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कारगिल युद्धाचे आण्विक आयाम आणि त्याचा वारसा
Aug 12, 2024

कारगिल युद्धाचे आण्विक आयाम आणि त्याचा वारसा

कारगिल संघर्षामुळे भारत आणि पाकिस्तान दोन्ही देशांच्या

The nuclear dimension of the Kargil War and its legacy
Aug 06, 2024

The nuclear dimension of the Kargil War and its legacy

The Kargil War highlighted the need for clear nuclear doctrines and strong command systems to manage escalation risks for both India and Pakistan

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?
Jun 05, 2024

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?

Speculation is rife on both sides of the Radcliffe Line about a possible re-engagement between India and Pakistan. However, it remains uncertain wheth

पाकिस्तानी फ़ौज ग़ुस्से में मगर झुकने को तैयार नहीं इमरान
Jun 24, 2023

पाकिस्तानी फ़ौज ग़ुस्से में मगर झुकने को तैयार नहीं इमरान

पाकिस्तान की सेना इमरान ख़ान या फिर उनके समर्थकों को बख़�

From the blast in Lahore to Sri Lanka's conundrum
Jan 13, 2008

From the blast in Lahore to Sri Lanka's conundrum

Starting this week, ORF brings you the main events that have taken place in the week gone by in India's neighbourhood, from Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives and Sri Lanka

Does the War on Terror Strengthen the Idea of Pakhtoonistan?
Mar 15, 2008

Does the War on Terror Strengthen the Idea of Pakhtoonistan?

On the eve of the February 18 elections, no two people in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi were agreed on the certainty of elections taking place. Elections cannot take place, it was argued then, because the establishment will not risk an open-ended process which might produce inconvenient results. In the Pakistani context, the establishment has always meant the Army, the bureaucracy, big landlords and the United States.

Donald Trump’s review could help India nuance its nuclear doctrine
Feb 26, 2018

Donald Trump’s review could help India nuance its nuclear doctrine

No one believes that India would wipe out Lahore, if Pakistan used a low yield nuclear weapon against an Indian military formation, and that, too, in Pakistan.

Empire's new clothes
Dec 07, 2005

Empire's new clothes

A single deft move in the 18th century secured the British empire in India many advantages over the advancing Russians. By sending five English dray horses along with a blue velvet upholstered coach to Maharaja Ranjit Singh in Lahore, upstream from Kutch, the British discovered that the Indus was navigable all the way up.

From Pakistan to Sharm El-Sheikh
Jul 27, 2005

From Pakistan to Sharm El-Sheikh

Tantalising tit-bits of information relating to the links between jihadi terrorists in Pakistan and Egypt and in Egypt and the UK have been given in an editorial on the Sharm el-Sheikh blasts carried by the "Daily Times", the prestigious daily of Lahore, on July 25,2005. The editorial titled "Terrorist Link Between Egypt and Pakistan " makes the following salient points:

Indo-Pak Nuclear CBMs: Time to Move Forward
Jun 16, 2004

Indo-Pak Nuclear CBMs: Time to Move Forward

As part of the Indo-Pak Composite Dialogue process, the two countries will hold official-level talks in nuclear confidence building measures (CBMs) on June 19-20, 2004. This is a welcome development since the last round of such discussions was held at the ill-fated Lahore summit in February 1999, even though the CBMs agreed upon were rather general in nature and, at least in spirit, the Pakistan army was not a willing party to them.

Is India Policy Pakistan-Centric?
Sep 03, 2011

Is India Policy Pakistan-Centric?

Manmohan Singh is sometimes accused of focusing too much on Pakistan. Perhaps he could try paying a visit. Also consider visiting towns outside Islamabad and Lahore, such as his own ancestral village, which is waiting with open arms to welcome its prodigal son.

Kargil of India's 'War' on terrorism
Apr 08, 2005

Kargil of India's 'War' on terrorism

The Kargil military conflict of 1999 between India and Pakistan came in the wake of the "bhai-bhai" ("we are brothers") euphoria generated by the bus ride of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the then Prime Minister, to Lahore and his high-profile meeting with Mr.Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan's then Prime Minister. In the euphoria, we let ourselves be caught napping by the Pakistan Army in the heights of Kargil.

On fourth Mumbai attack anniversary, LeT revives Muridke convention
Nov 06, 2012

On fourth Mumbai attack anniversary, LeT revives Muridke convention

Few days before the fourth anniversary of the Mumbai terrorist attacks, Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT) is planning a two-day training convention at Muridke (near Lahore), its former headquarters from where the terror attack was planned and executed.

Remembering Vajpayee at Manmohan's Moment in Mohali
Apr 02, 2011

Remembering Vajpayee at Manmohan's Moment in Mohali

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh must take a leaf from the Atal Behari Vajpayee book. Remember how he was stung at Kargil by Pervez Musharraf after his bus journey to Lahore. But he persisted. He was willing to go some distance even at Agra, the hardliners in his own party pulled him back.

The real intention of Hafiz Sayeed's rally
Dec 16, 2014

The real intention of Hafiz Sayeed's rally

By organising the two-day Lahore convention through Hafiz Sayeed and his Jihadi organizations of LeT and JuD, Pakistan wants to demonstrate that the people of Pakistan are not happy with the way the events have taken place in Kashmir.

Will Musharraf Last Long Enough to Talk Peace?
Jun 20, 2003

Will Musharraf Last Long Enough to Talk Peace?

On Monday night, a television anchor asked Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit about her views on India's decision to run the Lahore bus again. She said: "I hope it doesn't fall by the wayside as the previous one.'' If she clearly sounded sceptical, there are reasons. The last time buses began to cross the Wagah border

Winds of change sweeping Muslim minds
Nov 19, 2011

Winds of change sweeping Muslim minds

A popular conclusion drawn by many in the Pakistan media is that Imran Khan has arrived. His Lahore meeting, which was a great success, should alarm the other political players of Pakistan.