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508 results found

“Politics by other means”: Fostering positive contestation and charting ‘red lines’ through global governance in cyberspace
Oct 21, 2019

“Politics by other means”: Fostering positive contestation and charting ‘red lines’ through global governance in cyberspace

“Politics by other means”: Fostering positive contestation and charting ‘red lines’ through global governance in cyberspace

Turkey’s juggling act with the US and Russia
Jul 22, 2019

Turkey’s juggling act with the US and Russia

The Russian S-400 missile’s delivery to Turkey highlights the Turkish-American crisis and their ongoing rift with NATO.

भारत को नाटो देश के रूप में मिला; किसको मिलेगा फ़ायदा — भारत या अमेरिका?
Jul 15, 2019

भारत को नाटो देश के रूप में मिला; किसको मिलेगा फ़ायदा — भारत या अमेरिका?

मोदी के एजेंडे में देश की रक्षा ताक़तों के आधुनिकीकरण को �

“Migration crisis is exploding within the body and heart of Europe”: Boris Tadić
Jul 12, 2019

“Migration crisis is exploding within the body and heart of Europe”: Boris Tadić

We are defining ourselves between East and West. We are the gateway to Asia.

India’s wiggle-room between Russian and American stalemates in Afghanistan
Nov 23, 2018

India’s wiggle-room between Russian and American stalemates in Afghanistan

Recent developments signify an Afghanistan held hostage by competing interests of Russia and the United States.

US Afghan success lies in forcing Pak to act against terrorists
Dec 01, 2017

US Afghan success lies in forcing Pak to act against terrorists

The US knows that the Pakistan government has little to no control over the support to terror groups as it is done by the deep state, comprising the a

China signals a shift in geostrategic goal
Aug 16, 2017

China signals a shift in geostrategic goal

The ever-increasing list of 'core interests' involving land and maritime territories indicates an open-ended expansionist drive on the part of China.

SCO Summit: A Russian perspective
Jun 22, 2017

SCO Summit: A Russian perspective

Moscow is interested in continuing the SCO's expansion — primarily by making Iran a member.

Much ado about a phone call?
Dec 12, 2016

Much ado about a phone call?

It appears that the phone call was planned well in advance and was facilitated by Bob Dole, a former Republican Senator whose law firm has professiona

Understanding the battle of Mosul and the impending 'demise' of the Islamic State
Oct 24, 2016

Understanding the battle of Mosul and the impending 'demise' of the Islamic State

It is not possible to tell if, and how many, Indians from the Middle East have joined or shown an inclination towards the Islamic State.

Decoding Trump: How far does US actually carry NATO in the Baltics?
Aug 17, 2016

Decoding Trump: How far does US actually carry NATO in the Baltics?

A Donald Trump presidency could change the status quo of American participation in the NATO if his campaign statements are to be believed.

NATO arrives in Kashmir
Oct 28, 2005

NATO arrives in Kashmir

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) announced over the weekend a major airlift of relief supplies for Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir.

NATO at a crossroads: new purpose, fresh challenges
Jul 17, 2024

NATO at a crossroads: new purpose, fresh challenges

NATO is at a crossroads. While it may have found an immediate purpose in responding to Russia, its challenges extend beyond Moscow.

NATO vs Russia: क्‍या परमाणु युद्ध की ओर बढ़ रहा है यूक्रेन संकट?
Oct 03, 2022

NATO vs Russia: क्‍या परमाणु युद्ध की ओर बढ़ रहा है यूक्रेन संकट?

नाटो ने भी पुतिन को ललकारा है. NATO का कहना है कि वह एक इंच जमीन भी रूस के पास नहीं रहने देगा. इसके लिए चाहे जिस स्‍तर पर जाना पड़ा. ऐसे में सवाल है कि क्‍या इस युद्ध का रास्‍ता परमा

NATO आणि पुन्हा युतीचे राजकारण
Oct 20, 2023

NATO आणि पुन्हा युतीचे राजकारण

चीनच्या दृष्टीने युरोपीय गटाचे राजकारण यावेळी इंडो-पॅसिफिकपर्यंत विस्तारू शकणार आहे.

