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4042 results found

Small Satellite Constellations: The Promise of ‘Internet for All’
Sep 28, 2015

Small Satellite Constellations: The Promise of ‘Internet for All’

Over four billion people do not have access to Internet; that makes a huge two-thirds of the global population. In India, around four of every five people lack this basic resource. Various access technologies are being developed in different parts of the world to bridge the digital divide. Amongst these technologies, the emergence of small satellites carries immense promise. These satellites are used for applications ranging from remote sensing t

Social Marginalisation in Urban India and the Role of the State
Sep 15, 2023

Social Marginalisation in Urban India and the Role of the State

Urban inequality is a blight experienced by many cities, even in the developed world.In developing countries like India, these social and economic inequalities become even morepronounced, with living conditions in certain populations crossing the line to the abysmal. Inthese cities, agencies responsible for addressing welfare concerns are unable to do so, as theythemselves grapple with a host of challenges. This paper argues that any positive tra

Social protection to mitigate poverty: Examining the neglect of India’s informal workers
Aug 21, 2023

Social protection to mitigate poverty: Examining the neglect of India’s informal workers

Social protection is crucial in tackling extreme poverty and ensuring equitable development, thus catalysing the transition to a more stable and robust economy. About 50 percent of India’s economy hinges on its informal workers, who comprise 90 percent of the country’s total workforce. Yet, these informal workers continue to be excluded from current social-protection schemes, leaving them with no social or financial safety net and trapping th

Soft Coup, hard fall in Pakistan
Apr 29, 2019

Soft Coup, hard fall in Pakistan

The first cabinet reshuffle is intimation of the govt's impending demise. The army has taken back control of vital portfolios. They will find a new puppet PM. Till then, Imran Khan's options are severely limited.

Soft Kill’ or ‘Hard Kill’? The requirements for India’s space and counter-space capabilities
Nov 15, 2019

Soft Kill’ or ‘Hard Kill’? The requirements for India’s space and counter-space capabilities

Despite testing and confirming the acquisition of Kinetic Energy Weapons (KEW)—an integral part of strategic defence systems that are an alternative to nuclear warheads—India remains in need of a more robust military space programme. The country’s principal rival in the space military arena, China, has significantly more expansive and diverse capabilities. Although KEWs as part of its counter-space programme are not a panacea for India’s

Solid Waste Management in Urban India: Imperatives for Improvement
Nov 19, 2020

Solid Waste Management in Urban India: Imperatives for Improvement

Across India, existing systems for the collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste are mired in chaos. The problem is more acute in the urban areas, where rapidly growing populations generate increasingly larger quantities of solid waste that urban local bodies (ULBs) are unable to manage effectively. Improper management of solid waste poses risks to the environment and public health. This paper dissects the state of solid waste manage

Some tips from Santa on good governance
Dec 26, 2018

Some tips from Santa on good governance

The Telangana Rashtra Samithi waived agricultural loans and provided cash transfers. It won the Assembly election earlier this month by a landslide.

Something fishy about m.v Eugenia containers
Jan 10, 2006

Something fishy about m.v Eugenia containers

A consignment of over 100 tonnes of explosives, carried in six shipping containers. The ship was bound for Bander Abbas in Iran where the consignment was to be unlaoded and moved overland from Iran to Jaranz in Afghanistan since Pakistan does not permit such cargo to be sent from India over its territory. The consigment was of commercial grade explosives meant for use by Border Road Organization (BRO) for road construction.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 10
Mar 16, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 10

LTTE supremo V. Prabhakaran is 'hale and hearty' and busy conferring honours to those who died fighting for Tamil 'Eelam'. Known for his crafty ability to dodge the Sri Lankan armed forces time and again, Prabhakaran made his first public appearance in many months putting at rest the rumours of his failing health.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 16
Apr 27, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 16

Both internal as well as external skepticism about the Rajapaksa government's warmth towards 'hard-line' countries like Pakistan, China and Iran is bound to grow with the impending visit of Iranian President Mahmud Ahmedinejad.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 3
Jan 27, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 3

President Pervez Musharraf is doing what he likes to do best: promote himself. The week saw him on a whirl-wind tour of Europe--Belgium, France and Britain-addressing the media and others.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 30
Jul 28, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 30

With Sri Lanka forces capturing strategic towns occupied by LTTE not long ago, the supporters of the LTTE Chief Prabhakaran have expressed fears about his safety. Prabhakaran, believed to be hiding in a bunker in the dense forests of Vanni,

South Asia South Asia Weekly 47
Nov 24, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 47

On his 54th birthday, LTTE supremo Prabhakaran made the Heroes Day speech even as the Kilinochhi, the de facto administrative capital of the Tigers is within an arms reach of the Sri Lankan Army. The speech lacked assertive tone

South Asia South Asia Weekly 49
Dec 08, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 49

The week saw India, specifically Tamil Nadu, adopting a rigid stand against the remarks made by the Sri Lankan Army Chief Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka during his interview with Sunday Leader. In his interview, Fonseka described Tamil Nadu politicians like Nedumaran and Vaiko as "jokers".

