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बांग्लादेश से म्यांमार तक: क्या होगा 2025 में भारत का कूटनीतिक दांव
Jan 03, 2025

बांग्लादेश से म्यांमार तक: क्या होगा 2025 में भारत का कूटनीतिक दांव

2024 में भारत ने अपने आस-पास के देशों में स्थिरता लाने की बहु�

पड़ोसी देशों में भारत का ऊर्जा प्रभाव: कूटनीति का नया अध्याय
Sep 13, 2024

पड़ोसी देशों में भारत का ऊर्जा प्रभाव: कूटनीति का नया अध्याय

ऊर्जा के क्षेत्रीय मूलभूत ढांचे में निवेश और आपसी निर्भर

सोनेरी 'अध्याया’ची समाप्ती
Aug 12, 2024

सोनेरी 'अध्याया’ची समाप्ती

बांगलादेशातील अराजकाचे शेजारी देशांवर विशेषतः सर्वांत

India and Russia in Central Asia: Opening the doors of perception
May 18, 2024

India and Russia in Central Asia: Opening the doors of perception

Russia views India’s burgeoning role in Eurasia with optimism, both politically and economically and recognises its potential to fortify its trade a

India's foreign policy set to undergo sea change: Former NSA
Feb 02, 2015

India's foreign policy set to undergo sea change: Former NSA

India's former National Security Advisor M K Narayanan thinks that the country's external relations are set to undergo a sea change. "The first half of the 21st Century will be a soft period, but as time progresses, things will not be so smooth," he cautions.

India's Foreign Policy: Favouring the US?
Oct 05, 2005

India's Foreign Policy: Favouring the US?

The defining moment in India's international relations did not occur when Delhi voted with the US and its allies on Iran on the IAEA board. The real watershed in India's foreign policy occurred in May 1998,

India's Foreign Policy: Past, Present and the Future
Jul 30, 2015

India's Foreign Policy: Past, Present and the Future

The foreign policy of the Modi government is the continuation of the foreign policies introduced by the Manmohan Singh government, whose hallmark was the concrete decision to link India's economic transformation and growth of India with its foreign policy approach and objectives, says Dr. Shashi Tharoor.

India's Foreign Policy: The Challenges Ahead
Jun 05, 2007

India's Foreign Policy: The Challenges Ahead

The primary task of India's foreign policy is to ensure an external environment that is conducive to the country's transformation and development.What are the issues and what kind of foreign policy would enable us to eradicate poverty, to grow at 8-10 percent and to transform India into a moderately well off State where our people can realize their potential? You can question the goal, but if you accept these as the goals, you end up with three c

Cultural diplomacy as an instrument of projecting India's foreign policy
May 21, 2013

Cultural diplomacy as an instrument of projecting India's foreign policy

ICCR Director General Dr Suresh Goel says cultural diplomacy creates an additional space which softens the sharp edges of foreign policy, which is interest driven, thus fostering a favourable public opinion impacting foreign policy.

Human rights and India's foreign policy
Mar 26, 2012

Human rights and India's foreign policy

India's vote at Geneva in favour of the UNHRC resolution critical of Sri Lanka possibly signals the increasing vulnerability of national interests to regional interests dictated by the necessity of coalition politics. India's this strategic folly would once again rebound to China's and Pakistan's advantage.

Shifting Perceptions of Power: Soft Power and India's Foreign Policy
Dec 15, 2010

Shifting Perceptions of Power: Soft Power and India's Foreign Policy

Soft power's importance has increased in the context of globalisation and the growing disquiet over the use of military power for achieving foreign policy objectives. This paper focuses specifically on soft power in India's foreign policy

After Attari
Apr 16, 2012

After Attari

The problem of contemporary India's foreign policy making is not that states have acquired a veto over the Centre. Most state leaderships have not only supported regional economic integration and trans-border connectivity, but are also craving for it.

An unclaimed legacy
Jan 05, 2015

An unclaimed legacy

Former NDA prime minister Vajpayee kept the professional hawks in the national security establishment and the conservatives in his own party BJP at bay in the making of India's foreign policy. It is not clear if Narendra Modi can sustain a similar freedom of action for his government.

Borders, enclaves and progressive exchanges
Jun 10, 2015

Borders, enclaves and progressive exchanges

The unanimous passage of the LBA bill through both houses of Parliament underlines the growing maturity of the political discourse on foreign policy in India. In particular, the larger political parties have shown that building consensus on India's foreign policy can increasingly be a bipartisan affair.

Increasing influence of regional parties in foreign policy
Nov 24, 2011

Increasing influence of regional parties in foreign policy

The politics of Centre-State relations has been a powerful force in shaping India's foreign policy. India's rapid economic growth has furthermore given a new found influence to regional parties, leading to their disproportionate influence over the formulation of foreign policy.

Japanese expert says India's cooperation with Russia, China is revisionist orientation
Aug 20, 2015

Japanese expert says India's cooperation with Russia, China is revisionist orientation

From the beginning of the 21st century, India's foreign policy got a strategic orientation. Until then, it lacked coherence due to the absence of an overall plan or document stating the foreign policy objectives, says Professor Takenori Horimoto of The Open University of Japan.

Private sector diversification needed for India’s global infra push
Nov 28, 2024

Private sector diversification needed for India’s global infra push

US prosecutors indicted Adani Group officials. Several countries are reviewing Adani projects. This impacts India's global image and connectivity goals. India's private sector needs to increase its role in international development. This will support India's foreign policy and strategic ambitions.

Ride the storm
Jun 05, 2024

Ride the storm

The multilateral order, built on the debris of the Second World War, is no longer fit to address this situation. Global institutions are missing in action just when they are needed the most

Turning the Pak nuclear debate to Delhi's advantage
Oct 20, 2015

Turning the Pak nuclear debate to Delhi's advantage

The centre of gravity of India's foreign policy seems to rest in Pakistan. India has not been able to overcome this psychological vulnerability, despite the growing strategic separation between India and Pakistan. It gets a lot worse when it comes to Pakistan's relations with America.

या पाच मुद्दांमुळे भारत-रशिया संबंध 2025 मध्ये जगाला देतील आकार
Dec 27, 2024

या पाच मुद्दांमुळे भारत-रशिया संबंध 2025 मध्ये जगाला देतील आकार

स्वातंत्र्यापासूनच भारतीय कूटनीतीची ही खासियत राहिली आहे की ती भू-राजकीयदृष्ट्या विभागलेल्या देशांशी प्रभावी भागीदारी साधू शकते. भारत आणि रशियाचे संबंध केवळ या दोन दे