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11235 results found

The pandemic experience: Preventive and curative measures of India’s major ports
May 05, 2020

The pandemic experience: Preventive and curative measures of India’s major ports

For the first time, healthcare/social responsibility of ports have come into the limelight bearing implications not only for the port community but th

Internet restrictions to detention of politicians: 5 August continues in Kashmir
May 04, 2020

Internet restrictions to detention of politicians: 5 August continues in Kashmir

Months after 5 August has been a total waste — recruitments for government jobs continue to be on hold, investments from outside have not come and b

Tardy response to COVID19 pandemic: WHO in dire need of reforms
May 03, 2020

Tardy response to COVID19 pandemic: WHO in dire need of reforms

Although, plentiful has been written about China’s inaction during the early days of the outbreak of this pandemic, there is scant mention of WHO be

COVID-19 numbers: The Calcutta conundrum
May 01, 2020

COVID-19 numbers: The Calcutta conundrum

In addition to the fears of surviving this pandemic, citizens of West Bengal have to unfortunately cater to an additional anxiety resulting from — t

COVID-19: Is WHO fit to lead in times of pandemics?
Apr 30, 2020

COVID-19: Is WHO fit to lead in times of pandemics?

Absence of leadership is not the only problem — the pandemic shows how the WHO failed to address deeper and chronic issues.

COVID-19 and cooperative federalism in India: So far, so good
Apr 30, 2020

COVID-19 and cooperative federalism in India: So far, so good

More states are beginning to relax lockdown restrictions to restore normalcy with preventive measures. How did a country of 1.3 billion, with large sl

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy
Apr 29, 2020

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy

The formation of ‘The Resistance Front’ should be seen as an attempt to consolidate strengths, manpower, weaponry, and training of various militan

यूरोप में छद्म कूटनीति की आड़ में चीन की आक्रामक विदेश नीति
Apr 29, 2020

यूरोप में छद्म कूटनीति की आड़ में चीन की आक्रामक विदेश नीति

जिसतरह से महामारी को लेकर अनिश्चितता का माहौल है और जनता �

UAE gets COVID-19 response right: A note from within
Apr 29, 2020

UAE gets COVID-19 response right: A note from within

The nature, frequency, and messaging in the communication that the government is taking, boasts of information, connectivity, and authenticity — all

Net neutrality in the time of COVID-19
Apr 28, 2020

Net neutrality in the time of COVID-19

As work from home becomes the new normal, regulators around the world have come under pressure to relook at the rules relating to bandwidth, traffic a

Panchayats and pandemic
Apr 25, 2020

Panchayats and pandemic

With panchayats emerging as front warriors in the collective fight against COVID-19 pandemic, Prime Minister’s address to key members of rural self-

Covid19: China-Russia make strategic geopolitical moves in Italy
Apr 25, 2020

Covid19: China-Russia make strategic geopolitical moves in Italy

As the political leadership cedes to the manoeuvres of the China-Russia combine, Italians are taking a stand.

What’s ailing the World Health Organisation?
Apr 24, 2020

What’s ailing the World Health Organisation?

While the politicisation of the WHO remains a serious concern, it also presents an opportunity to rethink the underpinnings of the broader global gove

COVID-19: South Asian countries need a migrant worker-friendly disaster management policy
Apr 23, 2020

COVID-19: South Asian countries need a migrant worker-friendly disaster management policy

The recent incidents shed light on the desperation of the migrant labours in the South Asian countries that worsen during disasters like the present p

UN report concludes Syrian government bombed hospitals
Apr 22, 2020

UN report concludes Syrian government bombed hospitals

For years now, the Syrian government has allegedly continued to violate the basic obligations of international law.

Health security must get the attention it deserves in India’s response to Covid19
Apr 22, 2020

Health security must get the attention it deserves in India’s response to Covid19

India needs to create a robust and inclusive health response system employing an entire-government approach to build the resilience needed to respond

Telecommuting to a green future
Apr 21, 2020

Telecommuting to a green future

The pandemic has presented a window of opportunity to reimagine the way we work and imbibe the flexibility to try new ideas such as telecommuting.

Is the Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act 1979, a dead letter?
Apr 21, 2020

Is the Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act 1979, a dead letter?

Where did the States go wrong? Is it not the responsibility of the Central and State government to protect the rights of the migrant workers as enshri

Sri Lanka terror strike: One year on, it’s time for regional resolve against transnational terror
Apr 21, 2020

Sri Lanka terror strike: One year on, it’s time for regional resolve against transnational terror

While Colombo and New Delhi may carry historic baggage with each other on various issues, fighting ISIS is something that barely interjects with those

Informal migrants in maximum city
Apr 21, 2020

Informal migrants in maximum city

Why have the informal workers not been able to form a pressure group, or demand for better rights to housing or living in Mumbai?

Impact of COVID-19 on rural lives and livelihoods in India
Apr 20, 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on rural lives and livelihoods in India

One can foresee many challenges as farmers and farm labourers set out to rebuild their lives and livelihoods.

East to West: India’s migrant crisis looms large during COVID-19
Apr 20, 2020

East to West: India’s migrant crisis looms large during COVID-19

While India has numerous policies for social security when it comes to education, healthcare, skilling, food security and pensions — most of these s

‘Liquid gold’: New York’s convalescent plasma donor 0001 gives us a patient’s view into US COVID19 response
Apr 19, 2020

‘Liquid gold’: New York’s convalescent plasma donor 0001 gives us a patient’s view into US COVID19 response

Doctors are calling Diana Berrent’s plasma “liquid gold” because she didn’t just clear the virus, she’s also a universal donor.

Health Policy belongs to the national security domain and different stakeholders must engage
Apr 18, 2020

Health Policy belongs to the national security domain and different stakeholders must engage

Samir Saran, President, ORF was interviewed by Oxford Political Review in the backdrop of the Indian government’s decision to enforce a complete loc

COVID19 and displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh camps
Apr 18, 2020

COVID19 and displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh camps

The spread of coronavirus in camp areas is equivalent to spread of forest fires which only leads to more destruction — and questions the government�

A perspective on secondary effects of the spread of COVID19 in emerging economies
Apr 17, 2020

A perspective on secondary effects of the spread of COVID19 in emerging economies

It is essential for emerging economies to devise strategic responses that suit their specific contexts.

Environmental effects of Chinese projects in Myanmar
Apr 15, 2020

Environmental effects of Chinese projects in Myanmar

Since 2010, China has been casting its eyes on Myanmar’s rich natural resources for commercial exploitation.

Fighting against a pandemic: A long road ahead
Apr 15, 2020

Fighting against a pandemic: A long road ahead

The fight against COVID-19 has just begun. It will continue over time.

Impact of COVID-19 on military preparedness
Apr 14, 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on military preparedness

Militaries must focus on their primary task of protecting our national interests, and no biological incident can hinder it from carrying out its assig

COVID19 pandemic and Rohingya refugees
Apr 13, 2020

COVID19 pandemic and Rohingya refugees

Keeping the refugees and IDPs confined in the camps uninformed may be detrimental to effective enforcement of the authorities’ efforts and measures

COVID19: Taiwan, accountability and global institutions
Apr 10, 2020

COVID19: Taiwan, accountability and global institutions

Health crises may originate anywhere in the world, but the subsequent responses from the concerned countries characterise their roles as responsible c