Search: For - Islamic Emirate

13 results found

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान को लेकर उलझन में पाकिस्तान: ख़राब विकल्प, बदतर नतीजे!
Jan 18, 2025

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान को लेकर उलझन में पाकिस्तान: ख़राब विकल्प, बदतर नतीजे!

पाकिस्तान की अफ़ग़ान नीति विनाशकारी है और उसके पास इससे �

तालिबान राजवटीचे संस्थात्मकीकरण: 'पाप' आणि 'पुण्य' कायदेशीर करण्याचा प्रयत्न?
Sep 24, 2024

तालिबान राजवटीचे संस्थात्मकीकरण: 'पाप' आणि 'पुण्य' कायदेशीर करण्याचा प्रयत्न?

इस्लामिक अमीरात ऑफ अफगाणिस्ताने नुकताच पास केलेला कायद�

Recognising the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Questions of international law
Sep 23, 2024

Recognising the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Questions of international law

Due to strategic and security considerations, countries will continue to engage with the Taliban as a formal recognition of the Taliban’s Islamic Em

तालिबान के शासन का संस्थानीकरण: 'पाप' और 'पुण्य' को कानूनी रूप देने की कोशिश?
Sep 10, 2024

तालिबान के शासन का संस्थानीकरण: 'पाप' और 'पुण्य' को कानूनी रूप देने की कोशिश?

इस्लामिक अमीरात ऑफ अफ़ग़ानिस्तान द्वारा हाल ही में पारि�

Codifying ‘virtue’ and ‘vice’: Institutionalisation of the Taliban’s rule
Sep 06, 2024

Codifying ‘virtue’ and ‘vice’: Institutionalisation of the Taliban’s rule

The recent law passed by the IEA shows the growing importance of the Vice and Virtue Ministry and reflects its need to showcase the extent of control

Reading the UAE’s outreach to the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan
Sep 03, 2024

Reading the UAE’s outreach to the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan

The UAE’s increasing presence in Afghanistan, including acceptance of the Taliban-appointed ambassador, is not contrary to trends around the region

Taliban’s participation in the UN-led conference in Doha
Jul 12, 2024

Taliban’s participation in the UN-led conference in Doha

With the conference providing no significant gains in both security- and economics-related issues, the trade-off of not having women and civil society

Lest we forget: The Islamic Emirate turns two (again)
Aug 24, 2023

Lest we forget: The Islamic Emirate turns two (again)

Two years since the fall of Kabul, the intertwining of multiple crises has only wreaked havoc on the lives of common Afghans

Western tech can protect Central Asia from the Afghan scenario
Dec 18, 2021

Western tech can protect Central Asia from the Afghan scenario

The tech industry will create a new social class in moderate Muslim states that will make them resilient to Islamic radicalization while building the

How the Taliban benefited from internal rifts amongst Islamic powers in West Asia
Sep 25, 2021

How the Taliban benefited from internal rifts amongst Islamic powers in West Asia

The Taliban story has only just resumed and could see a return of the US and other powers to this theatre in the future as global jihadist movements v

Taliban 2.0: Stronger or Moving Towards Fragmentation?
Sep 07, 2023

Taliban 2.0: Stronger or Moving Towards Fragmentation?

Two years after the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan, the debates around whether the group remains intact or has become divided have surfaced once again. In the immediate aftermath of the fall of Kabul in August 2021, there were speculations that the country could be going into a civil war or the Taliban would eventually come to a split. This brief analyses the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s resurgence in Kabul and weighs in o