South Asia South Asia Weekly 55
Jan 19, 2009

South Asia South Asia Weekly 55

As the army advanced deeper into Mullaithivu to regain other territories under the LTTE control, rumours of Prabhakaran's escape to another country have strongly surfaced. Most believe that he could have either fled via sea to Eritrea, Australia and Myanmar or he may have not been able to flee at all.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 59
Feb 16, 2009

South Asia South Asia Weekly 59

With LTTE pushed to less than 100 sq km of area, there are strong rumours of Prabhakaran committing mass suicide with hundreds of his supporters. The incident is going to be video taped so that it can later be shown to incite sentiments of

South Asia South Asia Weekly 9
Mar 09, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 9

LTTE's operational capabilities, in different dimensions, were hit hard at several places this week. While the Sri Lanka Air Force jets pounded the LTTE¿s communication base with transmitting tower in the north-east of Oddusudan junction, British parliamentarians came down heavily on the group's credit card frauds to fund its terrorist activities.

South Asia Weekly 103
Dec 20, 2009

South Asia Weekly 103

Bangladesh is contemplating allowing the entry of Indian container trains up to Ghazipur, close to the capital Dhaka. This will benefit the traders of both the countries as there will be reduction in the transportation cost.

South Asia Weekly 96
Nov 01, 2009

South Asia Weekly 96

Sri Lankan authorities criticised the latest move by the international community, particularly the US, to 'interview' war hero former army chief General Sarath Fonseka about events that led to the defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the death of its leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran.

South Asia Weekly Report 68
Apr 20, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 68

The two-day ceasefire call given by Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa failed to produce any tangible results after it was rejected by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The 24-hour ultimatum issued to the LTTE chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran,

South Asia Weekly Report 72
May 18, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 72

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) officially admitted that their chief Vellupillai Prabhakaran "attained martyrdom" while trying to escape the last Tiger stronghold of Mullaithivu, where the LTTE top leadership had holed up in a final stand against the advancing Sri Lankan army.

South Asia Weekly Report 82
Jul 27, 2009

South Asia Weekly Report 82

The International Monetary Fund has cleared a standby facility of US $2.6 billion to Sri Lanka. This clearance comes despite criticism from various quarters over the deteriorating humanitarian conditions.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 22
Jun 04, 2019

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 22

Exploring Bhutan’s transnational trade barriers, Afghanistan’s dismal healthcare facilities and other recent developments from South Asia.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 26
Jul 01, 2019

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 26

Rohingya crisis in Bangladesh; revival of tourism in Pakistan — and other news from South Asia.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 30
Jul 29, 2019

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XII; Issue 30

Examining the implications of the Trump-Imran Khan meet, the death of General Ershad in Bangladesh and other news in South Asia.

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XIII-36
Sep 08, 2020

South Asia Weekly Report | Volume XIII-36

The talks must be viewed as an opportunity to transform the Afghan social and political landscape, by reflecting local voices – especially that of women, and other marginalised groups – in the agenda of the peace process.

South Asia Weekly | XIII; 52
Jan 02, 2021

South Asia Weekly | XIII; 52

News and analyses from South Asia this week.

South China Sea verdict: Now China's international reputation at stake
Jul 26, 2016

South China Sea verdict: Now China's international reputation at stake

China must now worry about its international reputation if it flagrantly refuses to do anything and remains rigid in its approach to the SCS dispute.

Sowing the wind, reaping the whirlwind
Jun 19, 2022

Sowing the wind, reaping the whirlwind

The self-goal could have been avoided, but the ruling party saw the emerging warning signals with eyes wide shut. Some party sections clearly felt they were clever enough to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, and that religious polarisation in domestic politics could work to electoral advantage even as the PM and his diplomats wooed the Muslim nations of the Gulf. Perhaps, they don’t recognise that we live in an interconnected world, w

Sri Lanka 2003: The Continuing Deadlock
Jan 12, 2004

Sri Lanka 2003: The Continuing Deadlock

The continuing deadlock in the peace process and in the political equation between President Chandrika Kumaratunga and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe due to their failure to reach an accord on the ground rules for the smooth functioning of the co-habitation Government marked the political landscape in Sri Lanka during 2003.

Sri Lanka: A strident message across the Palk Strait
Sep 13, 2013

Sri Lanka: A strident message across the Palk Strait

Tamil National Alliance (TNA) chief ministerial candidate for the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) elections in Sri Lanka, Justice C V Wigneswaran, could not have said it more candidly and categorically.

Sri Lanka: After the sacking, a new CJ?
Jan 14, 2013

Sri Lanka: After the sacking, a new CJ?

As a follow-up to the impeachment motion passed by Parliament by a two-thirds majority, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has sacked the nation's Chief Justice, Shirani Bandaranayake.

Sri Lanka: Need for a 'national anthem' for all
Feb 08, 2013

Sri Lanka: Need for a 'national anthem' for all

In the heat and dust kicked off by issues such as the impeachment of Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake, Sri Lanka missed what could well have emerged as a national discourse on an issue of equal, if not greater import.

