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1178 results found

In Deep Water: Current Threats to the Marine Ecology of the South China Sea
Mar 08, 2021

In Deep Water: Current Threats to the Marine Ecology of the South China Sea

Territorial disputes in the South China Sea are traditionally viewed through the standpoint of China’s military expansionism, where the threats are more visible. The environmental impacts of China’s activities, which will be long-lasting, remain underexplored. China’s island construction, drilling activities, and overfishing have pushed the marine ecosystem of the region to the brink of collapse, and the destruction of coral reefs a

In need of a fundamental overhaul
Dec 26, 2013

In need of a fundamental overhaul

Indians need to realise that the time has come for decision-making and thinking which is multi-year, though not in the Five Year Plan kind of a way. What is needed are steps that go beyond partisan approaches and election-cycles aimed at providing the desperately needed transformation of the way India manages its governmental system.

In the lockdown, a breath of fresh air
May 09, 2020

In the lockdown, a breath of fresh air

An urgent warning comes from a Harvard University study (, which establishes a correlation between long-term exposure to air pollution and Covid-19 mortality. The study finds that people living in polluted cities are more likely to have compromised respiratory, cardiac and other systems — and, therefore, are more vulnerable to Covid-19.

In the Shadow of COVID19: Reimagining BIMSTEC’s Health Futures
May 24, 2023

In the Shadow of COVID19: Reimagining BIMSTEC’s Health Futures

BIMSTEC member states have issued, on occasion, joint statements recognising the importance of holistic public healthcare and the need for alliances. Yet, intra-BIMSTEC collaborations so far have been limited, mostly focused on traditional medicine. Amidst COVID-19, the region’s states have an opportunity to take their health-sector partnerships to a “new normal”.  Given the highly endemic nature of communicable diseases and the porous bor

India and Africa: Charting a Post-COVID19 Future
Jun 25, 2020

India and Africa: Charting a Post-COVID19 Future

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of healthcare systems and strained economies across the globe. India and countries in Africa have emerged as hotspots due to the dual burden of large populations and weak health infrastructure. This lack of infrastructure, coupled with decreasing investments in healthcare over the years, has left their societies and governments underprepared and potentially overwhelmed by COVID-19. As developing reg

India and global trade governance: Redefining its ‘national’ interest
Dec 24, 2017

India and global trade governance: Redefining its ‘national’ interest

This paper considers and explains the shifts and consistencies in India’s engagement with structures of global trade governance beginning from the Uruguay round of trade negotiations in late 1980s. It makes three major arguments. First, that although India has participated actively in global trade negotiations since the establishment of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) it was only under the present-day trade governance institut

India and its BRICS dilemmas
Nov 18, 2019

India and its BRICS dilemmas

The five-country group faces challenges arising from bilateral differences and diverse political systems

India and Japan: Changing Dimensions of Partnership in the post-Cold War Period
Mar 06, 2010

India and Japan: Changing Dimensions of Partnership in the post-Cold War Period

Indo-Japanese relations have witnessed a paradigm shift since 2000 when both countries launched a global partnership in order to address a range of issues affecting regional and global peace and prosperity. Systematic efforts made by the leaders of both countries since then have strengthened their partnership. Until very recently, their interactions were mainly limited to economic issues, but today they cover a wide spectrum of subjects including

India and the Afghan Taliban
Dec 04, 2017

India and the Afghan Taliban

While there is common ground between India and the US in Afghanistan, the intricacies are complex, and for now only provide an ecosystem for New Delhi and Washington to work together on containing the Taliban.

