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1178 results found

The World Population Day 2022: A new development paradigm for a resilient future
Jul 11, 2022

The World Population Day 2022: A new development paradigm for a resilient future

A more holistic developmental paradigm that incorporates the SDG goals needs to be adopted for a resilient ad sustainable future.

जन्नत में वबाल: मालदीव में उग्रवाद और इसे मज़बूत बनाने वाले इको-सिस्टम को शह
Jul 05, 2022

जन्नत में वबाल: मालदीव में उग्रवाद और इसे मज़बूत बनाने वाले इको-सिस्टम को शह

मालदीव की कई सरकारों ने हाल के वर्षों में बढ़ते कट्टरपंथ �

अग्निवीर योजना: अग्निपरीक्षा से ही हासिल होंगे फ़ौलादी नतीजे!
Jul 04, 2022

अग्निवीर योजना: अग्निपरीक्षा से ही हासिल होंगे फ़ौलादी नतीजे!

अग्निपथ स्कीम से जुड़े सुधारों से भारतीय रक्षा प्रणाली म

India’s Battery Swapping Policy: Too much expected from too little?
Jul 01, 2022

India’s Battery Swapping Policy: Too much expected from too little?

As a response to the rising energy needs, India has come up with a battery swapping policy: A necessary but not a sufficient step.

The Agnivir Scheme: Only the test of fire will make fine steel
Jun 27, 2022

The Agnivir Scheme: Only the test of fire will make fine steel

The reforms that the Agnipath scheme entails will help revolutionise the Indian defence system.

OECD’s global tax deal: Its impact on India and the way forward
Jun 24, 2022

OECD’s global tax deal: Its impact on India and the way forward

It's important to reform the international tax system to create a fair and inclusive global digital economy that takes into consideration the welfare

The Agnipath scheme: Masked socio-political impact
Jun 20, 2022

The Agnipath scheme: Masked socio-political impact

The Agnipath scheme may come short on economic merit but could lead to a huge social change in the regimental system.

One-upmanship at the top shows cracks in China’s system
Jun 16, 2022

One-upmanship at the top shows cracks in China’s system

The rise of other contenders in the CCP raises questions about Xi’s long-term political prospects.

Taliban’s takeover: Challenges in establishing control
Jun 15, 2022

Taliban’s takeover: Challenges in establishing control

With the Taliban grappling with both internal and external challenges, the need of the hour is to help it develop a joint security system.

ग्रीन हाइड्रोजन: दूर की कौड़ी या सचमुच का बदलाव?
Jun 13, 2022

ग्रीन हाइड्रोजन: दूर की कौड़ी या सचमुच का बदलाव?

2070 तक नेट-ज़ीरो का लक्ष्य हासिल करने के लिए भारत के हाइड्र�

The Russia–Ukraine War: Ukraine’s resistance in the face of hybrid warfare
Jun 06, 2022

The Russia–Ukraine War: Ukraine’s resistance in the face of hybrid warfare

Both the Ukrainian and Russian control and command systems are under heavy cyberattacks as an intense digital war ensues within the folds of the Ukrai

Green hydrogen: A pie in the sky or an unfolding transformation?
Jun 06, 2022

Green hydrogen: A pie in the sky or an unfolding transformation?

For India to achieve net-zero by 2070, the Hydrogen Mission needs to closely align with its climate agenda systematically.

#Quad Summit के केंद्र में रहा चीन, टिकाऊ सप्लाई चेन व्यवस्था की भी पेशकश!
May 25, 2022

#Quad Summit के केंद्र में रहा चीन, टिकाऊ सप्लाई चेन व्यवस्था की भी पेशकश!

भारत चीन सीमा विवाद के बीच क्वॉड की इस बैठक ने चीन को और चि�

How can India make its technology policy powerful, innovative, and secure?
Apr 02, 2022

How can India make its technology policy powerful, innovative, and secure?

The monopoly of Big Tech firms impacts national sovereignty, fair competition, innovation diffusion, consumer rights, privacy, market efficiency, econ

Unshackle Indian retail e-commerce
Mar 28, 2022

Unshackle Indian retail e-commerce

Through timely regulation, the government can aid in enlarging the ecosystem of retailers in e-commerce

Gaps in social protection: The US is failing to make needed investments in people
Mar 16, 2022

Gaps in social protection: The US is failing to make needed investments in people

It is high time to dispel the notion that social assistance breeds welfare dependency, as evidence suggests otherwise.

भारत, यूरोपीय संघ और अंतरराष्ट्रीय बहुपक्षीय व्यवस्था का भविष्य!
Feb 11, 2022

भारत, यूरोपीय संघ और अंतरराष्ट्रीय बहुपक्षीय व्यवस्था का भविष्य!

