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28 results found

वाहतुकीसाठी पर्यायी इंधन: प्रदूषण रोखण्यासाठी एलपीजी कितपत प्रभावी?
Dec 31, 2024

वाहतुकीसाठी पर्यायी इंधन: प्रदूषण रोखण्यासाठी एलपीजी कितपत प्रभावी?

एलपीजी हे जीवाश्म इंधन असले तरी ते पेट्रोल आणि डिझेलपेक्

परिवहन के वैकल्पिक ईंधन: प्रदूषण रोकने में LPG कितनी प्रभावी हो सकती है?
Dec 19, 2024

परिवहन के वैकल्पिक ईंधन: प्रदूषण रोकने में LPG कितनी प्रभावी हो सकती है?

हालांकि एलपीजी भी जीवाश्म ईंधन ही है लेकिन पेट्रोल और डी�

India: Trends in energy intensity
Nov 29, 2024

India: Trends in energy intensity

Although an increase in GDP marks an increase in energy consumption, India’s carbon and energy intensities have declined in the past decade, below t

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?
Mar 16, 2024

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?

Trends in consumption growth in the last two decades suggest that IEA’s expectation of a decline in demand for petrol in India on account of growth

Aspirations must be backed by investments for the energy transition
Jan 16, 2024

Aspirations must be backed by investments for the energy transition

To achieve both its development goals and energy transition goals, India needs consistently higher levels of growth in national income to enhance the

शीतकरणाचा विरोधाभास
Nov 08, 2023

शीतकरणाचा विरोधाभास

वाढत्या जागतिक तापमानाशी जुळवून घेण्याच्या आमच्‍या साम

Air-conditioner use in India: The cause of or the solution to a warmer world?
Jun 08, 2023

Air-conditioner use in India: The cause of or the solution to a warmer world?

Will the increase in energy consumption of the poor masses for cooling and other energy services help them adapt to a warmer world or contribute to a

Roadmaps and frameworks for achieving net-zero targets
Nov 02, 2021

Roadmaps and frameworks for achieving net-zero targets

Large climate financing is a prerequisite for net-zero transformation and innovations to reduce emissions. However, such financing must be recognised

Where does India stand in the road to energy efficiency?
Sep 13, 2018

Where does India stand in the road to energy efficiency?

With the current government’s plan to build 100 smart cities in India, buildings sector in India has a huge potential to achieve enhanced efficiency

Prospects of Indo-Japanese cooperation in energy efficiency
Jul 26, 2010

Prospects of Indo-Japanese cooperation in energy efficiency

Japanese are leaders in global technology dealing with energy efficiency and energy savings. As a result, Japan has lowest energy intensity amongst all countries. This situation was brought about in a dramatic change after the 1974 oil shock.

The Market for Energy Efficiency in India - No PATS on the Back Yet
Jul 23, 2011

The Market for Energy Efficiency in India - No PATS on the Back Yet

Under the PAT scheme, the market based mechanism created for achieving energy efficiency seems to be inherently flawed. While the market for energy efficiency is about 74,000 crores, it is unlikely that this potential can be tapped by the mechanism envisioned.

An Introduction to Green and Transition Finance
Sep 17, 2024

An Introduction to Green and Transition Finance

India presents a unique case of balancing decarbonisation efforts with industrial growth. While notable progress is being made in decarbonising the power and transport sectors, reducing industrial emissions poses a formidable challenge. To meet its decarbonisation targets, India will need massive capital flows, projected at US$10.1 trillion by 2070. While green finance will support technologies that align with the Paris Agreement, transition fina

Rural Development & Energy Policy: Lessons from Agricultural Mechanisation in South Asia
Jan 29, 2011

Rural Development & Energy Policy: Lessons from Agricultural Mechanisation in South Asia

The purpose of this paper is to reopen policy debates on the role of agricultural mechanisation in rural development. The paper examines very different and diverse patterns of agricultural mechanisation in some South Asian countries over the last 30 years

Small Hydro: Too Small for a National Mission?
Aug 23, 2023

Small Hydro: Too Small for a National Mission?

As India braces itself for an over-ambitious Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, it also has to deliberate the prospects of developing other renewable energy resources. Of all the non-conventional renewable energy sources, small hydro represents the highest density resource.

The Quad has defied critics
Sep 26, 2024

The Quad has defied critics

It has overcome sceptics to widen its ambit of partnership and also set a focused strategic agenda

ऊर्जासक्षमतेसाठी हवे आर्थिक समावेशन
Mar 26, 2019

ऊर्जासक्षमतेसाठी हवे आर्थिक समावेशन

जर आपल्याला स्वच्छ उर्जेची सोय तळागाळापर्यंत उपलब्ध करून द्यायची असेल, तर आपण वित्तीय व्यवस्था शेवटच्या माणसापर्यंत न्यायला हवी.

नैसर्गिक वायूला पर्याय द्रवीकृत पेट्रोलियम वायूचा
Oct 28, 2023

नैसर्गिक वायूला पर्याय द्रवीकृत पेट्रोलियम वायूचा

मॉड्युलर पॅकेजिंग व वाहतुकीसाठी योग्य आदी वैशिष्ट्यांमुळे तुलनेने स्वच्छ, पर्यायी इंधन म्हणून एलपीजीच्या औद्योगिक वापराला प्रोत्साहन दिले, तर देशाची आर्थिक व पर्यावर�

भारतामधील वीज वितरणाची कोंडी
Oct 18, 2021

भारतामधील वीज वितरणाची कोंडी

वीज दरांवर मर्यादा आल्यामुळे वीज पुरवठ्याच्या खर्‍या किंमतीवर परिणाम होतो, हे डिस्कॉम समोर समस्यांचे सर्वात महत्वाचे कारण आहे.