India and the Economic Meltdown: Challenges and Possible Responses
Apr 15, 2009

India and the Economic Meltdown: Challenges and Possible Responses

The financial crisis across the globe and the ensuing responses by nations and non-state actors has dominated both public consciousness and political debate in the recent past. The discussion on suitable stimulus packages, the causes for the financial disorder and future restructuring of the financial systems has often been dominated by the rhetoric of specific constituencies serving individual interests even as it loses sight of the substantive

India in the Era of ‘Silicon Diplomacy’
Aug 17, 2023

India in the Era of ‘Silicon Diplomacy’

The global shortage in semiconductors that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic, resulted in heavy losses for many economic sectors. The fragility of the supply chain and the innate dependencies within, have made semiconductor collaboration essential to maintain the industry’s efficiency. This brief examines how semiconductors have become a fulcrum for building potential technology alliances. It outlines ongoing diplomatic initiatives

India needs a federal foreign policy
Apr 08, 2013

India needs a federal foreign policy

It would be difficult to graft something like the U.S. system on to the Indian system. Yet, clearly the time has come when Mizoram and Nagaland also have a say in India's Myanmar policy, instead of merely having to bear its consequences.

India to chair UN group on 'killer robots', open new page on arms control diplomacy
Dec 19, 2016

India to chair UN group on 'killer robots', open new page on arms control diplomacy

India was selected as the chair of the first group of governmental experts (GGE) constituted to deliberate the issue of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) and their impact on international security

India's G20 Leadership: Elevating Capacity Building for Sustainable Development Financing
Sep 04, 2023

India's G20 Leadership: Elevating Capacity Building for Sustainable Development Financing

India’s G20 Presidency has identified the mandate for the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) as thus: “capacity building of the ecosystem for financing sustainable development.” The aim is to scale up efforts in mobilising large pools of global capital for sustainable projects, particularly in emerging and developing economies. Under the aegis of the Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG), the G20 proposes the developmen

India's quest for place at the UN high table
Jul 20, 2015

India's quest for place at the UN high table

The quest for a permanent seat is another challenge altogether. There is little appetite for UN reform in the international system, and there is no one big driver. Certainly, the US, without the support of which India cannot make it to the high table, has no interest in it right now.

India's water management still plagued by British legacy
Oct 26, 2015

India's water management still plagued by British legacy

Despite the worldwide call for a change in water management paradigm in favour of demand management and ecosystem restoration (also known as Integrated Water Resource Management), India still adheres to its archaic notions of water resource development.

India, Russia reinvigorate bilateral ties
Dec 15, 2021

India, Russia reinvigorate bilateral ties

Apart from dispelling the sense of drift, Putin’s visit was a clear signal of the commitment to a multipolar global order and reinforced strategic balance as an enduring factor in ties

India-Africa Partnership For Food Security: Issues, Initiatives and Policy Directions
Jun 23, 2016

India-Africa Partnership For Food Security: Issues, Initiatives and Policy Directions

India has made significant strides in agricultural production since the days of green revolution and has valuable lessons to share with its development partners, including countries in the African continent. This paper argues that there is a strong rationale for India-Africa collaboration on food security, given their common challenges of hunger, undernutrition, and low productivity. The paper finds that India plays an important role in augmentin

Indian Defence Procurement: Righting the Ship
Feb 10, 2021

Indian Defence Procurement: Righting the Ship

This brief examines India’s defence procurement record for fundamental platforms, weapons, and systems, as well as planned acquisitions and projects under development. The new Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP 2020) assumes greater salience not only against India’s chequered acquisition history, but also the increasingly constrained resource environment and deteriorating regional security scenario. The brief offers a set of broad recommendat

India’s coastal security paradox
Dec 14, 2017

India’s coastal security paradox

Despite significant improvements in India’s near-seas security architecture, the country’s coastal security project remains a work in progress. Recent developments show there have been more than a few “misses” in the near-littorals. This report attempts to document India’s enduring coastal vulnerabilities, identifying reasons why a number of promising initiatives have not added up to a system of efficient littoral management, and explai

India’s G20 Leadership: Elevating Capacity Building for Sustainable Development Financing
Sep 04, 2023

India’s G20 Leadership: Elevating Capacity Building for Sustainable Development Financing

