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#Democracy Summit के बाद – चीन में ‘लोकतंत्र’ को लेकर बहस…!
Jul 29, 2023

#Democracy Summit के बाद – चीन में ‘लोकतंत्र’ को लेकर बहस…!

लोकतंत्र के एक मॉडल के रूप में "चीनी लोकतंत्र" को हाल ही मे�

New law on foreign relations adds to China’s lawfare arsenal
Jul 28, 2023

New law on foreign relations adds to China’s lawfare arsenal

With the Foreign Relations Law, China has added a new weapon to its arsenal against sanctions and further consolidates the Party’s grip on foreign e

Chinese influence over Central Asia: मध्य एशिया पर चीन का बढ़ता प्रभाव
Jul 26, 2023

Chinese influence over Central Asia: मध्य एशिया पर चीन का बढ़ता प्रभाव

मध्य एशिया पर बढ़ते नियंत्रण के साथ-साथ दुनिया में चीन का

India-Egypt relations: भारत और मिस्र के बीच के ऐतिहासिक संबंधों का ‘नवीनीकरण’
Jul 26, 2023

India-Egypt relations: भारत और मिस्र के बीच के ऐतिहासिक संबंधों का ‘नवीनीकरण’

भारतीय विदेश मंत्री के हालिए मिस्र (Egypt visit) दौरे के उपरांत स�

Barbie sails into rough seas
Jul 21, 2023

Barbie sails into rough seas

Repeated use of a particular cartographic version can be perceived as endorsing or legitimising a particular geopolitical stance. This is why Vietnam�

Femtechs: The great disruptors in the women’s healthcare space?
Jul 18, 2023

Femtechs: The great disruptors in the women’s healthcare space?

Femtech would prove to be a crucial tool in helping women access healthcare and empower them

The abolition of cantonments: What does it entail for urban local bodies?
Jul 06, 2023

The abolition of cantonments: What does it entail for urban local bodies?

There are concerns about how well the newly merged cantonments will be governed under the ULBs

In Nepal, men are more equal than women
Jul 03, 2023

In Nepal, men are more equal than women

The citizenship amendment act paves the way for thousands of stateless Nepalis to become citizens, but women continue to be considered second-class ci

Angry Army, Defiant Imran
Jun 08, 2023

Angry Army, Defiant Imran

Pakistan Army is unwilling to spare Imran Khan or his supporters, defenders, and protectors, especially in the judiciary

Desertions en masse: PTI’s endgame?
May 22, 2023

Desertions en masse: PTI’s endgame?

The growing resignations of his party members and a defendant tone in Imran Khan’s rhetoric signify that the PTI is now struggling to chart its next

India’s South China Sea posture is still in its infancy
May 17, 2023

India’s South China Sea posture is still in its infancy

Overstating Indian activism in the Western Pacific creates a false narrative that is harmful to balanced policymaking.  

India emerging as a credible maritime player in Southeast Asia
May 16, 2023

India emerging as a credible maritime player in Southeast Asia

Tensions between the Southeast Asian claimant countries and China have been on the rise in the South China Sea despite negotiations

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs
May 16, 2023

Between the Maulana, the Military and the Munsifs

The perfect storm that has engulfed Pakistan is unlikely to weaken anytime soon.

श्रीलंका: सदोष आर्थिक धोरणांमुळे अन्नसुरक्षेवर परिणाम झाला
Apr 19, 2023

श्रीलंका: सदोष आर्थिक धोरणांमुळे अन्नसुरक्षेवर परिणाम झाला

श्रीलंकेत धोरणातील त्रुटींमुळे, देशाच्या अन्नसुरक्षेव�

देशद्रोह कायदा: भारतीय लोकशाहीवरील डाग पुसून टाकण्याची वेळ
Apr 14, 2023

देशद्रोह कायदा: भारतीय लोकशाहीवरील डाग पुसून टाकण्याची वेळ

भारत सरकारने देशद्रोह कायद्याच्या तरतुदींचे पुनरावलोक�

Thailand: An arduous road towards political-economic reform
Apr 12, 2023

Thailand: An arduous road towards political-economic reform

Democracy in Asia a mixed bag, Thailand still a “flawed democracy”

কাশ্মীরে ত্রুটিপূর্ণ শিক্ষাব্যবস্থা
Apr 08, 2023

কাশ্মীরে ত্রুটিপূর্ণ শিক্ষাব্যবস্থা

কাশ্মীর উপত্যকাকে অর্থনৈতিক ও আদর্শগতভাবে রূপান্তরিত ক

Internet suspension in India: A call for balancing security and rights
Apr 07, 2023

Internet suspension in India: A call for balancing security and rights

The current legal regime governing internet shutdowns must be overhauled to place greater emphasis on transparency and accountability

National Budget 2022-23 and its focus on urban planning
Apr 06, 2023

National Budget 2022-23 and its focus on urban planning

States must be incensitived to heed Central directives on urban planning for proper urban development

कश्मीर की दोषपूर्ण शिक्षा व्यवस्था
Mar 27, 2023

कश्मीर की दोषपूर्ण शिक्षा व्यवस्था

पतन के गर्त में गिरती शिक्षा व्यवस्था को संभालने के लिए ल�

Flawed education system in Kashmir
Mar 20, 2023

Flawed education system in Kashmir

The declining education system needs to be tackled with targeted measures to economically and ideologically transform the Valley

Workplace gender inclusion: A socio-legal perspective
Mar 18, 2023

Workplace gender inclusion: A socio-legal perspective

While laws provide a foundation for combatting gender discrimination, companies must take proactive steps to create an inclusive workplace

ভারতের বিদেশনীতিতে আন্তর্জাতিক আইনের অন্তর্ভুক্তি
Mar 13, 2023

ভারতের বিদেশনীতিতে আন্তর্জাতিক আইনের অন্তর্ভুক্তি

ভারতকে আন্তর্জাতিক আইনের বিশ্লেষণমূলক অধ্যয়ন চালাতে হ

উভয় সঙ্কট: লজ-কেন্দ্রিক দশকব্যাপী অচলাবস্থার সমাধান
Mar 13, 2023

উভয় সঙ্কট: লজ-কেন্দ্রিক দশকব্যাপী অচলাবস্থার সমাধান

লেথাল অটোনমাস ওয়েপনস সিস্টেম বা প্রাণঘাতী স্বয়ংক্রিয় অ�

The Pandemic Treaty – One ring to rule them all
Mar 04, 2023

The Pandemic Treaty – One ring to rule them all

How well are the needs of non-G7 countries being reflected in the negotiations for a “pandemic treaty”?

