Search: For - New Delhi

638 results found

China's maritime quest in the Indian Ocean: New Delhi's options
Apr 21, 2018

China's maritime quest in the Indian Ocean: New Delhi's options

India’s inability to develop interdependencies with neighbouring countries, both economically and strategically, has left a void that China has dutifully filled. There still remains a window for India to correct its past mistakes and develop a concerted strategy to regain influence in the region.

For Beijing and New Delhi, 2020 was the point of no return
Dec 29, 2020

For Beijing and New Delhi, 2020 was the point of no return

Indian foreign policy has been at the front and centre of challenging China’s global designs. New Delhi was the first country to warn the world of the dangers of China’s BRI at a time when almost every other country was willing to buy into Beijing’s narrative.

India, China, and the Indo-Pacific: New Delhi’s recalibration is underway
Jan 05, 2021

India, China, and the Indo-Pacific: New Delhi’s recalibration is underway

Like several other countries in the Indo-Pacific, India is also hardening its policy posture vis-à-vis China.

India, stability, and ‘new world order’ - Global security from New Delhi’s vantage
Mar 19, 2024

India, stability, and ‘new world order’ - Global security from New Delhi’s vantage

India has embarked on a large-scale infrastructure development program, ranging from highways to airports, a critical government-led push to provide the economy a strong base to build upon.

Is Beijing seeking a ‘grand bargain’ with New Delhi in the Indian Ocean?
Feb 13, 2020

Is Beijing seeking a ‘grand bargain’ with New Delhi in the Indian Ocean?

In countering India’s efforts to dominate South Asian waters, China may be seeking a grand bargain: allow each side control over their respective littorals – the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea – and the maintenance of respective constabulary presences

Is New Delhi confident of connecting North East with neighbours?
Oct 03, 2013

Is New Delhi confident of connecting North East with neighbours?

Is India confident to connect its North-East with the neighbouring countries like China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. This is one of the questions that came up during a workshop on "Increasing Connectivity of the North East with Peripheral Countries like Bangladesh, Myanmar and China" at the Kolkata chapter of Observer Research Foundation.

Kabul, New Delhi’s pushback
Mar 01, 2017

Kabul, New Delhi’s pushback

The Russia-Pak-China Axis in Afghanistan was forced to contend with Afghan-led and owned reconciliation efforts

Khobragade affair: Distrust between New Delhi and Washington?
Dec 23, 2013

Khobragade affair: Distrust between New Delhi and Washington?

The whole Devyani Khobragade affair also points to the distrust between New Delhi and Washington. Something which could have been resolved quietly was allowed to blow out of proportion. And both US and India are to blame for it.

Launching New Delhi-Jakarta bilateral ties anew
Dec 16, 2016

Launching New Delhi-Jakarta bilateral ties anew

New Delhi and Jakarta are now joining hands with a strategic vision to back their bilateral ties after largely ignoring each other even as their strategic interests have been converging rapidly

Mid-summer diplomacy in New Delhi
May 30, 2014

Mid-summer diplomacy in New Delhi

While it may be necessary to keep channels to Pakistan open, so long as the Pakistan military remains the arbiter of Pakistan's destiny, it may be prudent to keep in mind what may be in store for both India and Afghanistan.

Name games Beijing plays with New Delhi
Apr 09, 2024

Name games Beijing plays with New Delhi

Timing chosen by China to resuscitate the boundary dispute is important. It hopes that the border row may find resonance in the public debate before the polls

PM Hasina’s second India sojourn: Paving the future of New Delhi-Dhaka ties
Jun 28, 2024

PM Hasina’s second India sojourn: Paving the future of New Delhi-Dhaka ties

What does the future hold for this long-standing relationship?

Renewed interest in internet governance in New Delhi: US cyber official
Feb 21, 2015

Renewed interest in internet governance in New Delhi: US cyber official

With the new government in New Delhi, there is a renewed interest in internet and internet governance in India, according Mr. Thomas Dukes, US Deputy Coordinator for Cyber Affairs. He said the Digital India initiative has been revived and the Government's interest and investment in furthering it is clearly visible.

Rules-Based Maritime Security in Asia: A View from New Delhi
Aug 17, 2020

Rules-Based Maritime Security in Asia: A View from New Delhi

The Rules-Based Order (RBO) underpins the global maritime trading and security system. A subject of growing discussion and debate in strategic studies circles, it is seen by many as a prerequisite for seaborne trade and commerce, and a crucial factor in formulating national security policy. While many Asian powers have a shared understanding of the principles of maritime conduct, regional states have tended to situate the RBO within the framework

The Evolving Arc of New Delhi-Canberra Ties
Mar 09, 2023

The Evolving Arc of New Delhi-Canberra Ties

Trust-based partnerships are re-defining the global landscape today and India is moving ahead with a degree of seriousness not seen in recent history.

