Search: For - Islamic State

100 results found

Navigating the terror threat: Russia and India in Afghanistan
Jun 29, 2024

Navigating the terror threat: Russia and India in Afghanistan

Taliban’s reluctance or inability to deal with Afghan-based terror outfits for public posturing has now led to closer India-Russia cooperation on co

अमेरिकेच्या पॅन-साहेल व्हिजनचा अंत
Jun 26, 2024

अमेरिकेच्या पॅन-साहेल व्हिजनचा अंत

नायजरमधून अमेरिकन सैन्य माघारी घेणं म्हणजे अमेरिकेच्या

The end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision
Jun 07, 2024

The end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision

Does the withdrawal of the US  troops from Niger mark the end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision?

The battle of narratives and the Russian response to the Crocus attacks
Apr 09, 2024

The battle of narratives and the Russian response to the Crocus attacks

In Moscow’s calculus, the Crocus attacks require a thorough investigation to ascertain the actors involved in the attacks, apart from the Islamic St

Terror in Moscow and Islamic State’s desire for a revival
Mar 26, 2024

Terror in Moscow and Islamic State’s desire for a revival

Today, global geopolitical challenges are giving more space for terror and extremist groups. Thus adequate counterterrorism measures need to be adopte

भारतीय सुरक्षेच्या दृष्टिकोनातून हमास
Oct 25, 2023

भारतीय सुरक्षेच्या दृष्टिकोनातून हमास

जागतिक दहशतवादाच्या तुलनेत हमासचं पुढे येणं आणि या संघट�

Reading Hamas from an Indian security vantage point
Oct 19, 2023

Reading Hamas from an Indian security vantage point

Despite Hamas’s elevation in the scale of global terrorism, India’s reasons for banning this group are much more complex

Unilateral Economic Sanctions: एकतरफ़ा आर्थिक प्रतिबंधों की वैधता पर उठते सवाल!
Jul 28, 2023

Unilateral Economic Sanctions: एकतरफ़ा आर्थिक प्रतिबंधों की वैधता पर उठते सवाल!

एकतरफा आर्थिक प्रतिबंध लगाना चूंकि अंतर्राष्ट्रीय क़ान

How northern Syria became a cage for the Islamic State’s core
May 04, 2023

How northern Syria became a cage for the Islamic State’s core

Is ISIS a mere shadow of what it was or is it still a potent force?

From West Asia to Afghanistan: The worrying rise of fractured geopolitics to fight terrorism
Jan 04, 2023

From West Asia to Afghanistan: The worrying rise of fractured geopolitics to fight terrorism

The cracks in the world order provide terrorist outfits ample space to regroup and reorganise

CPEC and its (de)stabilising effect on Pakistan
Feb 24, 2022

CPEC and its (de)stabilising effect on Pakistan

Islamabad’s inability to control elements in both Afghanistan and Pakistan is proving to be a major hurdle in the execution of the CPEC project.

Reviewing the evolution of pro-Islamic State propaganda in South Asia
Jan 06, 2022

Reviewing the evolution of pro-Islamic State propaganda in South Asia

The Afghanistan crisis has given new platforms fuel to push pro-IS propaganda in South Asia

The slow return of Syria into mainstream West Asian politics
Dec 22, 2021

The slow return of Syria into mainstream West Asian politics

An attempt is being made to draw Damascus back into mainstream politics; however, the influence of foreign actors over the war-torn country will make

Burgeoning Terrorism in Africa: A Critical Overview
Sep 28, 2021

Burgeoning Terrorism in Africa: A Critical Overview

The spillover of terrorist activity from West Asia to Africa has had devastating consequences for the continent

Afghanistan: A strategic and tactical battle between the Taliban and Islamic State Khorasan Province
Aug 31, 2021

Afghanistan: A strategic and tactical battle between the Taliban and Islamic State Khorasan Province

Though small at the moment, the ISKP has the potential to gain momentum from the rebuilding of Afghanistan post US withdrawal

The Haqqani Network and the failing US-Taliban deal
Jun 29, 2020

The Haqqani Network and the failing US-Taliban deal

While the Afghan government has begun the release of Taliban prisoners and the US prepares for a drawdown in troop numbers, the Taliban’s ties to th

Why terrorism needs hate to thrive: A case of the Kabul attacks
Apr 17, 2020

Why terrorism needs hate to thrive: A case of the Kabul attacks

Using Kashmir as a means to legitimise the Kabul attacks reiterates the terror group’s burgeoning ambitions in South Asia.