Sri Lanka: The Diaspora Talk
Nov 12, 2010

Sri Lanka: The Diaspora Talk

Overnight, there is more activity on the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora front than earlier. It is not only that the 'Trans-national government of Tamil Eelam' (TNGTE) has given itself a 'cabinet'with US-based Rudrakumaran as 'prime minister',

Sri Lanka: TNA sending out confusing signals to India?
Oct 20, 2014

Sri Lanka: TNA sending out confusing signals to India?

Sri Lanka's Northern Province Tamil Chief Minister C V Wigneswaran seems to be sending contradictory signals to India through his actions. On the one hand, he wants India to play an active role in finding a 'political solution' to the ethnic problem. On the other, he boycotted the India-funded Colombo-Jaffna railway inauguration and earlier President's invitation to be part of the delegation to India.

Sri Lanka: Why Modi Govt should build on inherited policy
Jul 25, 2014

Sri Lanka: Why Modi Govt should build on inherited policy

If anyone in southern Tamil Nadu, or across the Palk Strait in Sri Lanka, thought that there would be a grandiose shift in India's policy towards the southern Sri Lankan neighbour under a new, BJP dispensation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given a lie to their hopes and claims.

State of Global Terrorism
Sep 11, 2005

State of Global Terrorism

What are the imperatives if the international community has to ultimately prevail over international jihadi terrorism of the Al Qaeda brand?

Statehood or Autonomy: Rethinking Governance in India’s Capital
Oct 30, 2015

Statehood or Autonomy: Rethinking Governance in India’s Capital

Delhi, India's national capital, has long been the subject of a quandary: Should it be granted full statehood, or maximum autonomy commensurate with its megalopolis status? is paper takes a tour of select national capitals to understand how other nations have arranged their governance and handled competing jurisdictions and functions. Lessons are drawn from this examination of other capitals, and recommendations are put forth towards a more sensi

States should spend more on nutrition
Sep 11, 2017

States should spend more on nutrition

Greater fiscal autonomy has not yet translated into higher spending on nutrition by states

Stop being a bully State
Oct 13, 2015

Stop being a bully State

Our brand of secularism is too passive for anything but harmful politicking. It is time to make it proactive and more effective. Perception is everything in today's social media-powered world. Let's not squander our common future for petty temporal gain.

Strategic Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific: The Case of Japan and the Philippines
Jan 09, 2025

Strategic Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific: The Case of Japan and the Philippines

Shared concerns over China’s growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific are pushing Japan and the Philippines to foster a strategic partnership, particularly in the maritime domain. This brief examines the evolving dynamics of the Tokyo-Manila strategic relationship in the context of a tenuous Indo-Pacific. It traces the evolution of Japan’s defence engagement from post-Second World War pacifism to taking on a more proactive regional security

Strengthening Anti-Human Trafficking Mechanisms in the Bay of Bengal Region
May 11, 2023

Strengthening Anti-Human Trafficking Mechanisms in the Bay of Bengal Region

Large numbers of people, most of them women, are trafficked in the Bay of Bengal region. Despite these countries having anti-trafficking laws in place in line with the United Nations Trafficking in Persons Protocol, the incidence of the criminal activity continues unabated. This brief gives an overview of human trafficking in the Bay of Bengal region, particularly around the contiguous zone of India–Nepal–Bangladesh, which has become a hub of

Strengthening India’s Global Influence through a Sound Public Diplomacy Policy
Oct 23, 2023

Strengthening India’s Global Influence through a Sound Public Diplomacy Policy

This brief tackles the crucial role of public diplomacy in enhancing India's global influence. It argues that India should exert effort to communicate its rich cultural heritage and economic growth story to foreign audiences, and recommends a roadmap that involves linking public diplomacy to national security, the establishment of a specialised public diplomacy agency, and creating the position of a chief public diplomat. A well-structured public

Strengthening municipal leadership in India: The potential of directly elected mayors with executive powers
Sep 04, 2018

Strengthening municipal leadership in India: The potential of directly elected mayors with executive powers

The question of municipal leadership is of great significance in urban governance in India. There are various models of the position of chief executive of an urban local body (ULB), predominantly tilting towards the ‘strong mayor’ model either through ‘presidentialisation’ of the office or through a ‘mayor-in-council’[1] system. In India, it is the ‘state appointed municipal commissioner’ model that holds sway, sitting over a popu

Strengthening the C4ISR capabilities of India’s Armed Forces: The Role of Small Satellites
Jun 15, 2020

Strengthening the C4ISR capabilities of India’s Armed Forces: The Role of Small Satellites

Small satellites have gained considerable importance in recent years. Although small spacecraft have existed for decades, their military applications have recently gained prominence owing to technological advances in their development and integration into the armed services of the major spacefaring countries across the world. This paper analyses the significance of small satellites in the C4ISR capabilities of the three service branches of the In