Search: For - Emerging Technologies

90 results found

युनिफाईड लेजर्स: आर्थिक कार्यक्षमतेची पायाभरणी
Jan 31, 2025

युनिफाईड लेजर्स: आर्थिक कार्यक्षमतेची पायाभरणी

युनिफाइड लेजरमध्ये आर्थिक प्रणालीत मूलभूत बदल घडवण्याच

Unified ledgers: Pioneering financial efficiency
Jan 23, 2025

Unified ledgers: Pioneering financial efficiency

Unified Ledgers have the potential to foundationally alter the financial system; however, they bring new threats to systemic stability, and their rapi

न्यूरोमोर्फिक संशोधन आणि नव्या तंत्रज्ञानात भारताची झेप
Jan 04, 2025

न्यूरोमोर्फिक संशोधन आणि नव्या तंत्रज्ञानात भारताची झेप

जरी न्यूरोमोर्फिक क्षेत्र तुलनेने नवीन असले तरी, भारतान�

Exploring India's potential in neuromorphic research
Dec 20, 2024

Exploring India's potential in neuromorphic research

Although neuromorphic approaches to hardware and software are still nascent, India should explore them to become a key player in the field of emerging

जागतिक क्वांटम सहकार्यासाठी प्रमुख आव्हाने आणि त्यांचे उपाय
Dec 16, 2024

जागतिक क्वांटम सहकार्यासाठी प्रमुख आव्हाने आणि त्यांचे उपाय

क्वांटम तंत्रज्ञान मानवतेच्या भविष्याला नवीन आकार देऊ �

Impediments in global quantum technology collaboration
Dec 06, 2024

Impediments in global quantum technology collaboration

Quantum technology could reshape humanity's future, requiring international norms to evolve accordingly. While efforts to ease collaboration exist, th

The application of emerging technologies in Maritime Domain Awareness
Nov 09, 2024

The application of emerging technologies in Maritime Domain Awareness

With the strategic importance of the oceans and a rise in illegal fishing, India must invest in emerging technologies for Maritime Domain Awareness

भारत में इनोवेशन इकोसिस्टम की सुरक्षा: काउंटर इंटेलिजेंस क्षमता का विकास ज़रूरी
Sep 14, 2024

भारत में इनोवेशन इकोसिस्टम की सुरक्षा: काउंटर इंटेलिजेंस क्षमता का विकास ज़रूरी

भारत जिस प्रकार से 2.5 फ्रंट युद्ध का सामना कर रहा है, ऐसी पर�

बायोसिक्युरिटी आणि बायोसेफ्टी : ‘आयसीईटी’साठी महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्यक्रम
Aug 27, 2024

बायोसिक्युरिटी आणि बायोसेफ्टी : ‘आयसीईटी’साठी महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्यक्रम

‘आयसीईटी’अंतर्गत बायोसिक्युरिटी आणि बायोसेफ्टी या दोह�

Biosecurity and biosafety: A pressing agenda for the iCET
Aug 09, 2024

Biosecurity and biosafety: A pressing agenda for the iCET

Enhanced collaboration between the US and India on biosecurity and biosafety under iCET could be highly advantageous

Leveraging emerging technologies to combat desertification and land degradation
Jun 04, 2024

Leveraging emerging technologies to combat desertification and land degradation

Although India has made a commendable effort to meet its Bonn Challenge commitments, adopting technology solutions would help substantiate it.

बदलत्या पश्चिम आशियामध्ये भारत आणि आखाती देशांमधील गुप्तचर संबंध
Apr 02, 2024

बदलत्या पश्चिम आशियामध्ये भारत आणि आखाती देशांमधील गुप्तचर संबंध

अस्थिर जागतिक सुरक्षेमुळे भारत व त्याचे आखाती भागीदार य�

Water footprint of emerging technology: A need for concern?
Mar 21, 2024

Water footprint of emerging technology: A need for concern?

With the increasing prevalence of emerging technologies, there arises a necessity for deeper scrutiny of their water footprint

Partners in unfamiliarity: India-Gulf intelligence relations in a changing West Asia
Mar 14, 2024

Partners in unfamiliarity: India-Gulf intelligence relations in a changing West Asia

A fluid global security landscape does not alter the fundamentals of intelligence cooperation between India and its Gulf partners, but widens the rang

Pioneering progress: Exploring the frontiers of AI-driven growth
Feb 08, 2024

Pioneering progress: Exploring the frontiers of AI-driven growth

AI is undeniably causing disruptions across the board. However, a shift in narrative is required to view AI as a constructive force, focusing on its p

Additive manufacturing in India
Dec 14, 2023

Additive manufacturing in India

With the incorporation of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 4D Printing, additive manufacturing is to be one of the primary

Strengthening biosecurity through bioattribution
Dec 05, 2023

Strengthening biosecurity through bioattribution

Establishing a global bioattribution enterprise is crucial to enhancing current frameworks, integrating emerging technologies, and fostering internati