India’s G20 Presidency has identified the mandate for the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) as thus: “capacity building of the ecosystem for financing sustainable development.” The aim is to scale up efforts in mobilising large pools of global capital for sustainable projects, particularly in emerging and developing economies. Under the aegis of the Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG), the G20 proposes the developmen

India’s Historic Vaccination Drive: Evaluating the Stakes, Hurdles and Opportunities
Jan 08, 2021

India’s Historic Vaccination Drive: Evaluating the Stakes, Hurdles and Opportunities

Various vaccine trials across the world are showing highly promising efficacy, and multiple vaccines are getting approved across continents. The global vaccine race has now entered its second phase, where countries try and procure as many doses of Covid-19 vaccines as possible. India has put its faith primarily in the vaccines of Oxford-AstraZeneca and Bharat Biotech-ICMR. It has also secured future stockpiles of Gamaleya and Novavax vaccines thr

India’s Intelligence Agencies: In Need of Reform and Oversight
Jul 23, 2015

India’s Intelligence Agencies: In Need of Reform and Oversight

This report draws from the conference on the Future Challenges to India's Intelligence System organised by ORF in February 2015. What tasks face India's intelligence agencies in implementing reforms in order to address the more complex national security threats confronting the country today?

India’s joint doctrine: A lost opportunity
Jan 03, 2018

India’s joint doctrine: A lost opportunity

The Integrated Defence Staff released the first-ever public joint doctrine for the Indian armed forces (JDIAF-2017) in April 2017. Absent a publicly articulated national security strategy, the joint doctrine presents important clues about what that strategy might be. This paper examines JDIAF-2017 in conjunction with other Indian military doctrines, public writings of leading Indian strategists, as well as foreign military doctrines and strategie

India’s pursuit of United Nations Security Council reforms
Dec 24, 2017

India’s pursuit of United Nations Security Council reforms

The United Nations Security Council has emerged as the key arena and barometer for evaluating the promise and progress of accommodating new, rising powers in the international system. The case of India provides one of the best examples of a rising power coming to terms with its increased power, role and expectations of itself and of other powers, great and small, in negotiating its place in the reformed Council as a permanent member. This paper b

India’s Russia Defense Gambit
Jan 11, 2024

India’s Russia Defense Gambit

The uncertainty and possible further disruptions in the defense supply chain out of Russia could accelerate India’s diversification and indigenization efforts.

India’s Shifting Governance Structure:From Charter of Promises to Service Guarantee
Jul 25, 2012

India’s Shifting Governance Structure:From Charter of Promises to Service Guarantee

Once synonymous with inefficiency and slothfulness, India's public service delivery system is finally being overhauled and put on the path of reforms. Ironically, these reforms are being spearheaded by a set of state governments. This paper attempts to capture the key trends of this impressive development which has far reaching consequences for democracy and governance in the country.

India’s triangular cooperation with the US, UK and Japan in Africa: A comparative analysis
Jan 23, 2020

India’s triangular cooperation with the US, UK and Japan in Africa: A comparative analysis

Triangular cooperation aims to forge global partnerships and foster sustainable global development. In such a system, traditional donors provide financial and technical support to facilitate development activities between two developing countries in the South, i.e. one emerging donor country and a beneficiary. Triangular cooperation allows nations to learn from the mistakes of the pioneers of the development cooperation process, bringing about co

India’s urban moment: The pressing need for a new thought architecture
Jun 06, 2019

India’s urban moment: The pressing need for a new thought architecture

India’s emerging urban moment is caught between two realities: inadequate systems in public transportation, housing, waste management, and access to sanitation and health; and a burgeoning ecosystem of enterprising individuals, communities and start-ups pushing innovative solutions to these very same civic issues. This paper examines India’s urban picture and understands how the urban narrative of crumbling systems and inadequate infrastructu

Indigenise defence production to cut out corruption
May 11, 2012

Indigenise defence production to cut out corruption

India must learn to quickly indigenise defence production to cut out both dependence on external sources and corruption that is endemic to the system and to provide employment to Indians along with a sense of pride. This will not happen overnight and there will be obstructions by vested interests.

