার জন্য জোট গ�

Xi- Putin meeting amidst China’s Ukraine dilemma
Mar 29, 2023

Xi- Putin meeting amidst China’s Ukraine dilemma

On the Ukraine conflict, China is delicately balancing the two, where it seeks to be an ally of Russia while not incurring the wrath of the West

Biden’s cyber conundrum: Virtual invasion
Mar 28, 2023

Biden’s cyber conundrum: Virtual invasion

The cyber threats emanating from China raise the need for an effective international bulwark against cyber-attacks

India and Israel can be pivots in reglobalising Asia
Mar 28, 2023

India and Israel can be pivots in reglobalising Asia

In the face of growing regional uncertainty and global instability, India and Israel, with other partners, must explore and develop robust cooperation

ইইউ-ভারত সাইবার নিরাপত্তা অংশীদারিত্বকে কাজে লাগানো
Mar 28, 2023

ইইউ-ভারত সাইবার নিরাপত্তা অংশীদারিত্বকে কাজে লাগানো

পারস্পরিক নিরাপত্তা ও সহযোগিতা বাড়ানোর জন্য উভয় অংশীদ