Search: For - Pakistan Navy

5 results found

The Indian Navy’s Arabian Sea exercise is a reality check for Pakistan
Jul 24, 2023

The Indian Navy’s Arabian Sea exercise is a reality check for Pakistan

Although Pakistan’s interest in novel technologies and weapons systems is notable, India has numerical superiority and better capabilities as seen d

The Role of China-Made Frigates in the Pakistan Navy’s Power Projection Matrix
Jun 15, 2023

The Role of China-Made Frigates in the Pakistan Navy’s Power Projection Matrix

This brief evaluates the capabilities of the Chinese-origin frigates acquired by Pakistan, and explores the potential implications of their induction on the operational approach of the Pakistan Navy. The brief argues that the Pakistan Navy’s acquisition of Chinese-origin frigates must be viewed as part of its attempted transformation from a force adopting an offensive sea-denial strategy to one gearing towards enhanced regional

Assessing Pakistan’s Naval Modernisation
Dec 13, 2024

Assessing Pakistan’s Naval Modernisation

While it cannot match the Indian Navy’s strength, the Pakistan Navy’s focus on asymmetric capabilities & growing synergy with the PLAN pose a significant challenge for New Delhi.

Mehran attack: implications and lessons
May 25, 2011

Mehran attack: implications and lessons

The armed assault and siege carried out by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Pakistan's highly secured Pakistan Navy's Mehran airbase in Karachi (May 22-23) has raised fundamental concerns about the continuing failure on the part of Pakistan's intelligence and security agencies,

भारतीय नौदलाच्या अरबी समुद्रातील सरावाची पाकिस्तानला सतर्कता
Oct 20, 2023

भारतीय नौदलाच्या अरबी समुद्रातील सरावाची पाकिस्तानला सतर्कता

अभिनव तंत्रज्ञान आणि शस्त्रास्त्र प्रणालींमध्ये पाकिस्तानचे स्वारस्य लक्षणीय असले तरी, भारताकडे संख्यात्मक श्रेष्ठता आणि अधिक चांगली क्षमता असल्याचे अरबी समुद्रात प