Indus: Connecting the drops
Jun 26, 2012

Indus: Connecting the drops

Given the dependence of Indus River on glacial melt, extensive joint studies on the complex and unique Himalayan systems must be conducted and data must be shared openly, suggested an international conference in Kathmandu organised by ORF, Stimson Center, USA, and Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Pakistan.

Infrastructure, institutions and industrialisation: The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor and regional development in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh
Aug 21, 2023

Infrastructure, institutions and industrialisation: The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor and regional development in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh

The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) is one of several infrastructure megaprojects underway in India, intended to boost industrial modernisation and generate manufacturing employment for India’s young, largely unskilled workforce. Field research in DMIC investment sites in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh shows that its implementation is highly uneven across States and regions. The research, along with the literature, suggests that regional ind

Innovation in Biotechnology: Ethical and Regulatory Challenges
Apr 08, 2021

Innovation in Biotechnology: Ethical and Regulatory Challenges

This brief analyses the regulatory, security and ethical challenges facing states and the international community regarding emerging technologies in biotechnology, focusing on the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system and artificial gene synthesis. It highlights the inadequacy of current mechanisms such as export control regimes to regulate these emerging technologies because of a fundamental shift in the nature of challenges posed and an altered globa

Is a Mid East war on the cards?
Jul 07, 2012

Is a Mid East war on the cards?

Hillary Clinton has for the past year been exhorting "Assad to get out of the way". But Assad won't listen. He sits on a system quite as durable as the one Saddam Hussain supervised in neighbouring Iraq. Without the US commitment as in Iraq, Assad cannot be pushed out.

Is India betting big on Huawei?
Feb 07, 2020

Is India betting big on Huawei?

A divided domestic telecoms industry, disagreement within the central government, and a desire for India to develop its own systems have made the country’s calculations on 5G all the more complicated.

Is new urban middle class forcing change in politics?
Feb 06, 2013

Is new urban middle class forcing change in politics?

Though it is too early to interpret possible impact of the new activism of India's burgeoning urban middle class on nature and character of politics and system of governance, if we take recent global events as a sort of barometer, the change has already begun.

Islamic State propaganda in India
Apr 16, 2020

Islamic State propaganda in India

What is new is the pro-IS online ecosystem recognising an opportunity within Indian domestic politics.

It is Changing After All: India’s Stance on ‘Responsibility to Protect’
Apr 13, 2016

It is Changing After All: India’s Stance on ‘Responsibility to Protect’

Until 2009, India was regarded as one of the most stringent opponents of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ (R2P) norm; it was, historically, a staunch advocate of a state-centred Westphalian system. But India's position has always been more complex and nuanced in all respects. Since 2009, the fundamental change that has taken place is also quite remarkable. This change can partly be accounted for by India’s noteworthy, but still ongoing trans

Jammu and Kashmir: On the Cusp of Change, But Challenges Remain
Jun 17, 2022

Jammu and Kashmir: On the Cusp of Change, But Challenges Remain

The recent killings of minorities, migrant workers, and local police officers in the Kashmir Valley have led to an impression that the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir is once again becoming uncontrollable. On ground, however, the situation is said to be firmly under the control of the Indian State. This does not mean that terrorism has been eliminated; small terrorist groups continue to operate and attack soft targets, heightening the sen

Lack of bankruptcy law making process slower, says expert
Aug 02, 2014

Lack of bankruptcy law making process slower, says expert

India neither has a well-defined bankruptcy legislation for businesses to close down systematically or special courts to take care of such issues; and, as a result the process becomes slower, says former Revenue Secretary M.R. Sivaraman.

Learning the lessons of Phailin to prevent the next tragedy
Oct 21, 2013

Learning the lessons of Phailin to prevent the next tragedy

India handled Cyclone Phailin very well. Now, it is better for the system to learn a few lessons and not just prepare for the next big one, but also figure out ways of dealing with the smaller and completely needless tragedies that occur across the country because crowds have not been properly managed at a festival, or buses and ferries.