NATO समिट 2022 अमेरिकेवरील अवलंबित्व कमी करण्यावर फोकस
Apr 25, 2023

NATO समिट 2022 अमेरिकेवरील अवलंबित्व कमी करण्यावर फोकस

NATO समिट 2022 चा मुख्य फोकस अमेरिकेवरील अवलंबित्व कमी करण्याबरोबरच नाटोच्या पलीकडे असलेले संबंध वैविध्यपूर्ण आणि दृढ करण्यावर होते.

NATO’s wins and woes: The organisation faces challenges across political, financial, and security domains
Apr 12, 2024

NATO’s wins and woes: The organisation faces challenges across political, financial, and security domains

When comparing the current geopolitical landscape of Europe to the circumstances in the years following NATO’s establishment, it becomes apparent that very little has changed.

#G7 Summit: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच G7 और NATO के सम्मेलन के क्या हैं मायने?
Jun 28, 2022

#G7 Summit: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच G7 और NATO के सम्मेलन के क्या हैं मायने?

G7 और NATO की बैठक के बीच कयास लगाए जा रहे हैं कि क्या इस युद्ध को रोकने के लिए कोई कूटनीतिक पहल हो सकती है. एक और सवाल कि क्या इसकी आंच भारत तक आ सकती है. इन तमाम सवालों पर क्या कहते �

#हिंद-प्रशांत: क्या क्वॉड इंडो-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र का एशियाई NATO बनने की राह पर है?
Jun 30, 2022

#हिंद-प्रशांत: क्या क्वॉड इंडो-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र का एशियाई NATO बनने की राह पर है?

सवाल यह है कि क्या क्वॉड या इस तरह का कोई प्लैटफॉर्म एशियन नेटो की तरह उभर सकता है?

A low risk Pak retaliation to NATO attacks
Dec 02, 2011

A low risk Pak retaliation to NATO attacks

Pakistan has no option but to respond to public outrage. Blocking of the two NATO supply routes to Afghanistan and denying the use of a Baloch airfield to the CIA is actually a low risk retaliation when Iran, Hezbullah, Syria are much more in the eye of a huge, global storm.

Can't allow NATO bases in Ukraine, reiterates Russia
Mar 16, 2014

Can't allow NATO bases in Ukraine, reiterates Russia

Accusing the US and the EU of practising double-standards, Russian Consul General in Chennai, Dr Nikolay A Listopadov, has said the interests of the EU and the US would be accepted as long as they did not come in the way of Russia's.

Economic forces driving US, India closer, say senators
Nov 06, 2015

Economic forces driving US, India closer, say senators

The Indian diaspora in the US has been instrumental in deepening and strengthening India-US relations and will continue to do so in the future, says State Senator Ellen Roberts from Colorado Legislature and Minnesota State Representative Paul Thissen.

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?
Apr 22, 2004

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?

The immediate concerted European response in the aftermath of Madrid blasts on March 11, 2004 was the creation of the post of a Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, who would directly work under the European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana. In fact, the idea of effective counter-terror coordination and intelligence sharing

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?
Apr 22, 2004

EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Office: A Non-Starter?

The immediate concerted European response in the aftermath of Madrid blasts on March 11, 2004 was the creation of the post of a Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, who would directly work under the European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana. In fact, the idea of effective counter-terror coordination and intelligence sharing

Geopolitical realities may yet push India closer to Nato
Jun 30, 2023

Geopolitical realities may yet push India closer to Nato

It offers a notable contrast that India’s ties with Russia haven’t taken off despite New Delhi’s keenness while its relationship with the US has expanded notwithstanding hesitations.

