Search: For - Hong Kong

43 results found

Is Hong Kong China’s Crypto Sandbox?
Apr 21, 2023

Is Hong Kong China’s Crypto Sandbox?

China's digital assets experiment in Hong Kong is an area of interest for the world as it can aid in crafting better policy

Passing the Hong Kong baton: Carrie Lam steps down
Apr 11, 2022

Passing the Hong Kong baton: Carrie Lam steps down

Carrie Lam’s tenure marks Hong Kong’s tighter embrace with mainland China.

China’s elite signals a course correction on Hong Kong
Mar 15, 2022

China’s elite signals a course correction on Hong Kong

Relentless lawfare strategy makes way for social-economic agenda

Biden, Beijing Olympics, and Uyghur oppression
Dec 21, 2021

Biden, Beijing Olympics, and Uyghur oppression

Many western countries have decided to boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics on grounds of human rights violations. Can such diplomatic boycott bring an

US-China: Hot exchange in cold Alaska sets the tone
Mar 22, 2021

US-China: Hot exchange in cold Alaska sets the tone

Relations between the reigning superpower and the aspiring one will be antagonistic and the rest of the world will have to navigate — sometimes deli

Improbable democracies or impossible governance benchmarks
Mar 22, 2021

Improbable democracies or impossible governance benchmarks

The jury is out on why democracy is in retreat globally.

Towards resilient cities: Harnessing digital services and creating global city alliances
Jan 28, 2021

Towards resilient cities: Harnessing digital services and creating global city alliances

What can cities do to ensure progress and prosperity for all?

Taming the Dragon — Biden on China
Nov 10, 2020

Taming the Dragon — Biden on China

To what extent will Biden’s priorities impact China?

US-UK actions on China and the skewed ‘special relationship’
Aug 06, 2020

US-UK actions on China and the skewed ‘special relationship’

Although London’s actions on Hong Kong and Huawei suggest a renewed US-UK alignment against China, it also exacerbates Washington’s asymmetric pul

The democracy factor in Indian foreign policy
Aug 05, 2020

The democracy factor in Indian foreign policy

As India finds itself in the middle of a new cold war between the United States and China, protecting its esteemed democratic values should be at the

China’s revisionism: From Hong Kong to India’s borders
May 30, 2020

China’s revisionism: From Hong Kong to India’s borders

Make no mistake — China under Xi’s leadership is one of the most assertive and aggressive powers the world has encountered in a long time.

Trump, China and the Hong Kong maneuver
May 30, 2020

Trump, China and the Hong Kong maneuver

The Chinese strategy with regard to anything is usually opaque. But the US, being the global hegemon, has no hesitation in putting out just what drive

Hong Kong twilight
May 23, 2020

Hong Kong twilight

The protests In Hong Kong on Sunday will really tell us how the future will unfold. If millions participate, then it means Beijing is not going to fin

Universal basic income and India's China lesson: Paradiplomacy revisited
May 10, 2017

Universal basic income and India's China lesson: Paradiplomacy revisited

Robust economic growth, coupled with a dibao-like subsistence guarantee to target poor through poverty household registry, and UBI in Macau and Hong K

Hong Kong protests put China in a quandary, says expert
Nov 08, 2014

Hong Kong protests put China in a quandary, says expert

The central administration in China is wary of a protracted confrontation about the public in Hong Kong, and considering the nature of the demand, a prolonged protest would certainly be an embarrassment to China in the global political arena, says a China expert.

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India
Oct 08, 2020

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India

China has enacted a National Security Law for the special administrative region of Hong Kong. The provisions of the law can be used to curb peaceful dissent and enhance Beijing’s control over the region. It has the potential to not only change Hong Kong’s legal and political autonomy, but also alter its status as a global financial centre. This paper offers an overview of the national security law and its implications for the ‘one country,

A lonely struggle in Hong Kong
Jul 15, 2019

A lonely struggle in Hong Kong

What is astonishing is the sheer incompetence with which the ground realities are being dealt with by the State machinery.