Lessons from COVID-19: Promoting Sustainability in Food Production to Limit Zoonotic Transmissions
Mar 19, 2021

Lessons from COVID-19: Promoting Sustainability in Food Production to Limit Zoonotic Transmissions

COVID-19, which is a highly infectious disease of zoonotic origin, serves as a serious reminder that human-nature interactions need to be based on sustainable development pathways. The recent surge in zoonotic infections in different parts of the world—among them, H1N1, Nipah virus, Zika virus, and Lyme disease—can be attributed to the intensification of human-animal contact through wildlife trade and livestock production. Reducing the rates

Lessons from Joshimath: The Need for a Himalayan Development Model
Feb 15, 2023

Lessons from Joshimath: The Need for a Himalayan Development Model

The fragility of the Himalayan ecosystem was recently highlighted by incidents of land sinking in Joshimath, a small hill town in India’s Uttarakhand. This crisis has generated intense debate on aspects of development and environmental sustainability in the region, including the exploitation of Himalayan natural wealth and the strain placed on the vulnerable area by the tourism industry. This brief argues that the Himalayan region needs

Leveraging disruptive technology innovations for healthcare delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa
Jun 26, 2019

Leveraging disruptive technology innovations for healthcare delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) constitutes 23.82 percent of the global disease burden but less than one percent of health expenditure.[1] The region has a severe shortage of trained medical personnel[2] and health delivery has low coverage. This brief outlines the most crucial challenges facing SSA’s healthcare system, and describes the footprint of Indian health companies in the region, especially in the context of the failure of the public sector t

Locating India within the Global Non-Proliferation Architecture: Prospects, Challenges and Opportunities
Aug 19, 2016

Locating India within the Global Non-Proliferation Architecture: Prospects, Challenges and Opportunities

This monograph makes an assessment of the prospects of India’s inclusion to the export control regimes. It begins by analysing the technical parameters for membership and whether or not India meets them. This includes an examination of India’s domestic export control system — both control list and legal framework. The next chapter delves into the political debates on India’s membership to the four export control regimes. This takes i

Making BITs Less Biting: India’s Reform of the Investment Regime
Nov 26, 2016

Making BITs Less Biting: India’s Reform of the Investment Regime

In response to increasing criticism of the existing international investment regime, various countries, including India, have been revising their model investment treaties. is paper analyses India's recently approved Model Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT). It makes an assessment of the text's practical implications from the perspective of ongoing negotiations of investment agreements with several countries, as well as India's transition towards

Making Iraq out of UK
Jun 25, 2005

Making Iraq out of UK

There were four more explosions in London on July 21,2005, but of a much lower intensity as compared to those of July 7,2005. The target again was the public transportation system. As on July 7,2005, there were three explosions in the underground railway system and one in a bus. Apart from injuries to one person, no other human casualty has been reported. Material damage was also very little as compared to July 7.

Managing Avian Conservation, Protection, and Diversity in Indian Cities
Nov 05, 2024

Managing Avian Conservation, Protection, and Diversity in Indian Cities

Birds provide multiple benefits to the world’s ecosystems. In recent years, experts have raised the alarm about deteriorating bird populations, with some species becoming extinct and others threatened to dangerous levels. This decline in avian populations is primarily attributed to urbanisation. Concerted efforts are required to conserve birds and their habitats in cities. The Government of India, state governments, urban local bodies, non-gove

Managing Expectations: Explainable A.I. and its Military Implications
Aug 16, 2023

Managing Expectations: Explainable A.I. and its Military Implications

The rapid uptake of artificial intelligence (AI) in the military in the past couple decades has been accompanied by a slow but gradual build-up in attempts to understand how these AI systems work to achieve better results in military operations. The idea behind what is called ‘eXplainable AI’ (XAI), and the technologies driving it, are a manifestation of this trend. The question, however, is if XAI in its current form is the solution