The Galwan Valley India-China skirmish is a gamechanger for New Delhi
Jun 18, 2020

The Galwan Valley India-China skirmish is a gamechanger for New Delhi

This time around, it is probably fair to say that no “Wuhan spirit” can salvage bilateral relations.

Trade issues hot up between New Delhi and Washington
Feb 24, 2014

Trade issues hot up between New Delhi and Washington

With both India and the US having differing domestic and national priorities, these countries are bound to compete and conflict on trade issues. But these must not be allowed to overshadow the larger gains that bilateral trade has brought to each country.

Trump’s new National Security Strategy: The good, the bad and the complicated for New Delhi
Dec 21, 2017

Trump’s new National Security Strategy: The good, the bad and the complicated for New Delhi

The broad thrust of the NSS document transcends Trump and reflects a growing consensus in the American establishment that China is an adversary. As far as India is concerned, this is the good news.

What 'World Tamil Conference' means for New Delhi
Jul 03, 2010

What 'World Tamil Conference' means for New Delhi

Chennai and Delhi may have to start building on the World Tamil Conference in Coimbatore. It is not going to be easy, but then, India cannot ignore the politics of the 'Tamil-speaking people' the world over.

Why New Delhi and Malé decided to bury the hatchet
Oct 19, 2024

Why New Delhi and Malé decided to bury the hatchet

Economic distress, India’s influence and signalling, and underwhelming support from partners like China compelled Muizzu to recalibrate relations with India

Why New Delhi should not ignore Tehran
Jun 02, 2012

Why New Delhi should not ignore Tehran

Though India has decided to cut down oil from Iran and thereby, for the time being, might have placated the US, it, however, cannot afford to ignore Iran either - for a myriad of reasons.

With China as backdrop, New Delhi’s Moscow watch
Sep 22, 2020

With China as backdrop, New Delhi’s Moscow watch

The evolving global order makes it difficult for them to pursue fully convergent policies; a long-term view is essential

'Disaffection', criminal acts & democracy
Nov 29, 2011

'Disaffection', criminal acts & democracy

The attack on Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar at a function in New Delhi, where a kirpan-wielding individual popped up to hit him, should be viewed not as a stand-alone case.

A coalition that could help secure our Afghan interests
Sep 15, 2020

A coalition that could help secure our Afghan interests

New Delhi, Tehran and Moscow could coordinate their efforts on Afghanistan as the US exits

A conceptual analysis of Sino-Indian space deterrence and space warfighting
Apr 24, 2017

A conceptual analysis of Sino-Indian space deterrence and space warfighting

This paper evaluates the importance of a space military strategy for India against China. It argues that in light of China’s advances in space weapons, New Delhi needs to seriously consider developing at least a limited menu of space weapons and integrate them into India’s defence posture. It draws on conceptual literature on nuclear deterrence, air power and sea power to show that space weapons, at least some variants, are usable military in

A confident India is taking on the world
Jun 01, 2023

A confident India is taking on the world

New Delhi today is articulating a new voice on the global stage and is confidently able to steer through some of the evident contradictions in its approach.

A Future without Nuclear Weapons
Nov 09, 2011

A Future without Nuclear Weapons

The elimination of nuclear weapons is a pre-condition for peace in the 21st century. This was the key message delivered by the Hon'ble Senator Douglas Roche, renowned campaigner for nuclear disarmament in his address to Indian experts at the ORF campus in New Delhi.

A Kautilyan View of India’s Non-Zero-Sum Game in the Neighbourhood
Aug 11, 2023

A Kautilyan View of India’s Non-Zero-Sum Game in the Neighbourhood

This brief seeks to apply ancient Indian strategic thought to the country’s approach towards its immediate neighbourhood. Employing a Kautilyan perspective on India’s allies within the broader framework of foreign policy end goals, it proposes a non-zero-sum view towards four of its neighbours: Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The brief classifies these neighbours based on the attitudes they exhibit and presents a nuanced approach tow

A new plateau: The India-China bilateral ties
Jan 04, 2018

A new plateau: The India-China bilateral ties

New realities confront New Delhi and Beijing.