Software services industry in transition
Aug 03, 2023

Software services industry in transition

As AI gains prominence in the software services industry, how India's tech companies deal with this will determine employment generation in this secto

Ethics of emerging technologies on the battlefield
Jul 12, 2023

Ethics of emerging technologies on the battlefield

By integrating diverse perspectives and expertise, it is possible to foster responsible development and deployment of AI in warfare

Tech cooperation defines India-US strategic alignment
Jul 03, 2023

Tech cooperation defines India-US strategic alignment

The current set of agreements between India and the US on emerging technologies implies that technology will now be at the core of their ties

Modi’s visit to the US
Jun 17, 2023

Modi’s visit to the US

Prime Minister’s visit to the US could prove to be pivotal as it aims to boost India-US economic and defence ties

Elevating the Australia-India maritime partnership
May 23, 2023

Elevating the Australia-India maritime partnership

India and Australia must raise the level of their engagement, going beyond pre-planned exercises and sporadic deployments

Likely impact of emerging technologies on India’s nuclear arsenal
May 10, 2023

Likely impact of emerging technologies on India’s nuclear arsenal

The use and deployment of nuclear weapons must firmly remain in the hands of human beings and never be delegated to any technological marvel, no matte

iCET: Upscaling India-US partnership for a tech-centric future
Feb 09, 2023

iCET: Upscaling India-US partnership for a tech-centric future

As we witness a tech scramble in the Indo-Pacific, the iCET aims to help the two countries to expand partnerships in critical and emerging technologie

Sustainability in space
Oct 11, 2022

Sustainability in space

Given the development of new and emerging technologies, the sense of urgency around space sustainability may soon skyrocket

The Quad and the wicked problem of tech standards
Jun 01, 2022

The Quad and the wicked problem of tech standards

The 5Gi case displays India’s ambition to play a significant role in the formation of the global tech regime.

Emerging and Critical Technologies: New Frontiers for an Aspirational India
Jan 26, 2022

Emerging and Critical Technologies: New Frontiers for an Aspirational India

India is seen as a bridging power that can narrow the divide between the developed and developing countries through the use and regulation of new and

The Indian Army: Emerging technologies and weapons platforms
Jan 12, 2022

The Indian Army: Emerging technologies and weapons platforms

Artificial Intelligence and Cyber technologies will augment the existing traditional combat platforms rather than rendering them obsolete  

Increasing Patient Capital to catalyse the development of Emerging Technologies: A call to action for Indian venture capitalists
Dec 10, 2021

Increasing Patient Capital to catalyse the development of Emerging Technologies: A call to action for Indian venture capitalists

If there was a large, liberal pool of patient investment capital, like in Silicon Valley, it is highly probable that there would be tremendous scope f

Fair space commerce: A key component of sustainable global space governance
Oct 18, 2021

Fair space commerce: A key component of sustainable global space governance

The focus needs to go beyond emerging technologies to include fundamental principles, such as the protection of sovereignty, free and fair trade, and

Back to the tech future: Do emerging critical technologies provide an ‘edge’ against new global uncertainties and threats?
Oct 18, 2021

Back to the tech future: Do emerging critical technologies provide an ‘edge’ against new global uncertainties and threats?

There is a need to speculate on how the international order will be changed, if at all, by critical technologies

A Quad 2.0 Agenda for Critical and Emerging Technologies
Sep 24, 2021

A Quad 2.0 Agenda for Critical and Emerging Technologies

With the Quad Critical and Emerging Technology Working Group established, it is affirmed that the “Spirit of Quad” has widened its horizons to inc

Trust but verify: A narrative analysis of “trusted” tech supply chains
Apr 21, 2021

Trust but verify: A narrative analysis of “trusted” tech supply chains

The contours of global supply chains in the 2020s and beyond will be shaped by the evolving understandings of “trust.”

First Quad leaders meeting: An agenda beyond security
Mar 16, 2021

First Quad leaders meeting: An agenda beyond security

Besides vaccine diplomacy, this Quad meeting deliberated on matters like climate change, and critical and emerging technologies.

Tech @2021: The dark underbelly of the chrome age
Jan 04, 2021

Tech @2021: The dark underbelly of the chrome age

As we enter the new decade, it is critical that nations and communities be able to realise the transformative potential of emerging technologies, in a

Networked security: 5G and supply chains
Dec 30, 2020

Networked security: 5G and supply chains

While the geopolitical contestation in emerging technologies will continue, the importance of strengthening policies towards network security cannot b

D10 or Bust? Finding purpose in the 5G club of democracies
Jun 10, 2020

D10 or Bust? Finding purpose in the 5G club of democracies

Is being ‘anti-China’ a compelling enough driver to bring the ten disparate democracies together?

The NEST: A pragmatic addition to India’s external affairs ministry
Mar 30, 2020

The NEST: A pragmatic addition to India’s external affairs ministry

The NEST division is a significant development and underscores the importance of emerging technologies to India’s expanding digital landscape and do