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54 results found

अमेरिकेच्या पॅन-साहेल व्हिजनचा अंत
Jun 26, 2024

अमेरिकेच्या पॅन-साहेल व्हिजनचा अंत

नायजरमधून अमेरिकन सैन्य माघारी घेणं म्हणजे अमेरिकेच्या

The end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision
Jun 07, 2024

The end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision

Does the withdrawal of the US  troops from Niger mark the end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision?

The Alliance of Sahel States: A regional crisis in troubled West Africa
Mar 01, 2024

The Alliance of Sahel States: A regional crisis in troubled West Africa

The establishment of the Alliance of Sahel States by Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger and their withdrawal from ECOWAS undoes the decades of regional int

नाइजर में तख़्तापलट की गुत्थी को सुलझाना
Sep 21, 2023

नाइजर में तख़्तापलट की गुत्थी को सुलझाना

एक तरफ़ नाइजर का नया प्रशासन स्वयं को स्थापित करने का प्र�

नाइजर: तख्त़ापलट के बाद के हालात
Sep 12, 2023

नाइजर: तख्त़ापलट के बाद के हालात

नाइजर में हुए सैन्य विद्रोह की वजह से क्षेत्रीय अस्थिरता

नाइजर संकट: छद्म युद्ध (Proxy War) की दहलीज़ पर खड़ा पश्चिम अफ्रीका
Sep 04, 2023

नाइजर संकट: छद्म युद्ध (Proxy War) की दहलीज़ पर खड़ा पश्चिम अफ्रीका

महाशक्तियों की आपसी प्रतिस्पर्धा में नाइजर तेज़ी के साथ

Untangling Niger’s military coup
Aug 26, 2023

Untangling Niger’s military coup

As the new regime tries to establish itself, it is being pulled in several directions from powers and forces within and without Niger

The aftermath of post-coup Niger
Aug 21, 2023

The aftermath of post-coup Niger

Regional African blocs should try to find solutions through diplomacy before the coup in Niger causes regional instability and leads to a full-fledged

নাইজারে সঙ্কট: প্রক্সি যুদ্ধের দ্বারপ্রান্তে পশ্চিম আফ্রিকা
Aug 10, 2023

নাইজারে সঙ্কট: প্রক্সি যুদ্ধের দ্বারপ্রান্তে পশ্চিম আফ্রিকা

নাইজারে অভ্যুত্থানের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে ইকোওয়াস সামরিক পদ�

Crisis in Niger: West Africa at the cusp of a proxy war
Aug 05, 2023

Crisis in Niger: West Africa at the cusp of a proxy war

Niger is quickly becoming a new flashpoint in great power competition as ECOWAS mulls military intervention in the wake of the coup in Niger

Security backsliding for US in Sahel
Aug 02, 2023

Security backsliding for US in Sahel

The recent coup in Niger potentially places the United States in a security muddle

नाइजीरिया के बिगड़ते सुरक्षा हालात, 2023 के चुनाव को ख़तरे में डाल सकते हैं!
Aug 29, 2022

नाइजीरिया के बिगड़ते सुरक्षा हालात, 2023 के चुनाव को ख़तरे में डाल सकते हैं!

देश भर में बहुत से युवा लोगों ने मतदान के लिए पंजीकरण कराय

नाइजीरिया के बिगड़ते सुरक्षा हालात, 2023 के चुनाव को ख़तरे में डाल सकते हैं!
Aug 29, 2022

नाइजीरिया के बिगड़ते सुरक्षा हालात, 2023 के चुनाव को ख़तरे में डाल सकते हैं!

देश भर में बहुत से युवा लोगों ने मतदान के लिए पंजीकरण कराय

Nigeria’s worsening security situation may jeopardise the 2023 elections
Aug 24, 2022

Nigeria’s worsening security situation may jeopardise the 2023 elections

Many young people across the country might have registered to vote. However, the current security situation could spell trouble.

Flailing giant state of Nigeria: Reassessing problems of human security
Nov 23, 2021

Flailing giant state of Nigeria: Reassessing problems of human security

Nigeria is at the risk of becoming a failed state as it faces multiple challenges such as terrorism, secessionist movements, political violence, and w

COVID-19: Nigeria’s successes and trajectories
Apr 01, 2021

COVID-19: Nigeria’s successes and trajectories

The pneumonia-like disease caused by coronavirus has dealt a heavy blow on all the sectors of Nigeria’s economy, including the day-to-day lives of i

#EndSARS और नाइजीरिया में पुलिस सुधार की आवश्यकता
Dec 07, 2020

#EndSARS और नाइजीरिया में पुलिस सुधार की आवश्यकता

अफ्रीका के लोग तेज़ी से एक दूसरे से जुड़ रहे हैं और पहले क�

Africa: Is a lack of disruption a boon or bane for the future?
Nov 02, 2020

Africa: Is a lack of disruption a boon or bane for the future?

In his Africa engagement, President Trump has mostly opted for continuity, but the current US' zero-sum policy of competing head-to-head with China ha

कोविड-19: अफ्रीकी देश नाईजीरिया की अर्थव्यवस्था पहुंची निचले स्तर तक
Aug 29, 2020

कोविड-19: अफ्रीकी देश नाईजीरिया की अर्थव्यवस्था पहुंची निचले स्तर तक

मानवता के इतिहास में कोविड-19 एक ऐसी महामारी के तौर पर दर्ज़

Nigeria must not forget its poor in the Covid-19 world
Apr 10, 2020

Nigeria must not forget its poor in the Covid-19 world

As the government begins to shut down its cities to flatten the Covid-19 infection curve, here’s what Nigeria can do to cater to its poor.