दोनों पक्षों के मज़बूत ताल्लुक़ात से न सिर्फ़ पारस्परिक

Blue opportunities for the Pacific Island Developing States (PIDS)
Feb 07, 2022

Blue opportunities for the Pacific Island Developing States (PIDS)

The PSIDS require a holistic approach to development as business-as-usual is proving to be detrimental to the ocean ecosystem and the people whose liv

Behind West Asia’s dash for China
Jan 20, 2022

Behind West Asia’s dash for China

West Asia’s geostrategic shift can be witnessed as the Middle Eastern countries increasingly develop closer ties with China

Telemedicine in the Indo-Pacific: Easing regulations and promoting international cooperation for improving health infrastructure
Jan 14, 2022

Telemedicine in the Indo-Pacific: Easing regulations and promoting international cooperation for improving health infrastructure

Countries in the Indo-Pacific region can boost their healthcare systems by working closely on the emerging sector of telemedicine

Reaching beyond silos: Linking maritime governance with maritime security
Jan 14, 2022

Reaching beyond silos: Linking maritime governance with maritime security

Coupling maritime security with broader maritime governance will aid in advancing global cooperation in the maritime space

Combating climate change with a sustainable food system
Jan 13, 2022

Combating climate change with a sustainable food system

A 'global syndemic’ is defined as a pandemic that appears to interact with climate change, undernutrition, and obesity. Together, they pose a monume

2022—The year to redefine cities as first tiers of urban governance
Jan 08, 2022

2022—The year to redefine cities as first tiers of urban governance

A holistic restructuring of federal, systemic, and financial governance is required to empower our city governments

ग्रिड स्केल बैटरी एनर्जी स्टोरेज सिस्टम: क्या ये उम्मीदों पर खरे उतरेंगे?
Jan 04, 2022

ग्रिड स्केल बैटरी एनर्जी स्टोरेज सिस्टम: क्या ये उम्मीदों पर खरे उतरेंगे?

ग़रीब देशों के लिए ऊर्जा भंडारण प्रक्रिया की लागत एक बड़�

ग्रिड स्केल बैटरी एनर्जी स्टोरेज सिस्टम: क्या ये उम्मीदों पर खरे उतरेंगे?
Jan 04, 2022

ग्रिड स्केल बैटरी एनर्जी स्टोरेज सिस्टम: क्या ये उम्मीदों पर खरे उतरेंगे?

ग़रीब देशों के लिए ऊर्जा भंडारण प्रक्रिया की लागत एक बड़�

The Ethiopian Civil War: Untangling domestic and international repercussions
Jan 03, 2022

The Ethiopian Civil War: Untangling domestic and international repercussions

Great Power politics and a crumbling federal system implicate the Civil War in Ethiopia

Grid scale battery energy storage systems: Will they meet expectations?
Dec 29, 2021

Grid scale battery energy storage systems: Will they meet expectations?

The cost of energy storage systems might be a difficult barrier for poor countries to overcome.

‘व्यवस्था और उस पर गहराता संकट’
Dec 08, 2021

‘व्यवस्था और उस पर गहराता संकट’

चाहे कोविड-19 की आपदा हो, या अमेरिका-चीन का गहराता द्वंद, या �

Superpowers' great equalisers
Dec 08, 2021

Superpowers' great equalisers

For a stable and fair international relations system, strong relations between Russia and India are important in maintaining a balance in the changing

S-400 missile systems: A booster dose with side effects
Dec 04, 2021

S-400 missile systems: A booster dose with side effects

It is within the US’ interests to not sanction India for the acquiring of the Russian missile system, considering both India and the US would like t

Taxing corporations in the 21st century
Nov 30, 2021

Taxing corporations in the 21st century

It is clear that the reform that began by addressing tax challenges from digitalisation is now one of taxing MNEs better

Cities need systemic change to eliminate pandemics of inequalities
Nov 30, 2021

Cities need systemic change to eliminate pandemics of inequalities

All treatment facilities and protocols had a significant bias in favour of the ‘apartment-living citizen’, which is why the Dharavi model is so im

Mumbai’s capacity-building response to COVID-19 has lessons for all cities
Nov 30, 2021

Mumbai’s capacity-building response to COVID-19 has lessons for all cities

Much can be learnt from the Mumbai model and the critical gaps identified to decentralise decision-making, focus on primary healthcare centres and pre

Transnational corporations and the challenge to underwrite trade disruptions scare
Nov 29, 2021

Transnational corporations and the challenge to underwrite trade disruptions scare

The flailing multilateral system has led global corporations to rethink just how connected they ought to be