China's communist party plenum signals tougher line on Hong Kong, avoids US trade wars
Nov 05, 2019

China's communist party plenum signals tougher line on Hong Kong, avoids US trade wars

There were expectations that the plenum would take up the burning economic issue, but it seems that the CPC is now focused on shoring up internal unity.

China’s hobnailed boot on Hong Kong’s neck
Jun 08, 2020

China’s hobnailed boot on Hong Kong’s neck

At a time when the world is distracted by the Wuhan virus pandemic, China has stepped up its plan to annex Hong Kong fully

Echoes of Tiananmen in Hong Kong protests: China expert
Aug 22, 2019

Echoes of Tiananmen in Hong Kong protests: China expert

A discussion with Dr. Sonika Gupta on “China: Thirty Years After Tiananmen” at ORF, Chennai, on 3 August 2019, questioned whether the ongoing Hong Kong protests could be seen as a continuation of Tiananmen?

Headwinds after a hard-line approach
Dec 05, 2019

Headwinds after a hard-line approach

With Xi Jinping and the Communist Party facing various pressures, Beijing could be tempted to deflect the attention

Taiwan’s Shrinking Footprint in Africa Amid Chinese Pressure
Nov 04, 2024

Taiwan’s Shrinking Footprint in Africa Amid Chinese Pressure

South Africa recently told Taiwan to move its unofficial embassy from Pretoria to Johannesburg.

The facade cracks for China
Dec 28, 2020

The facade cracks for China

The more pushback Xi Jinping faces globally, the more aggressive his domestic and foreign policy agenda is likely to become.

What Tsai win means to China
Jan 21, 2020

What Tsai win means to China

Taiwan is not willing to be assimilated, at least politically, into the motherland

बीजिंग ऑलिम्पिक आणि चिनी दडपशाही
Dec 23, 2021

बीजिंग ऑलिम्पिक आणि चिनी दडपशाही

अनेक पाश्चिमात्य देशांनी मानवाधिकारांचे उल्लंघन केल्याच्या कारणावरून बीजिंग हिवाळी ऑलिम्पिकवर बहिष्कार टाकण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे.

हाँगकाँग: एका ग्लोबल सिटीची अखेर?
Jul 09, 2020

हाँगकाँग: एका ग्लोबल सिटीची अखेर?

भविष्यात जागतिक अर्थव्यवस्थेतील एक आधारस्तंभ ही हाँगकाँगची ओळख पुसली जाणार आहे. तसेच चीनचे प्रवेशद्वार म्हणून असलेले हाँगकाँगचे महत्त्वही कमी होणार आहे.

हाँगकाँग: कॅरी लॅम पायउतार
Jan 05, 2023

हाँगकाँग: कॅरी लॅम पायउतार

कॅरी लॅमचा कार्यकाळ म्हणजे हाँगकाँगच्या मुख्य भूभागाने चीनशी घट्ट आलिंगन देणाराच म्हणावा लागणार आहे.

हाँगकाँगची लोकशाही चीनी ड्रॅगनच्या घशात
Jul 28, 2020

हाँगकाँगची लोकशाही चीनी ड्रॅगनच्या घशात

विरोधकांची मुस्कटदाबी, माध्यमांवर बंधने आणि कायद्याचा बेबंद वापर याद्वारे चीन हाँगकाँगमधल्या लोकशाही विचारांना संपविण्यासाठी सर्वतोपरी प्रयत्न करत आहे.

हाँगकाँगमध्ये चीनी कायद्यामुळे गोंधळ
Jul 09, 2021

हाँगकाँगमध्ये चीनी कायद्यामुळे गोंधळ

चीनच्या राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा कायद्याच्या अंमलबजावणीवरून हाँगकाँगमध्ये सुरू असलेल्या गदारोळामुळे जगभरात हाँगकाँगबाबत चिंतेचे वातावरण निर्माण झाले आहे.