Islamic State in Afghanistan: Reading between the blurred lines
Mar 17, 2020

Islamic State in Afghanistan: Reading between the blurred lines

There are certain discrepancies that are openly visible between the threat perceptions of ISIS, the central group, and its supposed wilayat in Afghani

A withdrawal agreement and the continuing Afghan war
Feb 25, 2020

A withdrawal agreement and the continuing Afghan war

A ‘reduction in violence’ agreement does not automatically lead to peace.

Understanding the Indian foreign fighter lacuna
Jan 31, 2020

Understanding the Indian foreign fighter lacuna

The lack of Indian Foreign Fighters is hetero-causal encompassing historic, community based, bureaucratic and government factors.

Kashmir blackout: Counterterrorism and an increasingly challenging role of the internet
Sep 04, 2019

Kashmir blackout: Counterterrorism and an increasingly challenging role of the internet

The security challenges posed by the online sphere today are not new, nor is India in Kashmir the only state facing questions on the use of the intern

The threat of a revitalised JMB to India’s security
Jun 06, 2019

The threat of a revitalised JMB to India’s security

While India has made efforts domestically — and along with Bangladesh to counter the threat posed by the JMB, in the past — it leaves much to be d

The urgent need to counter terrorism on the internet
May 28, 2019

The urgent need to counter terrorism on the internet

The nexus between technology and terror requires urgent attention if any tangibles are to be drawn from the territorial victories over the Islamic Sta

Why ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi made his presence known after 5 years
Apr 30, 2019

Why ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi made his presence known after 5 years

The fall of Baghouz from the hands of the so-called Islamic State may have forced the world’s most wanted man i.e. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to re-emerge

Proliferation of IS produced weapons: How it made its own military industrial complex
Apr 10, 2019

Proliferation of IS produced weapons: How it made its own military industrial complex

Particularly important to weapons’ innovations are individual factors; to successfully innovate a group must have access to individuals with the kno

The terror state: Innovative solutions to new threats
Dec 18, 2018

The terror state: Innovative solutions to new threats

The question of tackling global terrorism efficiently and proactively is rendered even more complex by other issues.

Recalibrating India’s foreign and counter-terrorism policies to address ISIS threats
Oct 05, 2018

Recalibrating India’s foreign and counter-terrorism policies to address ISIS threats

The ground situation in Iraq and Syria, while still ripe for an ISIS return, has also created ripples in traditional security structures of countries

How the ‘fall’ of IS, more than its rise, challenges global diplomacy
Dec 12, 2017

How the ‘fall’ of IS, more than its rise, challenges global diplomacy

The Syrian crisis, at its current juncture, looks set for a prolonged battle.

How Deir Ezzor, former home of India–China cooperation, may become the final battle for the Islamic State
Sep 12, 2017

How Deir Ezzor, former home of India–China cooperation, may become the final battle for the Islamic State

The post-ISIS scenario for Deir Ezzor is yet to be identified, and that is perhaps true for the entire state of Syria.

The war beyond ISIS: How US and Iran tensions are flaring in Syria
Jun 22, 2017

The war beyond ISIS: How US and Iran tensions are flaring in Syria

ISIS provides a single common enemy where foreign interventionists in the conflict will increasingly find themselves elbowing for space.

Friends with (risky) benefits
May 24, 2017

Friends with (risky) benefits

While CPEC will flush billions into the struggling Pakistan economy and rapidly speed up its development infrastructure, it is also one part of China'

Understanding the battle of Mosul and the impending 'demise' of the Islamic State
Oct 24, 2016

Understanding the battle of Mosul and the impending 'demise' of the Islamic State

It is not possible to tell if, and how many, Indians from the Middle East have joined or shown an inclination towards the Islamic State.

Islamic State propaganda in India
Apr 16, 2020

Islamic State propaganda in India

What is new is the pro-IS online ecosystem recognising an opportunity within Indian domestic politics.

Islamic State Wilayat Khorasan: Phony Caliphate or bona fide province?
Nov 30, 2020

Islamic State Wilayat Khorasan: Phony Caliphate or bona fide province?

While there is raging debate about whether the Taliban and the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) are foes or operational allies, there is little doubt that ISKP continues to pose a threat to the ongoing peace process, and the Afghan security.