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11 results found

India-Maldives defence cooperation: Partnership and partisanship
May 18, 2023

India-Maldives defence cooperation: Partnership and partisanship

As Maldives heads to Presidential elections this year, the fate of the defence cooperation will depend on India’s and the Maldives’ capability to

Maldives: Anomalies in Yameen’s anti-India bias
Apr 13, 2022

Maldives: Anomalies in Yameen’s anti-India bias

The quick and silent acceptance of the defence and security agreements with the US is indicative of the anti-India bias that is being harboured by the

Maldives: What does Yameen’s acquittal mean for domestic politics, India ties
Dec 06, 2021

Maldives: What does Yameen’s acquittal mean for domestic politics, India ties

As former President Abdulla Yameen is released from a four-year incarceration, his re-emergence into politics will have an impact on India-Maldives ti

Why and how India is not a threat to Maldives’ independence
Nov 19, 2021

Why and how India is not a threat to Maldives’ independence

It has become quite apparent that India is not a threat to Maldives despite the efforts made by the Opposition to prove otherwise.

मालदीव: सोलिह से मिले नाशीद, भारत से संधि को लेकर शंका दूर करने में मदद की
Nov 16, 2021

मालदीव: सोलिह से मिले नाशीद, भारत से संधि को लेकर शंका दूर करने में मदद की

पार्टी के भीतर तनावों के बावजूद स्पीकर नाशीद कई मोर्चों �

Maldives: Back home, Nasheed meets Solih, helps clear clouds on India pact
Oct 25, 2021

Maldives: Back home, Nasheed meets Solih, helps clear clouds on India pact

Despite the intra-party tensions, Speaker Nasheed is working closely with President Solih on multiple fronts

Sino-Indian Competition in South Asia: Another Round
Dec 03, 2021

Sino-Indian Competition in South Asia: Another Round

In the ongoing contest between China and India for influence, New Delhi has made some gains in the Maldives and Sri Lanka.

मालदीव: यामीनच्या भारतविरोधी पक्षपातातील विसंगती
Jan 05, 2023

मालदीव: यामीनच्या भारतविरोधी पक्षपातातील विसंगती

अमेरिकेबरोबरचे संरक्षण आणि सुरक्षा करार जलद आणि शांतपणे स्वीकारणे हे यामीन छावणीच्या भारतविरोधी पक्षपातीपणाचे द्योतक आहे.