The need for a strategy to counter China’s Human Rights violations
Mar 03, 2023

The need for a strategy to counter China’s Human Rights violations

The challenge for policymakers is to identify the means necessary to tackle the threat China poses to security while also addressing threats to human

National budget 2023-24 and municipal reforms
Feb 02, 2023

National budget 2023-24 and municipal reforms

It is abundantly plain that the salubrity of cities will increasingly determine ‘India’s global profile’

Decentralised social networks and consumer agency
Jan 27, 2023

Decentralised social networks and consumer agency

Social media and networking is also being scrutinised in the wake new data privacy laws

India’s ‘Intranational COP’: Spirit of cooperative federalism
Jan 20, 2023

India’s ‘Intranational COP’: Spirit of cooperative federalism

Establishing India’s “Intranational COP” can help thrash out a national consensus on India’s climate goals and the means to achieve them.

Women’s rights further deteriorate in Afghanistan
Jan 11, 2023

Women’s rights further deteriorate in Afghanistan

The year 2022 has brought a death knell for Afghan women. The international community needs to act now.

भारत की विदेश नीति में अंतरराष्ट्रीय क़ानून को शामिल किये जाने की ज़रूरत!
Jan 10, 2023

भारत की विदेश नीति में अंतरराष्ट्रीय क़ानून को शामिल किये जाने की ज़रूरत!

भारत को चाहिए कि वो अंतरराष्ट्रीय क़ानूनों का गंभीरता से

दक्षिण प्रशांत क्षेत्र संघर्षाच्या उंबरठ्यावर
Jan 05, 2023

दक्षिण प्रशांत क्षेत्र संघर्षाच्या उंबरठ्यावर

भारत प्रशांत द्विपसमूह क्षेत्रात चीनच्या वाढत्या आर्थि

Incorporating international law in India’s foreign policy
Jan 04, 2023

Incorporating international law in India’s foreign policy

India needs to engage in a critical study of international law and utilise it to effectively conduct its foreign policy and engage in lawfare

Catch (20)22: Resolving the decade-long deadlock around LAWS
Jan 03, 2023

Catch (20)22: Resolving the decade-long deadlock around LAWS

It is high time that the annual discussion around lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) delivers a legal or political framework for regulatory purp

नैतिकता पुलिस को ख़त्म करने की ख़बर पर मंडराते संदेह के बादल
Dec 27, 2022

नैतिकता पुलिस को ख़त्म करने की ख़बर पर मंडराते संदेह के बादल

विरोध-प्रदर्शनों के बीच ईरान के अगले क़दमों से उसके रुख़ �

DNA Technology Regulation Bill: Concerns on data privacy, dependence, and bias
Dec 20, 2022

DNA Technology Regulation Bill: Concerns on data privacy, dependence, and bias

While a noble attempt, this bill does bring up concerns around biases in law and infringement of personal privacy.

Iran: Ambiguity around disbanding the morality police
Dec 16, 2022

Iran: Ambiguity around disbanding the morality police

Iran’s next steps in the midst of the protests will be very telling of its position and will shape the future of the movement.

Digital Data Protection Bill 2022: विधेयक से उभरती चिंताएं और उनमें सुधार से जुड़े प्रस्ताव
Dec 13, 2022

Digital Data Protection Bill 2022: विधेयक से उभरती चिंताएं और उनमें सुधार से जुड़े प्रस्ताव

डिजिटल व्यक्तिगत डेटा संरक्षण विधेयक की ताज़ा कड़ी में क

রাশিয়ার বিরুদ্ধে ইউক্রেনের আইনি লড়াই
Dec 02, 2022

রাশিয়ার বিরুদ্ধে ইউক্রেনের আইনি লড়াই

রাশিয়ার দাবির বৈধতা খর্ব করার জন্য ইউক্রেন আইনকে কাজে ল

Questioning the legality of unilateral economic sanctions
Nov 23, 2022

Questioning the legality of unilateral economic sanctions

Since the imposition of unilateral economic sanctions does not abide by international law, its use should be reconsidered

Ukraine’s lawfare against Russia
Nov 11, 2022

Ukraine’s lawfare against Russia

Ukraine is astutely engaging in lawfare to undermine the legitimacy of Russia’s claims. India could follow suit and deal with its security challenge

कोई नुकसान न पहुंचाए: निजता और डेटा संबंधी क़ानून को और मज़बूत बनाने की ज़रूरत
Nov 02, 2022

कोई नुकसान न पहुंचाए: निजता और डेटा संबंधी क़ानून को और मज़बूत बनाने की ज़रूरत

मानवीय संगठनों को डेटा सुरक्षा और रक्षा को प्राथमिकता दे

Creating ‘Good’ Digital Public Infrastructure
Oct 26, 2022

Creating ‘Good’ Digital Public Infrastructure

Looking beyond the ‘tech’ aspects of digital public infrastructure to how it interacts with users as individuals, as collectives, and in societies