Libya: Anatomy of a Disaster
Mar 09, 2015

Libya: Anatomy of a Disaster

It was the latest carnage by the Islamic State (IS) that finally brought Libya to world attention. Largely unnoticed, this ruthless predator had created space for itself in Libya in the New Year.

Open Letter to Senator Edward Kennedy
Jun 27, 2005

Open Letter to Senator Edward Kennedy

I am addressing this open letter not only to you, but also to other members of the US Congress, who have expressed their concern over the course of the US-led war against international terrorism in Iraq and have started suggesting, if not demanding, the withdrawal of the US troops from there.

Pakistan as a Major Non-Nato Ally(MNNA) of US
Mar 22, 2004

Pakistan as a Major Non-Nato Ally(MNNA) of US

During his visit to Islamabad last week,Gen.Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, announced the decision of the Bush Administration to designate Pakistan as a Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) of the US. The decision would become effective 30 days after a notification in this regard has been sent by the President to the Congress.

Protesting veterans overshadow NATO summit
May 25, 2012

Protesting veterans overshadow NATO summit

War on terror was the rationale for the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. What was the rationale for the destruction of Libya and now persistent destabilization of Syria?

Jun 07, 2012


For Indian Foreign Policy radicals, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, whose leaders are meeting this week in Beijing, is about an undying dream from the past - building an eastern bloc against the West.

The impact of Sweden’s growing relationship with NATO
Aug 24, 2016

The impact of Sweden’s growing relationship with NATO

In the past few years, Sweden has been growing closer to NATO than ever, causing some to see Stockholm as very close to joining the Alliance.

The Long Shadow of NATO-Russia Contestation on India
Apr 07, 2023

The Long Shadow of NATO-Russia Contestation on India

There are fundamental structural changes shaping the security landscape in Europe and they are also casting their shadow on Indian foreign policy and national security.

The Message from NATO at Vilnius
Jul 21, 2023

The Message from NATO at Vilnius

How did Ukraine’s presence influence the Vilnius summit? Why did Turkey lift its opposition against Sweden?

There’s a history to opposition towards an Asian NATO
Nov 05, 2024

There’s a history to opposition towards an Asian NATO

The demand for an Asian NATO remains negligible in Southeast Asia. This is because most countries are convinced that a multilateral security architecture will only elevate regional insecurities, and make them subservient to great power contestations

अमेरिका की मदद से रूस, स्वीडन व फिनलैंड को मिलेगी NATO की सदस्यता; पुतिन की बौखलाहट बढ़ी!
Aug 06, 2022

अमेरिका की मदद से रूस, स्वीडन व फिनलैंड को मिलेगी NATO की सदस्यता; पुतिन की बौखलाहट बढ़ी!

यूक्रेन युद्ध की बड़ी वजह ही नाटो के प्रति उसकी दिलचस्‍पी थी. यूक्रेन की नाटो की सदस्‍यता को लेकर ही रूस ने उस पर हमला किया था. स्‍वीडन और फ‍िनलैंड की नाटो सदस्‍यता को लेकर ए�

इंडो-पॅसिफिकसह NATO चे सहकार्य सखोल होण्याची शक्यता
Aug 03, 2023

इंडो-पॅसिफिकसह NATO चे सहकार्य सखोल होण्याची शक्यता

टोकियो संपर्क कार्यालयाची योजना सध्या होल्डवर असूनही, इंडो-पॅसिफिकसह NATO चे सहकार्य अधिक सखोल होण्याची शक्यता आहे.

चीन से निपटने के लिए NATO का क्‍या है बड़ा प्‍लान?
Jul 06, 2022

चीन से निपटने के लिए NATO का क्‍या है बड़ा प्‍लान?

नेटो की मैड्रिड में हुई बैठक में इन चारों हिंद प्रशांत क्षेत्र के देशों के नेताओं ने शिरकत किया. इसको इसी कड़ी से जोड़कर देखा जा रहा है. मैड्रिड की इस बैठक में यह तय हो गया है �