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11235 results found

Strengthening the C4ISR capabilities of India’s Armed Forces: The Role of Small Satellites
Jun 15, 2020

Strengthening the C4ISR capabilities of India’s Armed Forces: The Role of Small Satellites

Small satellites have gained considerable importance in recent years. Although small spacecraft have existed for decades, their military applications have recently gained prominence owing to technological advances in their development and integration into the armed services of the major spacefaring countries across the world. This paper analyses the significance of small satellites in the C4ISR capabilities of the three service branches of the In

Strengthening the Online Education Ecosystem in India
Nov 18, 2020

Strengthening the Online Education Ecosystem in India

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the formal schooling system in India, as it has across the globe, causing massive pressure on the online education sector. This paper analyses the state of digitalised education in India. It outlines current government guidelines on digital-mode schooling, and uses the case of Maharashtra’s five-year-old efforts at digitalising government schools to gauge preparedness for implementing the guidelines. It highl

Strengthening Vietnam-Japan Security Cooperation
Sep 05, 2013

Strengthening Vietnam-Japan Security Cooperation

China's increased assertiveness in the South China Sea has been pushing Japan and Vietnam towards greater security cooperation. Bilateral security cooperation has been increasing.

Stricter implementation of laws key to women's safety
Mar 19, 2014

Stricter implementation of laws key to women's safety

Safer cities are a product of technology, policing, community participation, education, and planning and architectural design. In the policy frame, focus should be on inclusive development, participatory approaches, identity mainstreaming, and sustainable urban development to create a more equal and tolerant urban society.

Strike  The  Right  Balance  On  Nepal
Aug 11, 2010

Strike The Right Balance On Nepal

The political mess in Nepal presents a very difficult challenge for India. Nepal is geo-politically too sensitive for India to detach itself from developments there. We have to be ever watchful of the inroads China makes.

String of ports
Apr 11, 2014

String of ports

While India is looking to the UN to manage the cyber challenges, America and China are exploring bilateral solutions that could eventually be imposed on the rest of the world. That is very similar to what happened in the nuclear arena five decades ago.

Stumbling in the neighbourhood
Oct 13, 2015

Stumbling in the neighbourhood

As Modi resets ties with the Maldives with Sushma Swaraj's visit, he also has an opportunity to rethink the current Nepal policy which has entered a turbulent phase in the last few weeks. Nepal's election of a new PM, K.P. Sharma Oli, is a good moment to take a fresh look at the differences between Delhi and Kathmandu.

Success of Modi’s ‘Act West’ policy opens doors to Gulf potential
Feb 16, 2018

Success of Modi’s ‘Act West’ policy opens doors to Gulf potential

Unlike the Indo-Pacific where the payoffs are limited, West Asia offers India vast energy resources that are vital for development and investment opportunities.

Succession and political stability in Saudi Arabia
Sep 19, 2013

Succession and political stability in Saudi Arabia

Succession to the next generation poses a threat to the Saudi Kingdom's stability as it will create "a complex web of rivalry and political competition" among Saudi princes who wish to secure their family lines.

Sudan: The Abyei crisis and a mismanaged diversity
Jun 06, 2011

Sudan: The Abyei crisis and a mismanaged diversity

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir's bold act of barging into the Abyei territory with his troops is a sure act of defiance and it remains to be seen to what extent this conflict can be kept from turning into a full-blown war.

Suicide Strike in Colombo
Jul 08, 2004

Suicide Strike in Colombo

July 7, 2004, Wednesday, witnessed the first suicide attack in Sri Lanka since the signing of the Cease Fire Accord (CFA) between the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Summitry as a Tool of Diplomacy: The Case of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
Dec 08, 2022

Summitry as a Tool of Diplomacy: The Case of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

As a tool of diplomacy, forum summits have allowed countries to interact, exchange views, and work together to cooperate on issues of mutual interest. This is true for the African continent, where there is a recent surge in high-level summits involving heads of state, ministers, and civil society organisations. These ‘Africa+1’ summits have provided countries in the continent with an institutional platform to engage with both traditional and

Super PACs and campaign fundraising: Sky is the limit
Jul 08, 2015

Super PACs and campaign fundraising: Sky is the limit

The amount of money which are expected to be raised and spent in the campaigns leading to the US Presidential elections of 2016 are being seen as unprecedented. At the centre of this complex cycle between big money and US election campaigns are the new breed of organisations called the Super PACs.

