Search: For - Financial systems

14 results found

महिला आणि STEM: शिक्षण आणि कार्यबळ सहभागातील प्रचंड तफावत समजण्यापलीकडे
Feb 26, 2024

महिला आणि STEM: शिक्षण आणि कार्यबळ सहभागातील प्रचंड तफावत समजण्यापलीकडे

जर भारत विज्ञान, अभियांत्रिकी, तंत्रज्ञान आणि गणित विद्य

Women and STEM: The inexplicable gap between education and workforce participation
Jan 24, 2024

Women and STEM: The inexplicable gap between education and workforce participation

India could be a STEM powerhouse if only it can ensure its female STEM graduates are retained in the workforce

The shifting landscape of cryptocurrency: From ideals to profits?
Sep 25, 2023

The shifting landscape of cryptocurrency: From ideals to profits?

Europe's Bitcoin ETF sets an example of regulatory progress in the cryptocurrency space. However, integrating digital assets into traditional financia

Testing decentralisation: Experiments in settlement using Central Bank money
Jun 01, 2023

Testing decentralisation: Experiments in settlement using Central Bank money

Through initiatives like Project Meridian, central banks could move towards more efficient, secure, and accessible financial systems that benefit indi

डिजिटल रुपया: भारत की डिजिटल यात्रा का अगला पड़ाव
Jan 10, 2023

डिजिटल रुपया: भारत की डिजिटल यात्रा का अगला पड़ाव

दुनिया के तमाम देश CBDCs की संरचना और क्रियान्वयन से जुड़ी र�

तंत्रज्ञान धोरण शक्तीशाली, कल्पक आणि सुरक्षित कसे बनवायचे?
Jan 05, 2023

तंत्रज्ञान धोरण शक्तीशाली, कल्पक आणि सुरक्षित कसे बनवायचे?

बड्या कंपन्यांच्या मक्तेदारीचा परिणाम राष्ट्रीय सार्व�

How can India make its technology policy powerful, innovative, and secure?
Apr 02, 2022

How can India make its technology policy powerful, innovative, and secure?

The monopoly of Big Tech firms impacts national sovereignty, fair competition, innovation diffusion, consumer rights, privacy, market efficiency, econ

EU परिषद आणि स्वीडनचे अध्यक्षपद
Dec 28, 2022

EU परिषद आणि स्वीडनचे अध्यक्षपद

स्वीडनचे 2023 चे अध्यक्षपद हे एका गंभीर टप्प्यावर आले आहे कारण युरोपला अनेक आव्हानांचा सामना करावा लागत आहे.

Financing India’s Green Transition
May 12, 2023

Financing India’s Green Transition

Climate change has emerged amongst India’s most formidable challenges to sustained GDP growth. To accelerate the implementation of the country’s commitments under the Paris Agreement and advance its progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, finance is key. India needs to develop a comprehensive strategy and an integrated policy approach that aligns the country’s financial systems with the long-term needs of the economy while incor

India and the Economic Meltdown: Challenges and Possible Responses
Apr 15, 2009

India and the Economic Meltdown: Challenges and Possible Responses

The financial crisis across the globe and the ensuing responses by nations and non-state actors has dominated both public consciousness and political debate in the recent past. The discussion on suitable stimulus packages, the causes for the financial disorder and future restructuring of the financial systems has often been dominated by the rhetoric of specific constituencies serving individual interests even as it loses sight of the substantive

The Use of AI in Arresting Financial Crime
Aug 19, 2024

The Use of AI in Arresting Financial Crime

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a promising solution to the challenges of inefficiency and high compliance costs in the fight against money laundering. This brief examines the capabilities, benefits, and challenges of AI in the context of detecting and preventing financial crime. The brief explores the ways in which AI can aid anti-money laundering efforts, particularly by reducing compliance costs and enhancing efficiency. The findin

देशासाठी पैसे कसे उभे करायचे?
Jul 20, 2020

देशासाठी पैसे कसे उभे करायचे?

कोरोना व आर्थिक मंदींच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर भारतासारख्या देशापुढे प्रश्न आहे, तो विकासासाठी पैसे उभे करण्याचा. त्यासाठी ’ब्लेंडेड फायनान्स’चा पर्याय पुढे येतोय.