Piracy is back to infest West African waters, but what’s driving it?
Jun 25, 2019

Piracy is back to infest West African waters, but what’s driving it?

What makes the waters of the Gulf of Guinea vulnerable to piracy?

Nigeria's Taliban
Oct 03, 2011

Nigeria's Taliban

A suicide terrorist attack on 26 August in the capital city of Nigeria turned global attention on a little-known terrorist group which has potential of emerging as a threat to Western interests in Africa.

Nigeria: Of Votes and Violence
May 02, 2011

Nigeria: Of Votes and Violence

Nigeria voted on April 16th, 2011 for a new president. The result: political violence killing over 500 with the number only increasing and thousands of Nigerians injured and internally displaced.

Africa Monitor | Volume V; Issue XXI | Vice President Hamid Ansari returns after 5-day visit to Nigeria, Mali
Oct 18, 2016

Africa Monitor | Volume V; Issue XXI | Vice President Hamid Ansari returns after 5-day visit to Nigeria, Mali

Vice President Hamid Ansari on October 1 returned to New Delhi after wrapping up a five-day visit to Nigeria and Mali and other roundups

Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement
May 28, 2024

Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement

Beijing’s motivations concerning the conflict resolution in Niger include a mix of economic, political and reputational drivers.

Increasing Boko Haram pressure on Nigerian President
Nov 27, 2014

Increasing Boko Haram pressure on Nigerian President

In less than a week, more than 100 people have been killed by terror group Boko Haram in the northern part of Nigeria. This brutal Islamic group remains a significant problem confronting the democratic government of President Goodluck Jonathan.

Oil and Violence in Nigeria
Nov 29, 2003

Oil and Violence in Nigeria

A week ago, oil giant Chevron-Texaco's Nigerian unit decided to keep its production of 23,000 barrels a day shut till its oil facilities attacked and damaged by members of the Ijaw tribe are found to be in order. Disruption of oil operations, hostage taking, inter-ethnic clashes are not new for Nigeria¿s oil-rich Niger Delta.

Oil, Ethnicity, and Insurgency in Nigeria
Jun 29, 2011

Oil, Ethnicity, and Insurgency in Nigeria

In mid-June, the oil giant Shell was forced to declare force majeure in its Nigeria unit excusing it from liability and contractual obligations due to sabotage by local militias on its oil pipelines.

Uncertainties and concerns about the forthcoming Nigerian elections
Feb 04, 2015

Uncertainties and concerns about the forthcoming Nigerian elections

With barely two weeks left, there is still no clarity on the details of the forthcoming elections in Nigeria. Will Nigeria hold Presidential elections on February 14 and the Governors of the States poll on February 28 as scheduled?

A landmark election, and a new President
Apr 15, 2015

A landmark election, and a new President

The Nigerian presidential election on March 28 was nothing short of a historic turning point in the rather fragile democracy. An incumbent Nigerian President was voted out in a general election which was, on the whole, free and fair barring a few technical glitches.

A pivotal year in India-Africa ties
Jan 05, 2025

A pivotal year in India-Africa ties

Defence has emerged as a key area of cooperation between India and African nations

Africa Monitor | Volume V; Issue XVIII | Mediterranean Shipping Co. launches India-Africa service
Sep 08, 2016

Africa Monitor | Volume V; Issue XVIII | Mediterranean Shipping Co. launches India-Africa service

Mediterranean Shipping Co. has introduced a container service between India and Africa to "improve transit times and enhance delivery."

Africa: The Growing Continent
Nov 30, 2010

Africa: The Growing Continent

Some of the best performing countries of Africa -- Nigeria, South Africa and Botswana -- have GDP growth rates comparable with the fastest developing countries of the world. Their GDPs are the least volatile in Africa. Rwanda was declared the best reformer by the World Bank for encouraging business in the country.

Boko Haram's growing threat
Feb 07, 2012

Boko Haram's growing threat

The January 20, 2012 attacks in Nigeria's northern city of Kano, which left at least 185 police and residents dead, was the biggest attack carried out by Boko Haram, a Sunni extremist group which owed allegiance to al Qaida and called for an Islamist rule.

Breaking the Shackles of Geography
Dec 03, 2024

Breaking the Shackles of Geography

India’s outreach to the Caribbean, Latin America and Africa can be a game-changer for the Global South

Crisis in Mali: The larger implications
Jan 24, 2013

Crisis in Mali: The larger implications

The Mali crisis has attained added significance in view of the fact that many other African countries like Nigeria and Somalia are also facing the problem of terrorism. The weakness of the armed forces in most African nations encourages such rebel forces. This re-emphasises the urgent need for an efficient African Rapid Deployment Force.

Four famines in an interconnected world: What can the G20 do?
Jun 28, 2017

Four famines in an interconnected world: What can the G20 do?

Nearly 20 million people in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen are facing what has been described as the largest food crisis in the world in 70 years. Conflict is the main reason behind these famines, abetted by drought, climate change, poverty, and the existing vulnerability of the people in these countries. Security issues have led to a dramatic decline in agricultural production and have adversely affected the supply and distribution of

India’s strategic focus on West Africa
Dec 05, 2024

India’s strategic focus on West Africa

Despite growing Chinese interest in financing and building infrastructure, India remains one of Nigeria’s important partners

Will western intervention for Africa's minerals also check-mate China?
Jan 28, 2013

Will western intervention for Africa's minerals also check-mate China?

The arrival of the French in Mali could well be the beginning of link ups across the oil and mineral rich regions stretching from Sudan across Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania and Western Sahara.