Supreme Court judgment galvanises India's steel frame
Oct 31, 2013

Supreme Court judgment galvanises India's steel frame

A landmark judgment by the Supreme Court on Thursday is what the doctor ordered to galvanise India's moribund steel frame. Between the lines, the apex court tells a distraught citizenry, running from pillar to post even for basic delivery of services, that babus (government servants) needn't cower before the political master -- they can shape up.

Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia
Jun 24, 2017

Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia

Indian announcement of having conducted surgical strikes across the de-facto border with Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir has major implications for deterrence-stability in South Asia. New Delhi has sought to devise a military strategy to respond to Pakistan’s sub-conventional war that does not lead to escalation of conflict to nuclear levels and collapse of nuclear deterrence. This paper analyses India’s surgical strikes of September 2016, thei

Surprise AAP landslide indicates dawn of new politics for India
Dec 16, 2013

Surprise AAP landslide indicates dawn of new politics for India

No matter whether the stunning performance of AAP brings new politics or not, it has already impacted the old-style politics. With the union government indicating its willingness to pass the Ombudsman (Lokpal) bill in the current session of the Parliament, it would be too early to write the party off.

Surprises in the socio-economic caste census
Jul 13, 2015

Surprises in the socio-economic caste census

The statistics in the socio economic caste census is a stark reminder that most rural poor in India do not belong to the 'middle class' at all. It is important to face up to the stark reality. Emphasis and implementation of Digital India, Make in India, Smart cities' programmes ought to take into account the problems faced by the poor.

Surrounded by the flames
Aug 16, 2024

Surrounded by the flames

With multiple fires burning around India, what is astounding is not India’s seeming inability to manage those fires but its remarkable success in insulating itself from those flames

Sushma Swaraj's visit to South Korea and the way ahead
Jan 08, 2015

Sushma Swaraj's visit to South Korea and the way ahead

For both India and South Korea, cooperation in the civilian nuclear sphere is a subject of great importance. Both countries had signed an agreement in 2011 and since then, South Korea has been keen to sell its nuclear reactors to India but without success. Now, Seoul's interest has become stronger as it is competing with Japan.

Sustainable agriculture, climate change and nutrition: a complex challenge
Sep 06, 2023

Sustainable agriculture, climate change and nutrition: a complex challenge

Your reflection published by Observer Research Foundation brings a complex view between food security, climate change, sustainable agriculture and land use. Is there awareness of this inseparable relationship?

Sustainable Development Goals: The Quest for a Post-2015 Agenda
Oct 14, 2014

Sustainable Development Goals: The Quest for a Post-2015 Agenda

The Observer Research Foundation and Saferworld, UK, with support from the UK Department of International Development, hosted a workshop in New Delhi in August 2014 with the objective of identifying priorities to help secure an inclusive agreement on the SDGs. This Policy Perspective presents a summary of key issues raised by participants from India, China, Brazil, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and the African Union.

Sustaining growth in an unfriendly world
Jan 29, 2018

Sustaining growth in an unfriendly world

India can offer an alternative model aligned with the “open economy, freedom, democracy” matrix, if it can boost its tax to GDP ratio to generate the resources required for sharing growth.

Swapping land good for India and Bangladesh
Sep 06, 2011

Swapping land good for India and Bangladesh

The swapping of land between India and Bangladesh will bring clarity to the border, which will eventually lead to improved border management. This will also help in controlling illegal migration, and reduce scepticism in Bangladesh, leading to a sense of optimism all around.

Swaraj in Beijing, with eyes on border
Feb 03, 2015

Swaraj in Beijing, with eyes on border

Even before the hype over US President Barack Obama's visit to Delhi has died down, the Modi government is on the move to enhance its ties with China. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's ongoing China visit is an important part of this effort.

Swaraj's Beijing visit creates right atmosphere for Modi's visit
Feb 13, 2015

Swaraj's Beijing visit creates right atmosphere for Modi's visit

After Sushma Swaraj's successful visit to Beijing, which managed to create a certain degree of 'warmth' in China's attitude towards India, now all eyes will be on Mr Modi's visit to China in May. But before that the border talks that are going to be held soon will play a key role in determining the course of events.