A new push in the Bay of Bengal
Jul 27, 2024

A new push in the Bay of Bengal

The intent of BIMSTEC member states to push forth with a bold vision for the region was evident at the 2nd Foreign Ministers’ Retreat

A quiet but decisive shift in India’s foreign policy
Jan 30, 2019

A quiet but decisive shift in India’s foreign policy

India is ready to take on a larger global role by being more nimble than ever in playing the great power game.

A strong India-US partnership is the best balancer to China’s growing power
Jan 24, 2018

A strong India-US partnership is the best balancer to China’s growing power

America’s global hegemony is the sum total of its domination in various regions of the world like Europe, Middle East, or East Asia. Today when the Americans look at East Asia, they see a hugely enriched and militarily powerful China increasingly challenging them.

A Trump India visit, in campaign mode
Feb 20, 2020

A Trump India visit, in campaign mode

With a trade deal unlikely, New Delhi must calibrate the costs and benefits of the U.S. President’s political tour

A ‘Zeitenwende’ in the India-Germany relationship
Mar 08, 2023

A ‘Zeitenwende’ in the India-Germany relationship

Amidst geopolitical shifts and multipolarity, New Delhi’s ties with Berlin could be vital in shaping a new global order

Adopting a ‘wait and watch’ approach
Feb 26, 2018

Adopting a ‘wait and watch’ approach

Why India and Iran had modest expectations of President Hassan Rouhani’s visit to New Delhi this month

Afghan common ground in India-Russia relations
Jul 11, 2024

Afghan common ground in India-Russia relations

With India and Russia having a common interest in Afghanistan’s stability, the ensuing big power competition, which is pushing Moscow into a tight Chinese economic embrace, is increasingly turning out to be a challenge.

Africa Monitor | Volume V; Issue XXI | Vice President Hamid Ansari returns after 5-day visit to Nigeria, Mali
Oct 18, 2016

Africa Monitor | Volume V; Issue XXI | Vice President Hamid Ansari returns after 5-day visit to Nigeria, Mali

Vice President Hamid Ansari on October 1 returned to New Delhi after wrapping up a five-day visit to Nigeria and Mali and other roundups

Air Pollution in Delhi: Filling the Policy Gaps
Dec 18, 2020

Air Pollution in Delhi: Filling the Policy Gaps

Delhi, a Union Territory that is home to India’s capital, New Delhi, is among the world’s urban agglomerations with the most toxic air. The magnitude of air pollution is massive. It causes devastating impacts on people’s health, the city’s environment, and economic well-being. Despite overwhelming evidence of the severity of air pollution and its consequences, however, India’s policy measures remain weak. This paper identifies the most

Ambiguities galore: Verify before placing trust
Jul 27, 2005

Ambiguities galore: Verify before placing trust

At first glance, the July 18 India-US joint statement promises a giant leap forward in bilateral relations and a paradigm shift in the US policy towards India. The agreement undoubtedly is a testimony to the growing trust and meaningful strategic partnership between New Delhi and Washington.

Amid COVID–19, India’s Modi and Australia’s Morrison plan virtual prime ministerial summit
May 07, 2020

Amid COVID–19, India’s Modi and Australia’s Morrison plan virtual prime ministerial summit

New Delhi and Canberra are likely to conclude the much-awaited Mutual Logistics Sharing Pact — as well as other agreements covering science and technology and public administration.

An arms race? And to what end?
Mar 22, 2004

An arms race? And to what end?

By announcing the American decision to ¿nominate¿ Pakistan as a ¿major non-NATO ally¿, US Secretary of State Colin Powell may have done a calculated disservice to the ongoing peace process between Islamabad and New Delhi. His reference to greater military-to-military cooperation with Islamabad may have stirred,

An Indo-French maritime partnership
Mar 08, 2018

An Indo-French maritime partnership

For New Delhi, a nautical pact with France sends a strong message to India’s geopolitical antagonists in maritime Asia

Andaman and Nicobar can lift India’s maritime capacity
Jan 14, 2023

Andaman and Nicobar can lift India’s maritime capacity

The strategic location of these islands demands New Delhi’s full attention as it can open new vistas for India’s maritime strategy

Another Afghan peace push and a role for India
Sep 19, 2020

Another Afghan peace push and a role for India

New Delhi’s engagement after America’s exit must build on its resonating vision of a stable and plural Afghanistan

Anti colonial leader now holds neo colonial coat tails
Feb 22, 2013

Anti colonial leader now holds neo colonial coat tails

Did Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru fight British colonialism? If they did, is it not ironical that New Delhi should be seen to be supportive of the French neo-colonial effort in Mali?