Search: For - National Education Policy

21 results found

भारतातील एडटेक (Edtech): तेजी, मंदी की बुडबुडा?
Feb 28, 2024

भारतातील एडटेक (Edtech): तेजी, मंदी की बुडबुडा?

असे दिसते की 2020 ते 2023 पर्यंत भारताच्या एडटेक क्षेत्राचा अन

महिला आणि STEM: शिक्षण आणि कार्यबळ सहभागातील प्रचंड तफावत समजण्यापलीकडे
Feb 26, 2024

महिला आणि STEM: शिक्षण आणि कार्यबळ सहभागातील प्रचंड तफावत समजण्यापलीकडे

जर भारत विज्ञान, अभियांत्रिकी, तंत्रज्ञान आणि गणित विद्य

Women and STEM: The inexplicable gap between education and workforce participation
Jan 24, 2024

Women and STEM: The inexplicable gap between education and workforce participation

India could be a STEM powerhouse if only it can ensure its female STEM graduates are retained in the workforce

Edtech in India: Boom, bust, or bubble?
Jan 24, 2024

Edtech in India: Boom, bust, or bubble?

The experience of Indian edtech between 2020 and 2023 appears to be a textbook case of a bubble burst. But there is hope yet, and there are new opport

NEP 2020: Achieving universal literacy in India by 2047
Sep 08, 2022

NEP 2020: Achieving universal literacy in India by 2047

As we celebrate International Literacy Day, we examine the provision of the National Education Policy and see if the NEP can deliver on its promise to

Implementation of the new National Education Policy 2020: An assessment
Jan 08, 2022

Implementation of the new National Education Policy 2020: An assessment

The year 2021 saw a slew of measures being adopted for the implementation of the NEP, with differing results at the early and higher education levels

Putting vocational education centre stage in the implementation of NEP 2020
Jan 14, 2021

Putting vocational education centre stage in the implementation of NEP 2020

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system was always a pressing need, even at the best of times, for meeting the requirements

India’s emerging technology challenge
Oct 16, 2020

India’s emerging technology challenge

Ad-hoc research initiatives and infrequent budgetary allocations would not suffice if India is to develop a vibrant research ecosystem.

NEP 2020: Vocational education needs structural changes in the labour market
Aug 08, 2020

NEP 2020: Vocational education needs structural changes in the labour market

In a free market economy like India, albeit with some socialist characteristics, education is largely seen as an investment for economic growth, espec

The National Education Policy 2020: A policy for the times
Aug 06, 2020

The National Education Policy 2020: A policy for the times

The new education policy has a commendable vision, but its potency will depend on whether it is able to effectively integrate with the government’s

Early Childhood Care and Education: ‘The Elephant in the Room’ No More
Oct 03, 2022

Early Childhood Care and Education: ‘The Elephant in the Room’ No More

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in India is enshrined in the Constitution and mandated under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009. Yet, its implementation remains tentative for many reasons, primary of which is the absence of a clear government guideline regarding which Ministry is tasked with policymaking and implementation. This brief attempts to offer an answer for the government. It examines the conc

Foreign Universities in India: Lessons and Learnings from Global Experiences
Oct 20, 2023

Foreign Universities in India: Lessons and Learnings from Global Experiences

In May 2023, India’s University Grants Commission announced draft guidelines to allow foreign universities to establish operations in the country. This paper explores the potential outcomes of the decision by assessing the experiences of foreign institutions in China, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea, and Malaysia. The case studies highlight that only a few world-class universities are keen to establish campuses in foreign countries. As su

Human capital formation through public education: How fares India?
Sep 17, 2019

Human capital formation through public education: How fares India?

Public education is a tool for human capital formation. In India, even as private institutions provide an option, a majority of students attend public schooling; yet, private-school students continue to outperform their public-school counterparts. Using parameters associated with Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4 – Quality Education), this paper estimates the sub-national level state of public education in India by constructing

Introduction The framers of the Constitution of India, which came into force in 1950, put faith in the State to provide  ...
Aug 16, 2023

Introduction The framers of the Constitution of India, which came into force in 1950, put faith in the State to provide free and compulsory education for all children up to 14 years of age. Article 45

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in India is enshrined in the Constitution and mandated under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009. Yet, its implementation remains tentative for many reasons, primary of which is the absence of a clear government guideline regarding which Ministry is tasked with policymaking and implementation. This brief attempts to offer an answer for the government. It examines