Sweden’s ‘Soft’ COVID19 Strategy: An Appraisal
Jul 20, 2020

Sweden’s ‘Soft’ COVID19 Strategy: An Appraisal

Many countries imposed stringent lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sweden, however, adopted a ‘soft’ approach of self-imposed social precautions without state regulation. This evoked extensive criticism within and outside the country, especially in view of its high death rates in comparison to its Nordic neighbours. The Swedish government, however, has been steadfast with its strategy. As countries emerge from lockdowns and begi

Sweet-and-sour menu
Jul 30, 2010

Sweet-and-sour menu

With a $4-trillion economy and laudable efforts at lifting 300 million people out of poverty, China today appears more socially cohesive than before.

Swine Flu: Challenges and Impact on the Indian EconomY
Sep 13, 2023

Swine Flu: Challenges and Impact on the Indian EconomY

Swine flu has seen a worrisome spread in India recently, and there are fears of another resurgence in the coming months. This issue brief explores the economic impact of swine flu and the challenges India faces in fighting the disease.

Symbolic, and No More...
Jul 19, 2010

Symbolic, and No More...

Having the Union Cabinet now accepted a new globally identifiable symbol for the Indian Rupee, designed by Udayakumar, New Delhi may need to consider ways to take the horse to where it should belong, if it, together with the cart, has to be a driving force.

Syria not falling soon, notwithstanding Indian vote at UN
Feb 13, 2012

Syria not falling soon, notwithstanding Indian vote at UN

Like road repair gangs working on different stretches of a highway, the same gang of Arabs and their western minders are proceeding from Libya to Syria to.....sorry, hang on. Syria is proving to be a much tougher project than earlier imagined.

Syria to shake Obama-Putin handshake in New York
Sep 28, 2015

Syria to shake Obama-Putin handshake in New York

The issue of radical Islamism remains Russia's fundamental concern in Syria. Having fought two Chechen wars, it would not want another conflict to erupt on its territory. If either the ISIS or the rebels succeed in overthrowing Assad, there is a huge likelihood of expansion of jihadist activity to the Caucasus and southern Russia.

Syria will drag down Turkey
Jun 29, 2012

Syria will drag down Turkey

Turkey needs is to revert to a policy of peace with all its neighbour. CIA Special Forces operating from Turkey will harm Turkey more than they will Syria.

Syria: India should step up engagements with major States
Sep 09, 2013

Syria: India should step up engagements with major States

Though realism suggests India cannot directly influence the evolution of the Syrian situation, India must more actively partake in the international debate on Syria and step up its political engagement with all major states in the region, said experts at a brainstorming on Syria.

T20 Side Event | Think20 Youth Engagement: Geopolitics of Multilateralism
Feb 14, 2023

T20 Side Event | Think20 Youth Engagement: Geopolitics of Multilateralism

Think20, Youth Engagement, Geopolitics, Multilateralism, G20, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, SDG, macroeconomics, India, G20 Presidency, RCEP, FTA, Trade, economic, infrastructure, diplomacy, Climate Change

Tackling Industrial Pollution in India: Where is the Data?
May 10, 2023

Tackling Industrial Pollution in India: Where is the Data?

This brief argues that the understanding of city-level air quality could be strengthened if residents who live in spaces where industries are present, are able to access information about industrial emissions in their areas. Indeed, even as there are some 4,000 OCEMS (online continuous emissions/effluents monitoring systems) in place in different pollutive industries across the country, the data they collect—inarguably vital for public health�

Tackling the China threat
Sep 01, 2020

Tackling the China threat

A tech Cold War is beginning to reshape global geopolitics.

Tactics & Counter-tactics: PWG NAxals & Security Forces
Mar 13, 2004

Tactics & Counter-tactics: PWG NAxals & Security Forces

Naxalites of the People¿s War Group (PWG) and the security forces (SF) continuously devise tactics and counter-tactics to defeat one another. In a latest move, the SFs formed Counter Action Teams (CAT) to target the Permanent Action Teams (PAT) of the PWG. The tactic achieved its first success in Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh (AP). On April 11, 2004 two prominent Naxalites were hunted down by a CAT in the district, after reportedly engaging